
LabourStart in Numbers: 5 March 2021

The first number next to each item is the current total as of today; the second number is the total as of the first day of last month.  Where one number is provided it means that there has been no change since last month.

Lists or accounts that have shrunk are in Italics.  Lists or accounts experiencing significant growth are in bold.

We continue to see the effects of the EU’s GDPR.  Our lists are growing again but not at the rate that was common for most of our lists prior to its implementation.

Mailing Lists:

The top 10:

English: 74628-74596

French: 7715-7635

German: 5825-5783

Spanish: 5155-5119

Turkish: 4279-4277

Korean: 3317

Italian: 3270-3265

Russian: 2715-2708

Norwegian: 2257-2260

Dutch: 1460-1445


The others:

Arabic:  817-819

Belarusian:  288-287

Bulgarian: 17

Chinese: 964

Creole:  11

Czech: 65-64

Danish: 99-101

Esperanto: 165-162

Farsi:  212

Finnish:  517-516

Georgian:  142-138

Greek: 54

Hebrew:  307-241

Hindi:  35

Hungarian:  191-192

Indonesian:  433-432

Japanese: 402

Polish: 860-857

Portuguese: 1313-1310

Punjabi:  2

Romanian:  39

Sinhalese: 1

Slovakian: 15

Swedish: 1012

Tagalog: 159

Thai:  152

Ukrainian: 306-317

Vietnamese:  21-24

LabourStart Correspondents:  643

LabourStart Translators:  86-83



834-835 members. 

10129-10095 photos.


Facebook Pages/Groups:

No concerted effort was made in the past month to increase our numbers. page likes:  13514-13501 page follows: 14391-14368

Global Labour News and Information: 8861-8864

LabourStart UK:  2131-2134

LabourStart Francophone: 591

LabourStart Brasil:  551

LabourStart Turkce:  2149-2198

LabourStart TV: 452-447 follows.



No concerted effort was made in the past month to increase our numbers.

Group: 2286-2282 members.

Page: 56-49 follows.



The Global Spanish- and Portuguese-language accounts received some attention this month. No other concerted effort was made in the past month to increase our numbers.

Global English: 26878-26608

Canada English: 15104-14908

USA: 5622-5631

Australia: 4951

Global Spanish: 5402-4940

Portuguese: 4631-4358

Canada French: 2759-2765

Italian: 505-504 (last tweet June 2019)

Swedish: 349-348 (last tweet 2016)

Indonesia: 350 (last tweet 2015)

French: 229-228 (last tweet 2018)

German: 122-126 (last tweet 2018)

Russian: 43 (last tweet November 2019)

Japanese: 20 (last tweet 2012)

Hebrew:  17 (new this month)

Dutch: 12 (last tweet April 2012)

Arabic: 7 (last tweet May 2012)

Written by derek in: Mailing list,Social networks,Twitter |

4 new campaigns launched in one month


Next week we will launch a campaign in support of an organising campaign in Israel, at the request of the Histadrut.
We launched a campaign at the request of the ITF and ETF targetting FedEx-TNT in Europe; after a week online it is in 12 languages and has 4,465 supporters.

We also launched a campaign in support of a union under pressure in Kazakhstan which has 6,293 supporters.
At the request of PSI we launched a campaign in support of jailed women activists in Algeria, which now has 8,062 supporters.
Our largest current campaign is in support of the teachers union in Jordan — it has 9,491 supporters and appears in 24 languages. I hope that campaign will exceed 10,000 supporters.
We also closed a number of the older campaigns.

Correspondents: We signed up new correspondents in the USA and Vanuatu this month.

Finland: A number of new translators volunteered and our campaigns began appearing in Finnish again.

Interns: Amos Netzer from the Global Labour University began working for us this week. We had the first-ever meeting of all 3 LabourStart interns this week as well. We will be participating in the Cornell ILR Career Fair next month. In addition, Derek has reached out to some Canadian labour studies departments to sound out the possibility of Canadian interns.

Mailing lists: I imported 918 new subscribers this month. We now have a Malaysian language list.

Poland: A number of new translators volunteered and our campaigns began appearing in Polish again.

Publicity: Eric was interviewed by Davar, the online newspaper of the Histadrut. The interview appeared in Hebrew and English.

Translators: With more than 80 volunteer translators, we called a meeting of them in mid-February. About 20% of them participated, and we ‘met’ a number of them for the first time.

