LabourStart - Italy

Unions push for human rights in future World Cup hosting decisions

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Italy Contro l’Autonomia differenziata. Sì all’Italia unita, libera, giusta [CGIL] 22-07-2024

Italy / Palestine Partito il carico di aiuti per Gaza: la solidarietà della CGIL per una popolazione in crisi [CGIL] 20-07-2024

Italy / Brazil CGIL se solidariza con damnificados de Rio Grande do Sul [Rel UITA] 18-07-2024

Italy / Global Unions push for human rights in future World Cup hosting decisions [BWI] 17-07-2024

Italy At Italy's invisible harvest helpers [ASB Zeitung] 14-07-2024

Italy / Germany Assemblea a Wolfsburg: lavoratori italiani della Volkswagen invitati a firmare per i referendum popolari della CGIL [CGIL] 07-07-2024

Italy / Europe Satnam Singh’s Death is a desperate plea to End Exploitation and Violence in European Agriculture [EFFAT] 05-07-2024

Italy / Germany ETF Statement on the EU Commission’s Approval of Lufthansa’s Stake in ITA Airways [ETF] 04-07-2024

Italy Bank workers launch first-ever strike at Italian stock exchange [UNI] 30-06-2024

Italy Les employés de banque lancent la première grève à la bourse italienne [UNI] 30-06-2024

Other news

Contro l’Autonomia differenziata. Sì all’Italia unita, libera, giusta 2024-07-22 [CGIL]

Palestine Partito il carico di aiuti per Gaza: la solidarietà della CGIL per una popolazione in crisi 2024-07-20 [CGIL]

Brazil CGIL se solidariza con damnificados de Rio Grande do Sul 2024-07-18 [Rel UITA]

Global Unions push for human rights in future World Cup hosting decisions 2024-07-17 [BWI]

At Italy's invisible harvest helpers 2024-07-14 [ASB Zeitung]

Italy Dozens protest Iranian labor activist's death sentence in Milan 2024-07-14 [Iran International]

Italian tax police free 33 Indian workers from ‘slave-like’ conditions on farms 2024-07-14 [AP]

Global Sindacati antifascisti e giustizia sociale: un appello alla solidarietà internazionale 2024-07-13 [CGIL]

Brazil Rio Grande do Sul: la solidarietà della CGIL, di Nexus e dell'INCA Brasile dopo le alluvioni 2024-07-13 [CGIL]

Europe In Italy, a post-industrialised Neapolitan district struggles to reclaim a healthy sea 2024-07-08 [Equal Times]

Europe Prima riunione nazionale dei Comitati Aziendali Europei della CGIL 2024-07-07 [CGIL]

Germany Assemblea a Wolfsburg: lavoratori italiani della Volkswagen invitati a firmare per i referendum popolari della CGIL 2024-07-07 [CGIL]

Europe Satnam Singh’s Death is a desperate plea to End Exploitation and Violence in European Agriculture 2024-07-05 [EFFAT]

Germany ETF Statement on the EU Commission’s Approval of Lufthansa’s Stake in ITA Airways 2024-07-04 [ETF]

Los trabajadores de la banca inician la primera huelga de su historia en la Bolsa italiana 2024-06-30 [UNI]

Les employés de banque lancent la première grève à la bourse italienne 2024-06-30 [UNI]

Bank workers launch first-ever strike at Italian stock exchange 2024-06-30 [UNI]

Europe Coordinamento internazionale CGIL: dibattito su elezioni europee, Europa sociale e situazione globale 2024-06-29 [CGIL]

Referendum sul lavoro, continua la raccolta firme degli italiani all’estero 2024-06-29 [CGIL]

Italy: USB at the demonstration in Latina after the murder of Satnam Singh, a brutal event that foloowed horrible inhuman behaviour that should be unthinkable for anyone 2024-06-26 [WFTU]

Open letter from the MFRR to the President of the European Parliament and the President of the European Commission 2024-06-26 [EFJ]

GKN Florence: crunch time for the most important dispute in Europe 2024-06-22 [UWU]

Indian farm worker in Italy ‘left to die on road’ with severed arm 2024-06-21 [The Guardian]

India Trade unionist calls for crackdown on ‘barbaric exploitation’ after death of Indian farm worker Satnam Singh 2024-06-20 [The Guardian]

Italy CGT celebra la liberación y la vuelta a casa de la antifascista italiana Ilaria Salis. 2024-06-18 [CGT]

Milan stock exchange workers set to strike over Euronext’s ‘divestments’ 2024-06-18 [The Financial Times]

Trade unions call first strike at Milan bourse on June 27 2024-06-17 [Reuters]

Global Presentata alla Conferenza Internazionale del Lavoro l’undicesima edizione dell'Indice dei diritti globali del sindacato mondiale 2024-06-15 [CGIL]

Sweden Delegazione del sindacato svedese IF Metall in visita alla CGIL nazionale 2024-06-08 [CGIL]

VIDEO  Referendum, Stampa romana dice sì 2024-06-06 [Collettiva]

Lombardia, a rischio la libertà delle donne 2024-06-05 [Collettiva]

I referendum contro l’impoverimento del Paese 2024-05-28 [Collettiva]

Il lavoro uccide: sette morti in poche ore 2024-05-28 [Collettiva]

VIDEO  Pozzallo-Malta, diritti in viaggio 2024-05-28 [Collettiva]

VIDEO  Un sindacato senza confini 2024-05-28 [Collettiva]

Landini: “Uniti per difendere la nostra democrazia” 2024-05-25 [Collettiva]

Italy Dichiarazioni dei gruppi di impegno ufficiali del G7 2024-05-25 [CGIL]

Wizz Air Pilots And Flight Attendants Plan A 4-Hour Strike 2024-05-25 [Simple Flying]

IFJ signs call to protect media freedom 2024-05-24 [IFJ]

MFRR sounds the alarm on political meddling and legal threats to journalism 2024-05-22 [EFJ]

Italiani all’estero: Referendum Popolari CGIL 2024-05-21 [CGIL]

2023 Membership Report: CGIL is the largest trade union centre in Italy 2024-05-21 [CGIL]

Italy Elezioni Europee giugno 2024: appello al voto della Cgil 2024-05-21 [CGIL]

Premio Tina Anselmi a operaie La Perla che cantano Rinascerà 2024-05-15 [Collettiva]

Premio Tina Anselmi a operaie La Perla che cantano Rinascerà 2024-05-15 [Collettiva]

Italie : victoire syndicale pour les travailleurs d'Enel 2024-05-13 [IndustriALL]

Union win for Enel workers 2024-05-13 [IndustriALL]

CGIL launches referendum campaign to repeal 4 legal provisions on labour 2024-05-12 [CGIL]

La Via Maestra, tutti a Napoli il 25 maggio 2024-05-10 [Collettiva]

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