
LabourStart in Numbers – June 2014


* While most of our mailing lists are growing slowly or not at all, we saw a huge increase in our Korean list this month, now up to well over 3,000 addresses and our 7th largest list. The German list overtook Spanish to become our third largest list, as expected. A year ago, the German list had only 3,199 subscribers, so it’s gone up by over 2,000; the Korean list soared from 153 to over 3,000 in the same period. Meanwhile the English list has seen a net growth of just 5,000 in the same period.

* Our Twitter following continues to grow quite well. We’ve picked up almost 3,000 new followers to our main English feed in the last year.

* Traffic to our campaigns coming via mobile phones is soaring: we’re up to more than 1 in 4 people who visit our campaigns do so on a small screen device. More supporters of our campaigns come via iPhones than Mac desktops and laptops. Just three months ago, 18.6% of our campaign supporters came via mobile devices; today that’s 25.2%.


Mailing lists [with 200 or more subscribers]

English: 85,258 [85,334]
French: 7,859 [7,827]
German: 5,242 [5,147]
Spanish: 5,176 [5,150]
Italian: 4,097 [4,099]
Turkish: 3,450 [3,442]
Korean: 3,081 [2,122]
Norwegian: 2,889 [2,876]
Russian: 2,525 [2,525]
Dutch: 1,369 [1,355]
Chinese: 1,105 [1,073]
Finnish: 655 [655]
Japanese: 494 [494]
Arabic: 471 [469]
Portuguese: 356 [356]
Indonesian: 325 316 [265]
Polish: 269 [269]
Tagalog: 254 [254]
Hebrew: 250 [246]
Farsi: 242 [242]

Social networks

Twitter followers

English: 12,455 [12,272]
Canada English: 3,273 [3,191]
Canada French: 465 [445]
USA: 344 [304]
French: 210 [209]
Spanish: 72 [69]
German: 58 [58]
Indonesia: 41 [32]
Japanese: 23 [23]
Russian: 17 [17]
Portuguese: 7 [7]


Like LabourStart.org page (English): 8,763 [8,710]
Members of LabourStart group: 7,796 [7,691]
Like LabourStart page (French): 429 [421]
Like LabourStart page (German): 355 [344]
Like LabourStart page (Turkish): 137 [135]
Like LabourStart page (Hebrew): 108 [108]


Members: 5,793 [5,780]


LabourStart group: 1,680 [1,646]


Union group on Flickr: 782 [778]


Correspondents: 725 [714]

Website traffic

LabourStart.org (Clicky)

Total visitors: 34,769 [43,005]

Where they come from:

USA – 8,200 [9,670]
Canada – 5,899 [6,694]
UK – 4,655 [5,711]
Australia – 2,313 [2,630]
Norway – 1,480 [1,665]
Germany – 1,160 [3,126]
France – 778 [911]
Austria 729 [–]
Sweden 624 [–]
Ireland 586 [–]

Their operating systems:

Windows – 69.3% [68.3%]
Mobile – 12,6% [14.6%] (iOS – 7.5% [7.8%]; Android – 3.8% [4.8%])
Mac – 16.1% [15.1%
Linux – 2.1% [2.1%]

LabourStartCampaigns.net (Clicky)

Total visitors: 28,332 [32,148]

Where they come from:

UK – 4,094 [4,995]
USA – 3,628 [4,943]
Canada – 3,603 [3,698]
Korea – 1,638 [–]
Australia – 1,474 [1,644]
Germany – 1,289 [2,408]
Norway – 1,081 [–]
France – 1,081 [983]
Belgium – 1,076 [1,036]
Taiwan – 813 [–]

Their operating systems:

Windows – 62.8% [66.5%]
Mobile – 25.2% [20.9%] (iOS – 10.5% [8.9% ] ; Android – 13.2% [9.5%])
Mac – 10% [10.4%]
Linux – 1.9% [2.1%]


LabourStart in Numbers – May 2014

Mailing lists [with 200 or more subscribers]