Turkey: We did publicity to our list promoting a new book on the international labour movement in Turkish, written by Kivanc.


LabourStart in Numbers: 1 February 2021

The first number next to each item is the current total as of today; the second number is the total as of the first day of last month.  Where one number is provided it means that there has been no change since last month.

Lists or accounts that have shrunk are in Italics.  Lists or accounts experiencing significant growth are in bold.

We continue to see the effects of the EU’s GDPR.

Mailing Lists:

The top 10:

English: 74596-74133

French: 7635-7613

German: 5783-5781

Spanish: 5119-5106

Turkish: 4277-4271

Korean: 3317

Italian: 3265-3289

Russian: 2708-2677

Norwegian: 2260-2258

Dutch: 1445-1434

The others:

Arabic:  819-736

Belarusian:  287

Bulgarian: 17

Chinese: 964-967

Creole:  11

Czech: 64

Danish: 101

Esperanto: 162-161

Farsi:  212

Finnish:  516

Georgian:  138

Greek: 54

Hebrew:  241-240

Hindi:  35

Hungarian:  192-191

Indonesian:  432

Japanese: 402-404

Polish: 857-862

Portuguese: 1310-1303

Punjabi:  2

Romanian:  39

Sinhalese: 1

Slovakian: 15

Swedish: 1012-1013

Tagalog: 159

Thai:  152

Ukrainian: 317-304

Vietnamese:  21-24

LabourStart Correspondents:  643-637

LabourStart Translators:  83-74




835-833 members.

10095-10089 photos.


Facebook Pages/Groups:

No concerted effort was made in the past month to increase our numbers. page likes:  13501-13458 page follows: 14368-14305

Global Labour News and Information: 8864-8865

LabourStart UK:  2134-2133

LabourStart Francophone: 591

LabourStart Brasil:  551-509

LabourStart Turkce:  2198-2176

LabourStart TV: 447-459 follows.



No concerted effort was made in the past month to increase our numbers.

Group: 2282-2253 members.

Page: 49-35 follows.



The Global Portuguese-language account received some attention this month No other concerted effort was made in the past month to increase our numbers.

Global English: 26608-26663

Canada English: 14908-14863

USA: 5631-5630

Australia: 4951-4957

Global Spanish: 4940

Portuguese: 4358-4153

Canada French: 2765-2783

Italian: 504 (last tweet June 2019)

Swedish: 348-349 (last tweet 2016)

Indonesia: 350 (last tweet 2015)

French: 228 – 229 (last tweet 2018)

German: 122-126 (last tweet 2018)

Russian: 43 (last tweet November 2019)

Japanese: 20 (last tweet 2012)

Dutch: 12 (last tweet April 2012)

Arabic: 7 (last tweet May 2012)

Written by derek in: Mailing list,Social networks,Twitter |

Jordan teachers’ campaign: Toward 10,000 supporters?

Jordan teachers campaign: This is now our largest current campaign, with over 8,500 supporters this morning. The campaign appears in a record 20 languages with several more on the way. This is more than 1,000 more than our second largest campaign. If we continue to work on this, this may be our first campaign in a long time to reach 10,000 supporters.

Our mailing lists continue to grow thanks to new campaign supporters signing up. In the last three weeks, we gained 843 new subscribers, most of them for the English list.

Reviving dormant languages: We’ve had some success in the last few weeks getting our campaigns and mailings translated into languages for which we did not have regular translations in recent years. These include Vietnamese, Arabic, Korean, Georgian, and Polish.

Donations: We received generous donations this month from IUF and PSI.


LabourStart in Numbers: 1 January 2021

The first number next to each item is the current total as of today; the second number is the total as of the first day of last month.  Where one number is provided it means that there has been no change since last month.

Lists or accounts that have shrunk are in Italics.  Lists or accounts experiencing significant growth are in bold.

We continue to see the effects of the EU’s GDPR.

