LabourStart - China

Subverting the Status Quo

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China Subverting the Status Quo [Asian Labour Review] 26-07-2024

China Challenges and concerns surrounding China's retirement age reform [China Labour Bulletin] 12-07-2024

China Xinjiang journalists arrested, others sentenced [IFJ]  ActNOW!  12-07-2024

China Report release: Chain of Consequences–How Chinese workers pay for supply chain de-risking [China Labour Bulletin] 28-06-2024

China Dongguan factory Nordd Leather closes, workers owed social insurance and wages [China Labour Bulletin] 27-06-2024

China Automobile equipment company Shenzhen Qiao Feng Technology halts relocation after strike with suspected retaliatory dismissals [China Labour Bulletin] 14-06-2024

China The Return of Strikes in China [Asian Labour Review] 11-06-2024

China / Global International Labour Organization (ILO) and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) Forge New Agreement to Enhance Trade Union Capacities in Asia and the Pacific [ILO] 06-06-2024

China Due diligence investigation needed after auto parts supplier avoided paying the promised wages and contract gratuity to hundreds of hourly workers [China Labour Bulletin] 30-05-2024

China Volkswagen: Address Uyghur Forced Labor - Supply Chain, Xinjiang Plant Risk Links to Labor Abuses [Human Rights Watch] 27-05-2024

Other news

Subverting the Status Quo 2024-07-26 [Asian Labour Review]

Xinjiang journalists arrested, others sentenced  ActNOW!  2024-07-12 [IFJ]

Challenges and concerns surrounding China's retirement age reform 2024-07-12 [China Labour Bulletin]

Report release: Chain of Consequences–How Chinese workers pay for supply chain de-risking 2024-06-28 [China Labour Bulletin]

Dongguan factory Nordd Leather closes, workers owed social insurance and wages 2024-06-27 [China Labour Bulletin]

'We’re like gears grinding until they break’: Chinese tech companies push staff to the limit For more info 2024-06-24 [FT]

China Response to Hong Kong Government Imposing New Repressive Measures on Christopher Mung and 5 Activists in the UK 2024-06-15 [HKLRM]

Automobile equipment company Shenzhen Qiao Feng Technology halts relocation after strike with suspected retaliatory dismissals 2024-06-14 [China Labour Bulletin]

China EU tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles – IndustriAll Europe’s views 2024-06-13 [Industriall Europe]

The Return of Strikes in China 2024-06-11 [Asian Labour Review]

China ITUC condemns prosecution of trade unionists and activists 2024-06-06 [ITUC]

Global International Labour Organization (ILO) and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) Forge New Agreement to Enhance Trade Union Capacities in Asia and the Pacific 2024-06-06 [ILO]

China OATUU Affiliates Attend Seminar on Chinese Modernization and Trade Union Cooperation 2024-06-01 [OATUU]

Due diligence investigation needed after auto parts supplier avoided paying the promised wages and contract gratuity to hundreds of hourly workers 2024-05-30 [China Labour Bulletin]

Volkswagen: Address Uyghur Forced Labor - Supply Chain, Xinjiang Plant Risk Links to Labor Abuses 2024-05-27 [Human Rights Watch]

Garment workers’ unions must engage global brands on impacts of changing business strategies on workers’ rights 2024-05-16 [China Labour Bulletin]

China Unions forge new collaborations to compel Chinese MNCs to respect labour rights 2024-05-01 [BWI]

Auto workers bear the brunt of competition and EV transition in Chinese market, international just transition initiatives provide valuable lessons 2024-04-29 [China Labour Bulletin]

China Citybus union slams importation of mainland Chinese drivers into Hong Kong 2024-04-26 [South China Morning Post]

Germany Auto supplier workers in China have a new way to voice grievances, as the German supply chain act came into force 2024-04-22 [China]

Bridging Workers' Rights in China’s Manufacturing Sector with Global Supply Chain Tools: A Case-Oriented Approach 2024-04-16 [China Labour Bulletin]

Temu parent company Pinduoduo penalises resignations through aggressive enforcement of non-compete agreements 2024-04-15 [CLB]

Exclusion of overtime pay from compensation calculation sparks dissatisfaction among workers during Shanghai Amphenol relocation 2024-04-12 [China Labour Bulletin]

Temu parent company Pinduoduo penalizes resignations through aggressive enforcement of non-compete agreements 2024-04-08 [China Labour Bulletin]

Twice as many workers’ protests in China last year 2024-03-31 [China Worker Info]

Shift of strikes to Pou Chen's factories in southeast Asia underscores need for support in unions' collective bargaining 2024-03-27 [China Labour Bulletin]

China Forced-labour watchdog cites B.C. mining company, who says claims are nonsensical 2024-03-26 [Vancouver Sun]

Myanmar 200 Myanmar workers fired from garment jobs in China’s Yunnan province aftrer protest 2024-03-26 [RFA]

China From Mass Suicides to Labor Exploitation: The Making of Apple’s iPhones in China 2024-03-19 [Dying for an iPhone]

USA Five Unions Ask U.S. Trade Representative to Probe Chinese Shipbuilding Sector 2024-03-14 [Caixin Global]

The retreat of the world's top shoe-making empire from China exposes the ineffectiveness of local governments and trade unions 2024-03-09 [CLB]

Switzerland Ten years of ‘labour dialogue’ with the Switzerland-China Free Trade Agreement: review and outlook 2024-03-02 [GLC]

China Court convicts journalists of unauthorised entry into legislature 2024-02-06 [IFJ]

Student workers at Flexicare medical supply factory reveal coercive practices and excessive overtime 2024-02-05 [China Labour Bulletin]

China Labour Bulletin Strike Map data analysis: 2023 year in review for workers' rights 2024-02-02 [China Labour Bulletin]

China Transport workers uniting along the Belt & Road 2024-01-28 [GLC]

The ACFTU: a government agency engaging in trade union diplomacy 2024-01-28 [GLC]

The ACFTU: a government agency engaging in trade union diplomacy 2024-01-28 [GLC]

Global BRI@10: China as THE construction superpower 2024-01-24 [GLC]

Workers in Yangzhou producing for Nike strike over compensation plan upon factory shutdown 2024-01-22 [China Labour Bulletin]

Labour disputes hit a seven-year high last year in China under its sluggish post-pandemic economy 2024-01-20 [HKLRM]

Temu shoppers risk buying items made by forced labour, MP warns 2024-01-12 [BBC]

An introduction to China Labour Bulletin’s Strike Map 2024-01-11 [China Labour Bulletin]

An Introduction to CLB's Work Accident Map 2024-01-11 [China Labour Bulletin]

An introduction to China Labour Bulletin's Workers’ Calls-for-Help Map 2024-01-11 [China Labour Bulletin]

Challenging corporate complicity with state-imposed Uyghur forced labour 2024-01-10 [GLC]

Hong Kong Labour perspectives on China #2- Hong Kong workers under the authoritarian regime 2024-01-03 [GLC]

Working conditions in destabilised transport market prompt Huolala drivers to strike in 2023 2023-12-29 [China Labour Bulletin]

China Jimmy Lai’s sedition trial begins 2023-12-21 [IFJ]

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