English: 85,334 [85,670]
French: 7,827 [7,801]
Spanish: 5,150 [5,131]
German: 5,147 [5,069]
Italian: 4,099 [4,115]
Turkish: 3,442 [3,440]
Norwegian: 2,876 [2,878]
Russian: 2,525 [2,524]
Korean: 2,122 [2,122]
Dutch: 1,355 [1,349]
Chinese: 1,073 [1,073]
Finnish: 655 [609]
Japanese: 494 [494]
Arabic: 469 [390]
Portuguese: 356 [351]
Indonesian: 316 [265]
Polish: 269 [269]
Tagalog: 254 [254]
Hebrew: 246 [243]
Farsi: 242 [242]

Social networks

Twitter followers

English: 12,272 [11,995]
Canada English: 3,191 [3,067]
Canada French: 445 [432]
USA: 304 [252]
French: 209 [209]
Spanish: 69 [66]
German: 58 [48]
Indonesia: 32 [26]
Japanese: 23 [23]
Russian: 17 [17]
Portuguese: 7 [7]


Like LabourStart.org page (English): 8,710 [8,633]
Members of LabourStart group: 7,691 [7,511]
Like LabourStart page (French): 421 [418]
Like LabourStart page (German): 344 [315]
Like LabourStart page (Turkish): 135 [134]
Like LabourStart page (Hebrew): 108 [105]


Members: 5,780 [5,760]


LabourStart group: 1,646 [1,625]


Union group on Flickr: 778 [774]


Correspondents: 714 [703]

Website traffic

LabourStart.org (Clicky)

Total visitors: 43,005 [40,845]

Where they come from:

USA – 9,670 [9,419]
Canada – 6,694 [7,245]
UK – 5,711 [5,478]
Germany – 3,126 [1,671]
Australia – 2,630 [2,670]
Norway – 1,665 [1,562]
France – 911 [871]
Indonesia – 853 [760]
Netherlands — 813 [–]
Belgium — 738 [718]

Their operating systems:

Windows – 68.3% [68.9%]
Mobile – 14.6% [13.8%] (iOS – 7.8% [7.2%]; Android – 4.8% [4.7%])
Mac – 15.1% [15.4%]
Linux – 2.1% [1.9%]

LabourStartCampaigns.net (Clicky)

Total visitors: 32,148 [33,523]

Where they come from:

UK – 4,995 [4,679]
USA – 4,943 [4,343]
Canada – 3,698 [4,980]
Germany – 2,408 [3,292]
Australia – 1,644 [1,450]
Indonesia — 1,643 [–]
Spain – 1,282 [1,153]
Belgium – 1,036 [1,186]
France – 983 [1,224]
Italy – 897 [884]

Their operating systems:

Windows – 66.5% [68.5%]
Mobile – 20.9% [18.8%] (iOS – 8.9% [9.8%] ; Android – 9.5% [7.7%])
Mac – 10.4% [10.6%]
Linux – 2.1% [2.1%]


LabourStart in Numbers – April 2014

My comments this time appear below, at appropriate points in the long lists of numbers.

Mailing lists [with 200 or more subscribers]

The most spectacular gain this month has been to our German mailing list — which grew by 850 subscribers net. This is substantially greater than the total growth for all other lists combined. At this rate, German will become our third largest list sometime this month.  A year ago, this list had just over 2,000 subscribers.

English: 85,670 [85,432] +238
French: 7,801 [7,707] +94
Spanish: 5,131 [5,106] +25
German: 5,069 [4,219] +850
Italian: 4,115 [4,110] +5
Turkish: 3,440 [3,253] +187
Norwegian: 2,878 [2,907]
Russian: 2,524 [2,525]
Korean: 2,122 [2,122]
Dutch: 1,349 [1,391]
Chinese: 1,073 [1,073]
Finnish: 609 [624]
Japanese: 494 [494]
Arabic: 390 [381] +9
Portuguese: 351 [338] +13
Polish: 269 [269]
Indonesian: 265 [262] +3
Tagalog: 254 [254]
Hebrew: 243 [250]
Farsi: 242 [242]

Social networks

Twitter followers

The big news here is the launch of our LabourStart Indonesia twitter feed — an initiative by our new correspondent, Pete Moss, who covers Indonesian news.  And the main English Twitter feed continues to grow at a healthy pace, and is just under 12,000 followers.  (The ITUC has 5,407 followers; the ILO has 29,885 — we’re in the middle.)

