Victoria Hundreds rally to fight Nippon Opal paper cuts harming workers
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Australia Victoria Hundreds rally to fight Nippon Opal paper cuts harming workers [ACTU] 07-02-2025
Australia Employer lobby furious that IR reforms are improving wages [ACTU] 04-02-2025
Australia New employer election wish list demands a return of wage-cutting schemes [ACTU] 31-01-2025
Australia 1 million Australian workers at risk of penalty rate cuts while bosses are promised free lunches [ACTU] 31-01-2025
Australia Big business launches attack on penalty rates [IEU] 30-01-2025
Australia Big business launches bid to scrap penalty rates for retail workers [ACTU] 28-01-2025
Australia Adult age? Adult wage! Support the campaign to remove youth wages for over 18 year olds [ACTU] 27-01-2025
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Australia 49,000 and counting – pay rises a reality for early educators [ACTU] 24-01-2025
Australia ACTU slams multinational’s lockout of regional workers [ACTU] 21-01-2025
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