Without change, corporate greed will force millions of workers into poverty, unions tell Pope’s advisors 2022-08-13 [ITF]

Pope: Neoliberalism and ‘free market' capitalism have failed the world 2020-10-08 [People's World]

Pope cuts pay for cardinals as finances hit by pandemic 2021-03-28 [BBC]

Pope: Neoliberalism and free market capitalism have failed the world 2020-10-08 [People's World]

Vatican, ITF and employers join forces to fight for global justice 2019-06-18 [ITF]

ITF president takes fight for justice and equity to the Vatican 2019-03-05 [ITF]

Vatican Convenes with 300 Union Leaders to Discuss Threats to the World of Work 2018-01-12 [ITUC]