English: 11,995 [11,816]
Canada English: 3,067 [2,957]
Canada French: 432 [416]
French: 209 [205]
USA: 252 [209]
Spanish: 66 [67]
German: 48 [45]
Indonesia: 26 [new]
Japanese: 23 [23]
Russian: 17 [16]
Portuguese: 7 [7]


What’s interesting here is that 3 times as many people joined our Group than liked our Page in English this month. There’s obviously a dynamic to Group growth that our page on Facebook is missing. It’s very important therefore to always post new campaigns, etc to both the Page and the Group.

Like LabourStart.org page (English): 8,633 [8,546]
Members of LabourStart group: 7,511 [7,268]
Like LabourStart page (French): 418 [409]
Like LabourStart page (German): 315 [301]
Like LabourStart page (Turkish): 134 [131]
Like LabourStart page (Hebrew): 105 [105]


Now really stagnant, the question is — do we spin this off somehow? Maybe someone could be persuaded to buy it from us?

Members: 5,760 [5,750]


LabourStart group: 1,625 [1,605]


A small gain this month as we asked our worker-photographers to submit May Day photos and join the group. Still, when you email 90,000+ people and that leads to a gain of just 26, it’s not that impressive.  (Our LinkedIn group, which we do absolutely nothing to promote, grew by  nearly as much.)

Union group on Flickr: 774 [748]


Correspondents: 703 [699]

Website traffic

LabourStart.org (1&1 statistics)

Total visits: 638,835 [635,661]

LabourStart.org (Clicky)

Total visitors: 40,845 [40,645]

Where they come from:

Sweden continues to bring us hundreds of visitors every month — even though we still don’t have a proper news page or active correspondents in that language. Something to work on.  The other popular news pages here (English, German, Norwegian, French and Indonesian) are all updated regularly.

USA – 9,419 [8,525]
Canada – 7,245 [8,140]
UK – 5,478 [4,809]
Australia – 2,670 [2,618]
Germany – 1,671 [1,526]
Norway – 1,562 [2,132]
France – 871 [820]
Sweden – 784 [888]
Indonesia – 760 [1,252]
Belgium — 718 [–]

Their operating systems:

Windows – 68.9% [68.2%]
Mobile – 13.8% [15.6%] (iOS – 7.2% [7.3%]; Android – 4.7% [5.6%])
Mac – 15.4% [14.8%]
Linux – 1.9% [1.4%]

LabourStartCampaigns.net (Clicky)

Total visitors: 33,523 [29,094]

Where they come from:

Good to see Turkey back in the top 5, no doubt due to our having just launched two campaigns relating to Turkey. Note also huge gains in German traffic to our campaigns, up six-fold in two months.  Also note increased traffic for every single one of our top ten languages.

Canada – 4,980 [6,464]
UK – 4,679 [3,965]
USA – 4,343 [4,087]
Germany – 3,292 [1,236]
Turkey — 1,805 [–]
Australia – 1,450 [1,349]
France – 1,224 [1,152]
Belgium – 1,186 [1,030]
Spain – 1,153 [1,038]
Italy – 884 [750]

Their operating systems:

Nearly one in five people who support our online campaigns now do so using a smartphone or tablet — watch this number grow month on month.

Windows – 68.5% [68.4%]
Mobile – 18.8% [18.6%] (iOS – 9.8% [10.1%]; Android – 7.7% [6.9%])
Mac – 10.6% [11.1%]
Linux – 2.1% [1.8%]


LabourStart in Numbers – March 2014

Some highlights – focussing on the good news:

There have been huge increases to our Japanese, Portuguese, Arabic and Korean mailing lists — as high as a 27% gain for the Japanese list. The German list continues to grow, and has replaced Italian as our 5th largest list.

We saw growth in traffic to both our websites (the news and campaigning sites), with a doubling of traffic to the latter (due to new campaigns being launched in March).

For the first time we’re seeing Morocco appearing in the top 10 countries bringing traffic to LabourStart — this  is no doubt due to our campaign on behalf of the “Casablanca 5”.