Mailing Lists:

The top 10:

English: 74133 – 74224

French: 7613 – 7622

German: 5781 – 5797

Spanish: 5106 – 5098

Turkish: 4271 – 4274

Korean: 3317

Italian: 3289

Russian: 2677 – 2678

Norwegian: 2258 – 2261

Dutch: 1434 – 1437


The others:

Arabic:  736

Belarusian:  287

Bulgarian: 17

Chinese: 967 – 972

Creole:  11

Czech: 64

Danish: 101

Esperanto: 161

Farsi:  212

Finnish:  516

Georgian:  138

Greek: 54

Hebrew:  240

Hindi:  35

Hungarian:  191 – 193

Indonesian:  432

Japanese: 404

Polish: 862

Portuguese: 1303 – 1304

Punjabi:  2

Romanian:  39

Sinhalese: 1

Slovakian: 15

Swedish: 1013 – 1018

Tagalog: 159

Thai:  152

Ukrainian: 304 – 306

Vietnamese:  24

LabourStart Correspondents:  637 – 641

LabourStart Translators:  74 – 72



833 members.

10289 – 10279 photos.


Facebook Pages and Groups:

No concerted effort was made in the past month to increase our numbers. page likes:  13458 – 13445 page follows: 14305 – 14273

Global Labour News and Information: 8865 – 8869

LabourStart UK:  2133 – 2068

LabourStart Franco: 591 – 589

LabourStart Brasil:  550 – 509

LabourStart Turkce:  2176 – 2209

LabourStart TV: 459 – 445 follows.



No concerted effort was made in the past month to increase our numbers.

Group: 2253 – 2225 members.

Page: 35 follows.



The Global English-, Spanish- and Portuguese-language accounts received some attention this month No other concerted effort was made in the past month to increase our numbers.

Global English: 26663 – 26309

Canada English: 14863 – 14669

USA: 5630 – 5623

Australia: 4957 – 4962

Global Spanish: 4940 – 4648

Portuguese: 4153 – 4066

Canada French: 2783 – 2271

Italian: 504 – 503 (last tweet June 2019)

Swedish: 349 – 351 (last tweet 2016)

Indonesia: 350 (last tweet 2015)

French: 228 – 229 (last tweet 2018)

German: 126 (last tweet 2018)

Russian: 43 – 42 (last tweet November 2019)

Japanese: 20 (last tweet 2012)

Dutch: 12 (last tweet April 2012)

Arabic: 7 (last tweet May 2012)

Written by derek in: Mailing list,Social networks,Twitter |

Campaigns start, finish and start again – and much more from the last 19 days

Since our last update 19 days ago, here’s what we’ve been up to:

Campaigns – Belarus: We launched a new campaign on Friday, 13 November, in support of more than 40 jailed union activists. By today, the campaign had about 6,000 supporters. Just before we got news of the arrests, we were sharing widely the video of 4 of the union leaders thanking us for our earlier campaign – and then they were arrested again.

Campaigns – Colombia: We launched a new campaign on Monday, 2 November in support of teachers facing death threats. Today it has just under 7,000 supporters.

Campaigns – Jordan: We closed down the campaign in support of the Jordanian teachers. The unionists were released, but the repression continues. We may well need to do more campaigns on this in future.

Campaigns – Upcoming: We are still expecting campaigns (which have been proposed to us) from Brazil and Israel.

Mailing list: We added 511 new subscribers from supporters of our campaigns (who requested to be added to our lists).

Webinars: We’re going to begin a series of webinars, starting in December, and are in discussions with an American union about the first one. We’ve purchased a license to use Zoom in this way, allowing up to 500 people at a time to participate in our events.

CLIFF: We sponsored a special award at the Canadian Labour International Film Festival this year — the LabourStart Award for Working Class Solidarity. This award recognises the festival film that speaks the most to building worker-to-worker global solidarity. There are two recipients of the award in 2020: Birth of a Union and Filadelphia.

  • Birth of a Union is a 19.5 minute documentary from the United States and Director Josh Karan. The film chronicles the historic effort to organize low wage workers in North Carolina, where it is illegal for any State agency to agree to a Union contract.
  • Filadelphia is a 7 minute documentary from Brazil and Director Dani Drumond. The film reveals the work and voices of 16 women in a recycling sorting cooperative. As they work and talk, a subject inevitably comes up: why do men give up so early on work in the cooperative?

Interns: The Global Labour University is once again offering us short-term internships in early 2021. We had a successful internship at GLU in early 2020 and look forward to continue this relationship.

Donations: We received generous donations from, among others, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), the Human Rights at Work Foundation (FDHT), and the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) in the UK. We also publicised a link to an album created by David Thorpe, a UK singer-songwriter, who is generously donating 30% of the proceeds to LabourStart.

Technical glitch: Our website was briefly offline as our Internet host, IONOS, made us change some details on their domain name server. We did, however, quickly recover.

