LabourStart - Canada

Air Canada pilots and the ‘strike wave’ in Canadian labour

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Canada Air Canada pilots and the ‘strike wave’ in Canadian labour [McMaster U.] 18-09-2024

Canada Ottawa's intervention in labour disputes could set dangerous precedent: labour experts [CTV] 17-09-2024

Canada Air Canada says strike averted after tentative deal with pilots [CBC] 15-09-2024

Canada Labour Minister praises Air Canada, pilots union for avoiding disruptive strike [Canadian Press] 15-09-2024

Canada Work stoppages and inflation [CUPE] 14-09-2024

Canada Union leaders concerned Ottawa is getting too comfortable intervening in labour disputes [The Globe and Mail] 14-09-2024

Canada Little-known program dominates Canada's massive guest-worker scheme [The Sun] 13-09-2024

Canada Why the affordability crisis is pushing workers to take job action [RCI] 11-09-2024

Canada Ontario Walmart warehouse workers begin voting Tuesday [Unifor] 09-09-2024

Canada BC and federal gig work regulation: reforms or distraction from exploitation? [rabble] 08-09-2024

Other news

British Columbia More nurses coming to B.C. 2024-09-18 [Ministry of Health/BCNU]

Low pay for junior Air Canada pilots poses possible hurdle to proposed deal 2024-09-18 [Canadian Press]

Alberta It's time for Albertans to demand an end to public funding of private schools 2024-09-18 [AFL]

Ontario Unifor reaches tentative agreement with General Motors for CAMI workers 2024-09-18 [Unifor]

Ontario Western support workers take message to Queen's Park 2024-09-18 [CTV]

New Brunswick Social workers union signs new deal 2024-09-18 [CTV]

Ontario Protesters outside Kitchener correctional facility call for changes to prison labour system 2024-09-18 [CTV]

Air Canada pilots and the ‘strike wave’ in Canadian labour 2024-09-18 [McMaster U.]

British Columbia FCA affirms longshore workers’ union breached law when it failed to give 72-hour strike notice 2024-09-18 [Canadian Lawyer]

Ontario Union, GM reach agreement for Ontario plant workers 2024-09-18 [Reuters]

Ontario Unifor extends CAMI Assembly Plant negotiations with GM 2024-09-17 [Unifor]

Ontario Nurses at Windsor Essex County Health Unit Seeking Fair Wages as they Head to Conciliation 2024-09-17 [ONA]

Air Canada strike averted, but reliance on binding arbitration still alarms some 2024-09-17 [rabble]

Quebec Food retail workers at Adonis Anjou join UFCW 2024-09-17 [UFCW]

British Columbia CUPE endorses report on B.C. long-term care, urges other provinces to take note 2024-09-17 [CUPE]

Alberta Outrage among Fort McMurray school division workers as government violates Charter-protected right to strike 2024-09-17 [CUPE]

Alberta State of the union 2024-09-17 [Alberta Teachers']

Alberta Smith's 'tough-guy' antics threaten health and education services Albertans rely on 2024-09-17 [AFL]

Alberta Alberta government brings hammer down on workers’ rights 2024-09-17 [AUPE]

Alberta Alberta government must match sheriff taskforce praise with raises 2024-09-17 [AUPE]

British Columbia Report details how B.C. led provinces in protecting seniors in long-term care during COVID-19 pandemic 2024-09-17 [HEU]

British Columbia B.C. forestry unions come together to 'fight for our future' at UBCM 2024-09-17 [Unifor]

Alberta Mediator gives not-for-profit workers 3% raise 2024-09-17 [Alberta Worker]

Ontario 5th Annual Steelworkers Charity Golf Tournament raises over $18,000 for the Twinkie Foundation 2024-09-17 [USW]

Ontario The strike that never happened: The CUPE 3092 victory 2024-09-17 [The Medium]

Nova Scotia Halifax library workers accept deal to end strike, branches to reopen Thursday 2024-09-17 [CBC]

Liberals Are Finding New Ways To Undermine The Right To Strike 2024-09-17 [The Maple]

Ottawa's intervention in labour disputes could set dangerous precedent: labour experts 2024-09-17 [CTV]

British Columbia Striking Uni-Select workers to hold rally to demand fair wages amidst rising costs 2024-09-17 [USW]

Nova Scotia This is our contract, not our employer’s: We will maintain control of bargaining, we will remain united 2024-09-17 [CUPE]

Manitoba CUPE MB Letter of Solidarity for Strike Preparation (Locals 204, 4270, 500) 2024-09-17 [CUPE]

Saskatchewan CUPE sounds the alarm on violence in Saskatchewan schools 2024-09-17 [CUPE]

