LabourStart - Europe

New year, new victories

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Europe New year, new victories [EPSU] 10-01-2025

Europe Faced with the toxic drift of online platforms, Europe must support journalism and journalists [EFJ] 09-01-2025

Europe New warning over labour shortage shows need for EU action on quality jobs [ETUC] 09-01-2025

Europe EWCs: Parliament backs stronger voice for workers in multinationals [ETUC] 20-12-2024

Europe Trade union action in heart of EU in face of deindustrialisation: call to join 5 February action [IndustriAll Europe] 19-12-2024

Europe An EU Grids Action Plan for a Just Energy Transition [IndustriAll Europe] 19-12-2024

Europe Joint European Trade Union Statement for EU Regulation to Deliver for All [ETF] 18-12-2024

Europe IndustriAll Europe advocates for an EU Maritime Strategy supporting Good Industrial Jobs [IndustriAll Europe] 17-12-2024

Europe Europe needs new moratorium on redundancies [ETUC] 13-12-2024

Europe Warsaw Declaration: For good industrial jobs in the European defence industry [IndustriAll Europe] 13-12-2024

Other news

Europe Solidarity with Unite members fighting for fair pay at Princes Foods 2025-01-13 [EFFAT]

ETF Youth Winter School: The Rise of a New Union Generation 2025-01-13 [ETF]

Towards a European Defence Union: How ambitious are the efforts? 2025-01-11 [CESI]

What can we expect from the Polish presidency? 2025-01-11 [Eurocadres]

New year, new victories 2025-01-10 [EPSU]

ETUCE Call for Tenders: Subcontracting Research Expertise on Artificial Intelligence and Education 2025-01-09 [ETUCE]

Labour shortages – turning away from bad jobs 2025-01-09 [ETUI]

New warning over labour shortage shows need for EU action on quality jobs 2025-01-09 [ETUC]

Faced with the toxic drift of online platforms, Europe must support journalism and journalists 2025-01-09 [EFJ]

Important Ruling from the EU Court of Justice on Domestic Workers’ Rights 2025-01-08 [EFFAT]

Successful Social Dialogue Workshop for Health & Safety in Extractive Industries 2025-01-07 [IndustriAll Europe]

  JOB   Vacancy at the ETF – Policy Officer for Road 2025-01-07 [ETF]

Europe Trade unions unhappy with new Swiss-EU agreement 2025-01-06 [SWI]

Exposed from All Sides: The Role of Policing in Sex Workers' Access to Justice 2024-12-31 [ESWA]

Empowering workers for the future: A mandate for the next five years 2024-12-31 [CESI]

Pay transparency project begins online 2024-12-31 [Eurocadres]

ESSDE Plenary 2024: setting the way forward 2024-12-23 [ETUCE]

EWCs: Parliament backs stronger voice for workers in multinationals 2024-12-20 [ETUC]

Live performance professionals address impact of Artificial Intelligence 2024-12-20 [UNI Global Union]

Europe Media and entertainment unions stand with Georgia’s cultural workers 2024-12-20 [UNI Global Union]

Improving gender equality in European audiovisual production 2024-12-20 [UNI Global Union]

Proof deregulation is false economy disappears from EU document 2024-12-19 [ETUC]

Commission wrong to celebrate employment rate amid redundancies 2024-12-19 [ETUC]

An EU Grids Action Plan for a Just Energy Transition 2024-12-19 [IndustriAll Europe]

Trade union action in heart of EU in face of deindustrialisation: call to join 5 February action 2024-12-19 [IndustriAll Europe]

Equal Treatment for Migrant Workers: Recognizing the Backbone of Europe’s Prosperity 2024-12-19 [EFFAT]

EFFAT backs ETUC’s stance opposing efforts to deregulate EU laws 2024-12-18 [EFFAT]

Joint European Trade Union Statement for EU Regulation to Deliver for All 2024-12-18 [ETF]

IndustriAll Europe advocates for an EU Maritime Strategy supporting Good Industrial Jobs 2024-12-17 [IndustriAll Europe]

Construction workers want the Commission to limit subcontracting and ban intermediaries in posting 2024-12-16 [EFBWW]

Countries must act now on forced labour ban 2024-12-16 [EFFAT]

Countries must act now on forced labour ban 2024-12-16 [ETUC]

Warsaw Declaration: For good industrial jobs in the European defence industry 2024-12-13 [IndustriAll Europe]

Aviation: We are Not Going Back! 2024-12-13 [ETF]

Coalition calls on Polish presidency to lead the EU in combating spyware abuse 2024-12-13 [EFJ]

Interest rates cuts must go further and faster 2024-12-13 [ETUC]

Europe needs new moratorium on redundancies 2024-12-13 [ETUC]

Europe human rights obligations at risk in trade union crackdown  ActNOW!  2024-12-12 [ETUC]

Reinforced EWC rights 2024-12-12 [IndustriAll Europe]

UNESCO report highlights urgent need for media literacy training for digital content creators who report the news 2024-12-11 [EFJ]

ETF Joins Debate on Transport Poverty and Gender Equality at the European Parliament 2024-12-11 [ETF]

Letter to Fisheries Commissioner: New Cuts on Mediterranean Fishing are Unsustainable 2024-12-11 [ETF]

Threading the future of the Textile sector: skills development for a Just Transition 2024-12-11 [IndustriAll Europe]

Basic Materials Industries: collateral damage of Europe’s industrial crisis 2024-12-11 [IndustriAll Europe]

Improve workers rights in the extractive industries 2024-12-11 [IndustriAll Europe]

Joint EFBWW-FIEC Letter to EU Executive Vice-President Roxana Mînzatu 2024-12-10 [EFBWW]

Upcoming on December 12: 9th Congress of CESI 2024-12-09 [CESI]

CESI Presidium calls for EU action to tackle the automotive sector crisis and protect workers 2024-12-09 [CESI]

Greece Greek firefighter union E.P.A.Y.P.S. joins CESI 2024-12-09 [CESI]

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