LabourStart - Serbia

Will educators go on a general strike on January 20?

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Serbia Will educators go on a general strike on January 20? [vreme] 14-01-2025

Serbia Urgent need for a swift and thorough investigation into invasive surveillance of journalists and sources [EFJ] 19-12-2024

Serbia ETF Attends Court Hearing on Union Busting Case in Air Serbia [ETF] 28-11-2024

Serbia Workers in Yura need fair wages and decent working conditions [IndustriALL] 23-11-2024

Serbia Workers in Yura need fair wages and decent working conditions [IndustriAll Europe] 19-11-2024

Serbia Journalists’ union leaders call for end to precarious work in public media with Minister of Information [IFJ] 11-10-2024

Serbia Public debate on advertising law raises major concerns [EFJ] 08-10-2024

Serbia Manager physically assaults workers at Yura factory [IndustriAll Europe]  ActNOW!  02-10-2024

Serbia Workers in Yura assaulted by management [Strajk u Juri]  ActNOW!  02-10-2024

Serbia Manager physically assaults workers at Yura factory [IndustriALL]  ActNOW!  01-10-2024

Other news

Europe Full support to journalists on strike to defend public interest 2025-01-27 [EFJ]

Will educators go on a general strike on January 20? 2025-01-14 [vreme]

Urgent need for a swift and thorough investigation into invasive surveillance of journalists and sources 2024-12-19 [EFJ]

Serbia used spyware to hack phones of journalists 2024-12-17 [EFJ]

ETF Attends Court Hearing on Union Busting Case in Air Serbia 2024-11-28 [ETF]

Workers in Yura need fair wages and decent working conditions 2024-11-23 [IndustriALL]

Workers in Yura need fair wages and decent working conditions 2024-11-19 [IndustriAll Europe]

Journalists’ union leaders call for end to precarious work in public media with Minister of Information 2024-10-11 [IFJ]

Public debate on advertising law raises major concerns 2024-10-08 [EFJ]

Death threats against Tanjug journalists must be investigated 2024-10-04 [IFJ]

Workers in Yura assaulted by management  ActNOW!  2024-10-02 [Strajk u Juri]

Manager physically assaults workers at Yura factory  ActNOW!  2024-10-02 [IndustriAll Europe]

Manager physically assaults workers at Yura factory  ActNOW!  2024-10-01 [IndustriALL]

Croatia Serbian government harasses EPSU member 2024-09-23 [EPSU]

Bosnia and Herzegowina Balkans: We urge Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić to refrain from attacking journalists 2024-08-15 [EFJ]

Stop union-busting at Yura  ActNOW!  2024-08-07 [Solidarity - Eric Lee]

Journalist Tamara Skrozza smeared by pro-government media 2024-08-05 [EFJ]

Journalist Tamara Skrozza smeared by pro-government media 2024-08-03 [IFJ]

The workers' struggle at Yura - interview with Srđan from Radnicki Glas (Workers Voice)  ActNOW!  2024-07-30 [LabourStart Podcasts]

Global International solidarity grows for Yura workers in Leskovac, Serbia, amid tough negotiations  ActNOW!  2024-07-26 [IndustriAll Europe]

'Degraded Profession': Serbia Teachers Rattled By Attacks 2024-07-14 [Barron's]

Metalworkers' strike in Serbia 2024-07-11 [Workers Liberty]

Belarus Journalist Andrey Gniot must not be extradited to Belarus 2024-07-08 [EFJ]

Solidarity with the Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation in their quest for justice 2024-06-26 [EFJ]

KRIK journalists facing SLAPPs after publishing the profile of Judge Dušanka Đorđević in database 2024-06-18 [EFJ]

BWI report exposes exploitation of Vietnamese and Indian workers in Serbian construction 2024-06-08 [BWI]

Vietnam BWI report exposes exploitation of Vietnamese and Indian workers in Serbian construction 2024-06-07 [BWI]

SafeJournalists network, MFRR partners, and Coalition for Media Freedom condemn continuing pressures and attacks on journalists 2024-05-31 [EFJ]

Belarus MFRR partners demand Belgrade court set Belarusian journalist free 2024-05-06 [EFJ]

Report: More than half of Serbian journalists experienced self-censorship 2024-04-25 [EFJ]

Safety and justice: demanding accountability for attacks against journalists in Serbia 2024-04-11 [EFJ]

Serbia Exploring energy transition and Industry 4.0 in the Western Balkans 2024-04-10 [IndustriALL]

'I wish to tell every worker that our strength is in the unions' 2024-04-10 [IFJ]

Union win! Wage increase for Galenika a.d., workers in Serbia 2024-04-04 [Industriall Europe]

Letter to Serbian authorities: Urgent action needed to address imminent threats targeting journalists Ana Lalić Hegediš and Dinko Gruhonjić 2024-03-27 [EFJ]

Urgent action needed to address threats against journalists 2024-03-27 [IFJ]

Escalating threats and attacks against journalists in Novi Sad 2024-03-24 [IFJ]

Escalating threats and attacks against journalists in Novi Sad 2024-03-22 [ETF]

Physical confrontation with journalist in Serbia is unacceptable and must be sanctioned 2024-03-07 [EFJ]

Court of Appeals acquits suspects of journalist Slavko Ćuruvija’s murder 2024-02-07 [EFJ]

EFJ condemns acquittals in Slavko Ćuruvija murder case 2024-02-06 [EFJ]

Hundreds protest acquittals in journalist’s murder 2024-02-06 [EFJ]

We condemn the attacks against journalists during protests in Belgrade 2024-01-02 [EFJ]

RTV journalists sign permanent contracts after union wins historic agreement 2023-12-21 [IFJ]

Journalists' union leaders will meet Information Minister to tackle unlawful precarious work at Radio Television Vojvodina 2023-11-07 [IFJ]

Unite against the discrimination of cabin crew in Air Serbia  ActNOW!  2023-11-03 [ETF]

IFJ demands president to investigate the killing of journalist Milan Pantić 2023-11-01 [IFJ]

MFRR and SafeJournalists call on state institutions to address threats to journalists 2023-10-27 [EFJ]

SRGIGMS steps up CBA signing at company level 2023-10-23 [BWI]

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