Ontario United for a decent pension plan: Staff at SickKids rally for same deal as other Ontario hospital workers 2024-09-17 [CUPE]

Ontario Western community rallies at London city hall 2024-09-17 [CUPE]

Alberta Despite community concerns and fund raising, ANS plans to close ER in Beaverlodge 2024-09-16 [UNA]

Ontario United for a decent pension plan: Staff at SickKids rally for same deal as other Ontario hospital workers 2024-09-16 [ONA]

Canada's unions call on MPs to prioritize workers 2024-09-16 [CLC]

Alberta UFCW members keep Red Lobster franchise running through bankruptcy uncertainty 2024-09-16 [AFL]

British Columbia Province agrees to give B.C. wildfire fighters earlier pensions 2024-09-16 [CBC]

Nova Scotia Halifax library workers accept deal to end strike, branches to re-open Thursday 2024-09-16 [Coast Reporter]

Nova Scotia Halifax libraries, union reach tentative deal to end strike 2024-09-16 [Global]

British Columbia Federal Court of Appeal upholds labour board’s ruling shutting down resumption of last summer’s longshore workers’ strike 2024-09-16 [iPolitics]

Air Canada deal avoids shutdown, brings relief to passengers 2024-09-16 [Canadian Press]

Nova Scotia Halifax library workers accept deal to end strike, branches to re-open Thursday 2024-09-16 [Canadian Press]

Ontario Four months on the line: Best Theratronics workers are still on strike with no end in sight 2024-09-15 [Ottawa Citizen]

Ontario Manufacturing workers at Cancoil ratify new contract 2024-09-15 [UFCW]

Labour Minister praises Air Canada, pilots union for avoiding disruptive strike 2024-09-15 [Canadian Press]

Air Canada says strike averted after tentative deal with pilots 2024-09-15 [CBC]

British Columbia ARC Liquor store employees in Kelowna take strike action 2024-09-14 [Global]

[More News]

This month in labour history

1-09-1879 Coal miners in Springhill, Nova Scotia organize Pioneer Lodge of the Provincial Miners' Association, later known as the Provincial Workmen's Association. Under the leadership of Robert Drummond, the PWA becomes an influential force in the province. [more]

3-09-1894 Labour Day is observed for the first time as a statutory public holiday, under a law introduced that year, at the request of unions, by the Conservative prime minister Sir John Thompson. [more]

8-09-1886 The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, Saskatchewan Division No. 322, is formed in Medicine Hat. It is the first union chartered in what later becomes Alberta. [more]

9-09-1991 More than 100,000 members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada launch a general strike to defend job security for federal public service workers. [more]

11-09-1916 A second disaster strikes the huge cantilever bridge under construction at Quebec City. Another 13 lives are lost in addition to the 75 deaths in the first collapse in 1907. The bridge, completed in 1917, is still standing today. [more]

12-09-1945 In Windsor, Ontario, the United Auto Workers begin their historic strike against the Ford Motor Company. It lasts for 99 days and leads to the Rand Formula for union security. [more]

15-09-1933 A general strike begins in the factories in Stratford, Ontario and spreads across the city. Troops and armoured cars are called out. [more]

15-09-1978 Workers at International Nickel in Sudbury, Ontario go on strike against pay cuts and layoffs. With strong community support, in June 1979 the 10,000 miners win a victory that includes improved pension benefits. [more]

16-09-1912 Vancouver Island coal miners begin what becomes a two-year strike for workplace safety and union recognition. To defeat the miners' union, the companies bring in strikebreakers and the province calls out the militia. [more]

16-09-1913 The New Brunswick Federation of Labour is organized at Saint John, New Brunswick, with James L. Sugrue as president. Today it is the provincial federation in Canada with the second longest continuous history. [more]

23-09-1873 The Canadian Labour Union is founded in Toronto. This first attempt to organize a Canadian labour central finds limited support, mainly from skilled workers in Ontario. [more]

24-09-1963 The Canadian Union of Public Employees, now Canada's largest union, is founded in Winnipeg through a merger of two earlier organizations. The union goes on to break new ground in building the labour movement. [more]

25-09-1995 Unions supporting the Liverpool Dockers Solidarity Campaign participate in national actions using the internet. This is believed to be the first time the net was used to organize an international labour solidarity action. [more]

26-09-1888 Canada's first independent labour Member of Parliament is returned in a by-election in Montreal. A printer by trade, Alphonse-Telesphore Lepine is a leading figure in the Montreal Trades and Labour Council and the Knights of Labor. [more]

29-09-1931 A strike by coal miners from Bienfait, Saskatchewan comes comes to a head when police shoot three strikers dead during a protest on the main street in Estevan. [more]