In this report for the first time I provide data on which operating systems people are using to access LabourStart. It will be interesting to compare this month on month. Interesting to note that almost one in five users of our campaigns does so through a smartphone or tablet, with only about 80% still doing this through desktop and laptop computers.  The launch of our website for small screen devices couldn’t have come at a better time.

Mailing lists [with 200 or more subscribers]

English: 85,432 [85,207]
French: 7,707 [7,603]
Spanish: 5,106 [5,136]
German: 4,219 [4,062]
Italian: 4,110 [4,143]
Turkish: 3,253 [3,253]
Norwegian: 2,907 [2,836]
Russian: 2,525 [2,518]
Korean: 2,122 [1,834] +16%
Dutch: 1,391 [1,400]
Chinese: 1,073 [1,073]
Finnish: 624 [622]
Japanese: 494 [390] +27%
Arabic: 381 [319] +19%
Portuguese: 338 [269] +26%
Polish: 269 [269]
Indonesian: 262 [254]
Tagalog: 254 [254]
Hebrew: 250 [246]
Farsi: 242 [242]

Social networks

Twitter followers

English: 11,816 [11,571]
Canada English: 2,957 [2,853]
Canada French: 416 [395]
French: 205 [201]
USA: 209 [187]
Spanish: 67 [67]
German: 45 [42]
Japanese: 23 [23]
Russian: 16 [16]
Portuguese: 7 [7]


Like LabourStart.org page (English): 8,546 [8,475]
Members of LabourStart group: 7,268 [6,843]
Like LabourStart page (French): 409 [389]
Like LabourStart page (German): 301 [279]
Like LabourStart page (Turkish): 131 [131]
Like LabourStart page (Hebrew): 105 [105]

Members: 5,750 [5,737]

LabourStart group: 1,605 [1,562]

Union group on Flickr: 748 [744]


Correspondents: 699 [698]

Website traffic

LabourStart.org (1&1 statistics)

Total visits: 635,661 [552,898]

LabourStart.org (Clicky)

Total visitors: 40,645 [32,524]

Where they come from:

USA – 8,525 [7,311]
Canada – 8,140 [5,317]
UK – 4,809 [3,408]
Australia – 2,618 [2,083]
Norway – 2,132 [1,791]
Germany – 1,526 [1,126]
Indonesia – 1,252 [849]
Sweden – 888 [683]
France – 820 [721]
Netherlands – 712 [–]

Their operating systems:

Windows – 68.2%
Mobile – 15.6% (iOS – 7.3%; Android – 5.6%)
Mac – 14.8%
Linux – 1.4%

LabourStartCampaigns.net (Clicky)

Total visitors: 29,094 [15,361]

Where they come from:

Canada – 6,464 [1,933]
USA – 4,087 [2,144]
UK – 3,965 [1,755]
Australia – 1,349 [882]
Germany – 1,236 [554]
France – 1,152 [644]
Spain – 1,038 [446]
Belgium – 1,030 [1,133]
Italy – 750
Morocco – 720

Their operating systems:

Windows – 68.4%
Mobile – 18.6% (iOS – 10.1%; Android – 6.9%)
Mac – 11.1%
Linux – 1.8%


LabourStart in Numbers – February 2014

February was not a good month for our statistics — across the board, we saw notable falls in traffic to our website.

The reason is simple: we launched just one campaign in February, and had fewer mailings than usual.  So while we still have tens of thousands of people who visit our website every day, the main source of traffic is always the campaigns.  New and popular campaigns are the only way to rapidly grow traffic to our site.

The previous month’s numbers are in brackets below. Notable growth is indicated in bold, green.

