Top stories
Europe New year, new victories [EPSU] 10-01-2025
Europe Faced with the toxic drift of online platforms, Europe must support journalism and journalists [EFJ] 09-01-2025
Europe New warning over labour shortage shows need for EU action on quality jobs [ETUC] 09-01-2025
Europe EWCs: Parliament backs stronger voice for workers in multinationals [ETUC] 20-12-2024
Europe Trade union action in heart of EU in face of deindustrialisation: call to join 5 February action [IndustriAll Europe] 19-12-2024
Europe An EU Grids Action Plan for a Just Energy Transition [IndustriAll Europe] 19-12-2024
Europe Joint European Trade Union Statement for EU Regulation to Deliver for All [ETF] 18-12-2024
Europe IndustriAll Europe advocates for an EU Maritime Strategy supporting Good Industrial Jobs [IndustriAll Europe] 17-12-2024
Europe Europe needs new moratorium on redundancies [ETUC] 13-12-2024
Europe Warsaw Declaration: For good industrial jobs in the European defence industry [IndustriAll Europe] 13-12-2024
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