Written by admin in: Campaigns,Fund-raising,Intern,Mailing list |

New campaign in Belarus; our first album; “Alexa, play LabourStart” and more …

We last updated this blog two weeks ago — and what a fortnight it has been!


We launched a new campaign demanding the release of jailed trade unionists in Belarus; after just six days online it is already our 5th largest active campaign (out of 9) and could easily grow into our largest. In addition to all the usual publicity, I wrote about it in my weekly column for Solidarity, which was shared widely.

Jailed trade unionists in Belarus.

Jailed trade unionists in Belarus.

Soon we’ll do followups after a week online and this should give it a big boost; our recent Myanmar campaign grew by about 25% thanks to that second wave of publicity, so this will almost certainly result in the campaign reaching 7,000 supporters, if not many more.

We now have 9 live campaigns, and here they are listed in order of the number of supporters and including the date they were launched:

1 Belarus: Stop the violence – defend democracy and human rights – 21-Aug-2020 – 7412
2 Myanmar: Stop union-busting at sporting goods company – 14-Oct-2020 – 7033
3 Colombia: Support miners striking against the ‘death shift’ at Cerrejón – 01-Oct-2020 – 6733
4 Albania: Solidarity with the miners – end repression now – 12-Dec-2019 – 6544
5 Belarus: Free union leaders and activists – 23-Oct-2020 – 5862
6 Jordan: Release leaders of the Jordanian Teacher Association – 10-Aug-2020 – 5838
7 Cambodia: Free jailed union leaders now – 24-Aug-2020 – 5729
8 India: Workers’ rights under attack – 13-Jun-2020 – 5678
9 Ukraine: Support miners in their fight for decent conditions – 18-Sep-2020 – 5346

We have another campaign in the pipeline from Israel, involving young workers and a major transnational company.

To help raise awareness of how successful we are with these campaigns, we’ve been sharing the translated PDFs of our campaign victories across social media, showing a new language every other day.


Our lists grew significantly in the last two weeks, as we added 822 new subscribers, mostly to the English list. (If we continue at this pace, we’ll pick up 21,000 new subscribers in the next year.) We also added 239 new subscribers to our Belarusian list yesterday, which previously had just 18 subscribers.

In an effort to raise awareness of our new campaigns in Punjabi (every campaign is now translated into that language, which is spoken by 125 million people), we did a mailing to 1,400 people from India and Pakistan on our English mailing list — and invited their help to translate our campaigns into other languages in that region.


We completed a 4-week campaign to sell our “Workers’ Rights are Human Rights” union-made t-shirts and increased sales from 130 to 230 by the time the campaign ended. The company which is producing the t-shirts (CustomInk) has already paid us our share, including many individual donations over and above the cost of the shirts.

People should begin receiving their shirts in the next 10 days and we wrote to everyone who ordered, suggesting that people post photos of themselves in the shirts on social media, which we can then share.

Our best-selling LabourStart t-shirt.

Because of problems some people were having with PayPal — and a reluctance by some to use PayPal on principle — we’ve added an alternative way to donate to LabourStart (Transferwise) to our donations page, and have suggested it to some individuals. We’ll mention this the next time we try to raise money. Transferwise allows easy international bank transfers as well as credit and debit card payments, with no need to sign up for an account.

We received generous donations from CUPE in Canada and the Education International, as well as pledges from both the ITUC and ETUC.

David Thorpe, a British entertainer and long-time supporter of LabourStart, has released an album with his band and is generously donating 30% of the proceeds to LabourStart. We’ll shortly be publicising this.

David Thorpe.

David Thorpe.


Some time ago we set up a public channel on this network, which is widely used by pro-democracy protestors in Belarus, Hong Kong and Thailand. Two weeks ago, it had just 26 subscribers and we had not been posting to it. We’ve now revived it, and there are 137 subscribers now. We’ve begun posting regularly to this group — mostly events, new campaigns, and our photo of the week. We hope we can grow this by several hundred in the next few weeks.


This is another social network that we had not been using — but we now have an account and a page there, and already have 100 followers. Anyone who wants to help post images and texts there is invited to volunteer.


Tens of millions of people now use smart speakers (most notably Amazon echo, but there are others including Google Home and Apple’s Siri) to play music, listen to the news, etc. We now have a rudimentary LabourStart ‘skill’ which reads out (and shows on-screen) the latest top global labour news stories, updated every day. We should have a public version of this ready in the next few days.