Mailing lists [with 200 or more subscribers]

English: 85,207 [85,250]
French: 7,603 [7,215]
Spanish: 5,136 [5,156]
Italian: 4,143 [4,146]
German: 4,062 [4,070]
Turkish: 3,253 [3,253]
Norwegian: 2,836 [2,902]
Russian: 2,518 [2,874]
Korean: 1,834 [1,861]
Dutch: 1,400 [1,401]
Chinese: 1,073 [1,074]
Finnish: 622 [630]
Japanese: 390 [391]
Arabic: 319 [321]
Portuguese: 269 [269]
Polish: 269 [280]
Indonesian: 254 [263]
Tagalog: 254 [254]
Hebrew: 246 [247]
Farsi: 242 [242]

Social networks

Twitter followers

English: 11,571 [11,409]
Canada English: 2,853 [2,751]
Canada French: 395 [378]
French: 201 [200]
USA: 187 [168]
Spanish: 67 [67]
German: 42 [38]
Japanese: 23 [23]
Russian: 16 [16]
Portuguese: 7 [7]


Like LabourStart.org page (English): 8,475 [8,381]
Members of LabourStart group: 6,843 [6,715]
Like LabourStart page (French): 389 [380]
Like LabourStart page (German): 279 [235]
Like LabourStart page (Turkish): 131 [131]
Like LabourStart page (Hebrew): 105 [104]

Members: 5,737 [5,707]

LabourStart group: 1,562 [1,521]

Union group on Flickr: 744 [743]


Correspondents: 698 [691]

Website traffic

LabourStart.org (1&1 statistics)

Total visits: 552,898 [671,485]
Peak day: 23,305 [29,980]
Page impressions: 1,425,275 [1,568,434]

LabourStart.org (Clicky)

Total visitors: 32,524 [58,483]
Peak day: 3,212 [6,041]
Where they come from:
USA – 7,311 [13,091]
Canada – 5,317 [10,499]
UK – 3,408 [9,123]
Australia – 2,083 [4,081]
Norway – 1,791 [2,226]
Germany – 1,126 [1,690]
Indonesia – 849 [949]
India – 828 [–]
France – 721 [1,101]
Sweden – 683 [1,163]

LabourStartCampaigns.net (Clicky)

Total visitors: 15,361 [58,832]
Peak day: 3,636 [6,959]
Where they come from:
USA – 2,144 [9,441]
Canada – 1,933 [9,116]
UK – 1,755 [8,750]
Russia – 1,304 [4,739]
Belgium – 1,133 [1,730]
Australia – 882 [3,165]
South Korea – 709 [–]
France – 644 [2,004]
Germany – 554 [2,535]
Spain – 446 [1,933]


LabourStart in Numbers – January 2014

The previous month’s numbers are in brackets below.  Notable growth is indicated in bold, green. (more…)


LabourStart in Numbers – December 2013

The previous month’s numbers are in brackets below.

Some highlights:

  • Very big gains for our mailing lists — now well over 120,000 (121,362).  Over 30% of all subscribers are to the non-English lists — 36,555.
  • As I reported earlier, the ten-fold growth of the Korean list is a spectacular result of our most recent campaign — plus an effort by the teachers’ union there as well.
  • On Facebook, our Group continues to grow considerably faster than our Page.  And both are being outpaced by our growth on Twitter — now at 11,255 for the global English feed.
  • Our statistics for web traffic show huge growth from Germany, Russia and Korea — no doubt due to our most recent campaigns.

Mailing lists

Total for all lists: 121,362 [117,869] +3,493

English: 84,807 [83,669]
French: 7,111 [6,813]
Spanish: 5,134 [5,138]
Italian: 3,992 [4,002]
German: 3,887 [3,870]
Turkish: 3,272 [3,272]
Norwegian: 2,902 [2,911]
Russian: 2,464 [2,091]
Korean: 1,786 [178]
Dutch: 1,405 [1,414]
Chinese: 1,073 [1,073]
Finnish: 581 [584]
Japanese: 391 [334]
Arabic: 321 [321]
Polish: 280 [281]
Portuguese: 273 [263]
Tagalog: 254 [254]
Hebrew: 243 [246]
Farsi: 242 [241]
Indonesian: 223 [199]
Swedish: 192 [192]
Danish: 127 [134]
Czech: 87 [86]
Esperanto: 86 [75]
Thai: 68 [68]
Greek: 59 [59]
Hindi: 40 [40]
Slovak: 20 [19]
Bulgarian: 18 [18]
Creole: 12 [12]
Vietnamese:12 [12]

Social networks

Twitter followers

English: 11,255 [10,774]
Canada English: 2,619 [2,521]
Canada French: 342 [318]
French: 199 [194]
USA: 102 [78]
Spanish: 65 [63]
Japanese: 23 [23]
Russian: 16 [16]
German: 16 [15]
Portuguese: 7 [7]

