Algeria : another crackdown on an independent union activist…

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Mourad Tchiko

After the closure of SNAPAP’s HQ in Alger and the grounding of it’s President, here’s yet another government move against independent unions in Algeria…

Violating Articles 45 and 46 of the Algerian Constitution, authorities are refusing to issue a passport to Mourad Tchiko, councilor of the Autonomous National Union of Public Administration Staff (SNAPAP), an independent trade unionist and anti-corruption activist.

On August 8th, 2010, Mourad applied for renewal of his passport enclosing all the necessary documents. On the grounds that the civil protection services of the Hadjout Daira Tipaza wilaya have made a complaint against him, a verbal refusal has been notified but never confirmed in writing.

SNAPAP has formed a committee to support Mourad Tchiko which condemns this attack on the fundamental freedoms and constitutional rights of its members and demands of the Algerian authorities to restore Mourad Tchiko in his right to a passport, in accordance with constitutional provisions and international conventions of human rights ratified by Algeria.

SNAPAP’s headquarters were recently closed by a local government order and SNAPAP’s President prevented from entering European territory.

(Information from SNAPAP 09/11/2010)

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