LabourStart news - on an Amazon Echo device.

LabourStart news – on an Amazon Echo device.


Armenia and Azerbaijan: We’ve given extensive coverage to the international and local trade union responses to the fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh, and now regularly report on the region. I wrote about this in a recent column for Solidarity.

Canada: LabourStart will be sponsoring a prize in CLIFF – the labour film festival.

Georgia: We’re reached out and gotten agreement from the Georgian Trade Union Confederation to resume translating all our campaigns and mailings into Georgian. We’ve also reached out (twice) to our five inactive correspondents in Georgia, and will soon try to recruit more. We’ve also shared a document on how to do global labour solidarity conferences with the GTUC, as we consider Tbilisi as a possible venue for such a conference in late 2021.

Singapore: A local union activist reached out to us and we had a very long discussion, including ways in which LabourStart can be helpful, particularly in supporting exploited migrant workers there.

USA: We continue to reach out to unions, including the mineworkers and farmworkers, and expect to shortly hold a live event online with the latter.


Victory in Zimbabwe; 3 new campaigns launched; fundraising success

Apologies for the delay in getting out this report, which covers September and the first half of October. It’s been a very busy time with many new campaigns, some defeats and one wonderful victory, a successful fundraiser and ongoing issues with our mailing lists. Here are some highlights …

Miners in Ukraine take their struggle underground.


We launched a campaign in support of garment workers in Myanmar on 14 October, miners in Colombia on 1 October, and miners in Ukraine on 18 September. The Colombia campaign very quickly became our second largest live campaign.
In late September, we closed our campaign in support of nurses in Zimbabwe after winning a big victory. As PSI wrote to us, “After 3 months of industrial action, the Zimbabwe Nurses Association has called the strike off in a reciprocation of the gestures of goodwill that have been made by the new health Minister, Constantino Chiwenga.”
The Turkey (Deriteks) campaign was closed after 3 months, without a good result for the workers and the Indonesia campaign was also closed after the Omnibus bill was passed – a defeat for the workers.
We closed our Poland, Malaysia, Czech Republic and Peru campaigns, but have not yet heard back from the sponsoring unions with any details of the results.
All of our campaigns have now been translated in Punjabi for the first time. Punjabi has also been added as a language for adding news to LabourStart.
We made a minor change to our campaigns page forcing users to choose ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the question of whether they want to be on our mailing list in the hope that this will boost sign-ups.
We’ve also prepared some PDFs in a number of languages highlighting several of our campaign victories in the last year and a half. These were shared in mass mailings to some of our lists.

Our best-selling LabourStart t-shirt.


We had a very good fundraising drive starting on 8 September, raising over £25,000.
This included sales of over 130 t-shirts, starting on 24 September.
Our next fundraiser will take place in January.

Mailing lists:

Following some problems with Amazon (which Sendy uses to send out our messages), we have returned to use Mailchimp. We had some issues with both services, but these are now resolved with Mailchimp (though not yet with Amazon). We have noticed a significant increase in opens and clicks in Mailchimp compared to Sendy – including a 28% boost in opens for one of our lists, and we’re hopeful that this will lead to even larger campaigns.

7 October – World Day for Decent Work (WDDW):

We tagged news stories related to this, created a page modelled on the Covid-19 page, and wrote to all correspondents about this. We shared the link to this page across social media.
We also assisted the ITUC with a big promotion of their new Democracy Pledge campaign.


We now have a list of over 1,000 US trade unionists and have written to them twice. In addition, we’ve contacted leaders of the United Mine Workers to win their support for our campaigns for the miners in Belarus and Ukraine.


LabourStart in Numbers: 1 September vs 1 August 2020

Mailing Lists:

The first number next to each item is the current total as of today; the second number is the total as of the first day of last month.  Where no number is provided for last month this means that the list was re-created this month from our Mail Chimp back-up.

We continue see the impact of the General Data Protection Regulation.  Shrinking lists are in Italics.  Lists experiencing significant growth are in bold.