Like LabourStart.org page (English): 8,268 [8,167]
Members of LabourStart group: 6,463 [6,281]
Like LabourStart page (French): 364 [350]
Like LabourStart page (Turkish): 130 [129]
Like LabourStart page (Hebrew): 104 [103]

Members: 5,682 [5,657]

LabourStart group: 1,492 [1,465]

Union group on Flickr: 741 [740]


Correspondents: 684 [678]

Website traffic

LabourStart.org (1&1 statistics)

Total visits: 647,661 [629,107]
Peak day: 27,297 [26,535]
Page impressions: 1,548,778 [1,556,129]

LabourStart.org (Clicky)

Total visitors: 42,201 [51,338]
Peak day: 4,652 [5,127]
Where they come from:
USA – 9,947 [9,902]
Canada – 6,955 [7,865]
UK – 5,553 [6,885]
Australia – 2,656 [2,785]
Germany – 1,482 [944]
Norway – 1,395 [1,748]
Indonesia – 1,325 [8,133]
South Korea – 938 [–]
France – 840 [788]
Sweden – 799 [913]

LabourStartCampaigns.net (Clicky)

Total visitors: 50,997 [28,299]
Peak day: 5,651 [5,181]
Where they come from:
USA – 8,571 [4,997]
South Korea – 7,267
UK – 6,295 [5,841]
Canada – 5,494 [4,076]
Russia – 2,308
Australia – 2,305 [1,798]
France – 2,127 [966]
Germany – 1,797 [742]
Spain – 1,633 [1,101]
Belgium – 1,110 [925]


LabourStart in Numbers – November 2013

Our mailing lists grew slightly smaller as despite running new campaigns, we were running them to the same audiences, not picking up new ones. (We’re down over 600 subscribers this month.) It’s vitally important that unions which partner with us when doing a campaign understand this — otherwise our list will continue to fall little by little every month.

And though our numbers on social networks are steadily rising, there was a falling off of traffic to our websites.

The previous month’s numbers are in brackets below.

Mailing lists

Total for all lists: 117,869 [118,504]

English: 83,669 [84,236]
French: 6,813 [6,828]
Spanish: 5,138 [5,140]
Italian: 4,002 [4,026]
German: 3,870 [3,886]
Turkish: 3,272 [3,274]
Norwegian: 2,911 [2,927]
Russian: 2,091 [2,089]
Dutch: 1,414 [1,426]
Chinese: 1,073 [1,078]
Finnish: 584 [570]
Japanese: 334 [334]
Arabic: 321 [322]
Polish: 281 [282]
Portuguese: 263 [256]
Tagalog: 254 [254]
Hebrew: 246 [247]
Farsi: 241 [245]
Indonesian: 199 [182]
Swedish: 192 [195]
Korean 178 [177]
Danish: 134 [137]
Czech: 86 [88]
Esperanto: 75 [74]
Thai: 68 [68]
Greek: 59 [60]
Hindi: 40 [40]
Slovak: 19 [19]
Bulgarian: 18 [19]
Creole: 12 [13]
Vietnamese:12 [12]

Social networks

Twitter followers

English: 10,774 [10,478]
Canada English: 2,521 [2,430]
Canada French: 318 [304]
French: 194 [189]
USA: 78 [57]
Spanish: 63 [62]
Japanese: 23 [23]
Russian: 16 [16]
German: 15 [15]
Portuguese: 7 [7]

Like LabourStart.org page (English): 8,167 [7,998]
Members of LabourStart group: 6,281 [6,106]
Like LabourStart page (French): 350 [343]
Like LabourStart page (Turkish): 129 [129]
Like LabourStart page (Hebrew): 103 [99]

Members: 5,657 [5,635]

LabourStart group: 1,465 [1,429]

Union group on Flickr: 740 [738]


Correspondents: 678 [673]

Website traffic

LabourStart.org (1&1 statistics)

Total visits: 629,107 [669,594]
Peak day: 26,535 [27,154]
Page impressions: 1,556,129 [1,707,274]

LabourStart.org (Clicky)

Total visitors: 51,338 [63,424]
Peak day: 5,127 [4,966]
Where they come from:
USA – 9,902 [11,091]
Indonesia – 8,133 [12,967]
Canada –  7,865 [10,208]
UK – 6,885 [8,086]
Australia – 2,785 [3,179]
Norway – 1,748 [1,897]
Germany – 944 [932]
Sweden – 913 [966]
France – 788 [807]
Netherlands – 679 [—]

LabourStartCampaigns.net (Clicky)

Total visitors: 28,299 [41,088]
Peak day: 5,181 [6,044]
Where they come from:
UK – 5,841 [5,809]
USA – 4,997 [5,821]
Canada – 4,076 [6,692]
Australia – 1,798 [1,882]
Spain – 1,101 [1,787]
France – 966 [1,216]
Belgium – 925 [1,649]
Norway – 778 [1,017]
Germany – 742 [1,669]
Netherlands 626 —


LabourStart in Numbers – October 2013

Gains are reported in green and losses in red.  Previous month’s numbers in brackets.

Mailing lists

Total for all lists: 118,464 [116,485]

English: 84,236 [83,741]
French: 6,828 [6,717]
Spanish: 5,140 [4,994]
Italian: 4,026 [4,004]
German: 3,886 [3,323]
Turkish: 3,274 [3,281]
Norwegian: 2,927 [2,472]
Russian: 2,089 [2,093]
Dutch: 1,426 [1,376]
Chinese: 1,078 [1,010]
Finnish: 570 [577]
Japanese: 334 [334]
Arabic: 322 [315]
Polish: 282 [282]
Portuguese: 256 [247]
Tagalog: 254 [254]
Hebrew: 247 [225]
Farsi: 245 [213]
Swedish: 195 [193]
Indonesian: 182 [163]
Korean 177 [154]
Danish: 137 [137]
Czech: 88 [88]
Esperanto: 74 [61]
Thai: 68 [68]
Greek: 60 [60]
Hindi: 40 [40]
Slovak: 19 [19]
Bulgarian: 19 [19]
Creole: 13 [13]
Vietnamese: 12 [12]

Social networks

Twitter followers –

English: 10,478 [10,266]
Canada English: 2,430 [2,289]
Canada French: 304 [234]
French: 189 [187]
Spanish: 62 [59]
USA: 57 [31]
Japanese: 23 [23]
Russian: 16 [15]
German: 15 [15]
Portuguese: 7 [7]

Facebook –
Like LabourStart.org page (English): 7,998 [7,925]
Members of LabourStart group: 6,106 [5,936]
Like LabourStart page (French): 343 [340]
Like LabourStart page (Turkish): 129 [127]
Like LabourStart page (Hebrew): 99 [99]

UnionBook –
Members: 5,635 [5,627]

LinkedIn – LabourStart group: 1,429 [1,403]

Union group on Flickr: 738 [734]


Correspondents: 673 [663]

Website traffic

LabourStart.org (1&1 statistics)

Total visits: 669,594 [623,875]
Peak day: 27,154 [34,420]
Page impressions: 1,707,274 [1,845,122]

LabourStart.org (Clicky)

Total visitors: 63,424 [51,799]
Peak day: 4,966 [7,798]
Where they come from:
*** Indonesia – 12,967 [4,665] ***
USA – 11,091 [9,789]
Canada – 10,208 [9,138]
UK – 8,086 [8,469]
Australia – 3,179 [3,048]
Norway – 1,897 [1,733]
Sweden – 966 [935]
Germany – 932 [867]
Belgium – 842
France – 807

LabourStartCampaigns.net (Clicky)

Total visitors: 41,088 [42,534]
Peak day: 6,044 [11,817]
Where they come from:
Canada – 6,692 [9,197]
USA – 5,821 [6,482]
UK – 5,809 [7,119]
Australia – 1,882 [2,561]
Spain – 1,787 [1,456]
Germany – 1,669 [1,115]
Belgium – 1,649 [1,074]
Italy – 1,335
France – 1,216 [1,091]
Norway – 1,017


LabourStart in Numbers – September 2013

Following up on popular requests (well, Derek), I’ve added some website stats this month.