The Top 10:

English: 74,228-73,527

French: 7,679-7,720

Spanish: 5,137-5,141

Turkish: 4,282-4,222

Korean: 3,397-3,399

Italian: 3,322-3,326

Russian: 2,641-2,630

Norwegian: 2,243-2,558

Dutch: 1,455-1,472


The Others:

Arabic:  738

Belarusian:  18

Bulgarian: 17

Chinese: 980-984

Creole:  11

Czech: 66-66

Danish: 103-104

Esperanto: 158-160

Farsi:  212

Finnish:  519

Georgian:  138

German: 5,793-5,844

Greek: 54

Hebrew:  242-243

Hindi:  36

Hungarian:  193-192

Indonesian:  435

Japanese: 404-no change

Polish: 859-863

Portuguese: 1,290-1,258

Romanian:  39

Sinhalese: 1

Slovakian: 15-15

Swedish: 1,031-1,036

Tagalog: 160-161

Thai:  153

Ukrainian: 281-277

Vietnamese:  24



833-834 members.  10,220-10,218 photos.


Facebook Pages/Groups: page: 13,410-14,148

Global Labour News and Information: 8,867-no data.

LabourStart UK:  2139-2145

LabourStart Franco: 591-592.

LabourStart Brasil:  506-no data.

LabourStart Turkce:  2191-no data.

LabourStart TV: 431-no change.



Group: 2174-2150



All the major feeds experienced growth starting when the COVID-19 crisis hit.  Accounts experiencing significant increases are in bold.

English: 25,449-25,265

Canada English: 14,132-13,729

USA: 5,663-5,669

Australia: 4,956-4,872

Spanish: 4,557-4,432

Canada French: 2,646-2,612

Portuguese: 3,418-3,176

Italian: 504-517 (last tweet June 2019)

Swedish: 352-361 (last tweet 2016)

Indonesia: 350 (last tweet 2015)

French: 227-no change (last tweet 2018)

German: 126-no change (last tweet 2018)

Russian: 42-40 (last tweet November 2019)

Japanese: 20-no change (last tweet 2012)

Dutch: 12-no change (last tweet April 2012)

Arabic: 7-no change (last tweet May 2012)


We have never had more live campaigns than we have today

We are currently running 13 campaigns — a new record for us.

They come from Albania, Belarus, Brazil, Cambodia, the Czech Republic, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Malaysia, Peru, Poland, Turkey, and Zimbabwe — so we have most of the world’s regions covered.

Our campaign partners include the International Trade Union Confederation, European Trade Union Confederation, Building and Wood Workers International, Education International, IndustriALL, International Transport Workers Federation, International Union of Foodworkers, Public Services International, UNI Global Union, the European Transport Workers Federation, the Zimbabwean Nurses Association (ZINA), Deriteks (Turkey), Indonesian Labour with the People Movement (GEBRAK), National Union of Workers in Hospital Support and Allied Services (Malaysia), the Trade Union of United Mineworkers of Bulqiza (Albania), and the independent Belarusian trade unions.

The most recent campaigns we’ve launched (this month) are these four:

  • Belarus: Stop the violence – defend democracy and human rightsv- 5,135 supporters
  • Cambodia: Free jailed union leaders now – 4,566 supporters
  • Indonesia: Stop Widodo’s Omnibus Bill and protect workers and their families – 5,178 supporters
  • Jordan: Release leaders of the Jordanian Teacher Association – 5,511 supporters

Please do what you can to help us ramp up support for all these campaigns.

A number of the campaigns are having successful results — for example, in Jordan jailed leaders of the teachers union were released, and we expect to close the current campaign shortly. And we now have a document which we can begin to share telling the stories of a significant number of campaign we victories we had in 2019-20.

Thanks to the work of our wonderful volunteer translators, two languages that had been problematic for us (few translations) are now working well — German and Korean. These are two of our biggest mailing lists (with over 9,200 subscribers between them), so we’re very pleased to be able to share all our current campaigns with them. In addition, our backlog of campaigns has now been translated into Turkish.

Much of the work getting the campaign translations posted and the mailings sent out is now being done by our new intern, Nate. In addition, we have this month taken on another intern, a student at Cornell University’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Hargun Sodhi; she will begin work with us this week.

Thanks to all the new campaigns, our mailing lists are experiencing significant growth this month. In August we added 1,188 new subscribers, most of them to the English list. All of our mailing lists have now been imported into Sendy.

We made a lot of progress on the second volume of Dan Gallin’s writings — we now have all the texts digitised and ready to be edited. Dan has even suggested a title — Resistance.

Finally, we’ve had a problem with our newswires in the different languages (though the country newswires work) — this is due to changes IONOS made to their system and we are working to fix this.

Written by admin in: Campaigns,Intern,Mailing list,Publications |

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