These should be taken with a grain of salt — actually, a bucket-load of salt.

We are increasingly using Clicky to measure our web traffic and that’s the only system we use on the campaign pages.

The Clicky code has not been placed on every single page on LabourStart.org (the news site), but it should also give a good indication of the number of actual visitors to the live section of the website.

So, why is 1&1 giving a much larger number?

Hard to tell — some of that is, strangely enough, “internal traffic” from 1&1’s own servers, a lot of it will be robots and spammers.

Over time, we’ll put the Clicky code on even more pages on our site to try to make sure that we’re not missing anything, but we’re certainly not missing traffic to our home pages in the various languages.  (Except French, which only moved over to the new system in mid-month, and is therefore missing Clicky stats for the first part of the month.)

Starting next month, we’ll be able to compare, to note any increases if they happen.

Already, interesting to note fairly high traffic from countries which don’t play a big role in our campaigns, but seem to come visit our news pages — Indonesia and India in particular.  I can’t really explain the surge in interest from South Korea to our campaigns pages — it didn’t translate into people signing up to campaigns in Korean, though perhaps they were directed to a different language by a link somewhere.  (75 people from South Korea did sign the English language message to Ban Ki-moon.)

The most important day, all three sets of statistics agree on this, was Monday, 23 September — the day we launched our campaign targetting UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.  Somewhere between 12,000 and 34,000 trade unionists visited LabourStart on that day.

New! Website traffic

LabourStart.org (1&1 statistics)

Total visits: 623,875
Peak day: 34,420 on 23.9
Page impressions: 1,845,122

LabourStart.org (Clicky)

Total visitors: 51,799
Peak day: 7,798 on 23.9
Where they come from:
USA – 9,789
Canada – 9,138
UK – 8,469
Indonesia – 4,665
Australia – 3,048
Norway – 1,733
New Zealand – 1,226
India – 1,021
Sweden – 935
Germany – 867

LabourStartCampaigns.net (Clicky)

Total visitors: 42,534
Peak day: 11,817 on 23.9
Where they come from:
Canada – 9,197
UK – 7,119
USA – 6,482
Australia – 2,561
Spain – 1,456
New Zealand – 1,363
Germany – 1,115
South Korea – 1,102
France – 1,091
Belgium – 1,074

Mailing lists

New! Total for all lists: 116,485

[This was 103,324 8 months ago – a net gain of 13,161 new subscribers, or 1,645 per month]

English: 83,741 [81,907]
French: 6,717 [6,443]
Spanish: 4,994 [4,905]
Italian: 4,004 [4,017]
German: 3,323 [3,312]
Turkish: 3,281 [3,283]
Norwegian: 2,472 [2,433]
Russian: 2,093 [2,051]
Dutch: 1,376 [1,377]
Chinese: 1,010 [1,011]
Finnish: 577 [577]
Japanese: 334 [334]
Arabic: 315 [313]
Polish: 282 [282]
Tagalog: 254 [254]
Portuguese: 247 [248]
Hebrew: 225 [215]
Farsi: 213 [207]
Swedish: 193 [195]
Indonesian: 163 [153]
Korean 154 [154]
Danish: 137 [137]
Czech: 88 [88]
Thai: 68 [68]
Esperanto: 61 [55]
Greek: 60 [60]
Hindi: 40 [40]
Slovak: 19 [19]
Bulgarian: 19 [19]
Creole: 13 [13]
Vietnamese: 12 [12]

Social networks

Twitter followers –

English: 10,266 [10,033]
Canada English: 2,289 [2167]
Canada French: 234 [219]
French: 187
Spanish: 59
USA: 31 New!
Japanese: 23
German: 15
Russian: 15
Portuguese: 7

Facebook –
Like LabourStart.org page (English):7,925 [7,832]
Members of LabourStart group: 5,936 [5,689]
Like LabourStart page (French): 340 [329]
Like LabourStart page (Turkish): 127 [126]
Like LabourStart page (Hebrew): 99 [97]

UnionBook –
Members: 5,627 [5,610]

LinkedIn – LabourStart group: 1,403 [1,383]

Union group on Flickr: 734 [732]


Correspondents: 663 [670]

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