LabourStart - Philippines

Journalist charged for ‘terrorist financing’

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Philippines Journalist charged for ‘terrorist financing’ [IFJ] 06-02-2025

Philippines / Global PSLINK Statement at Asia-Pacific Review of Global Compact on Migration [PSI] 04-02-2025

Philippines Importante victoria para los trabajadores de plataformas en Filipinas [Rel UITA] 23-01-2025

Philippines Les retards de paiement des urgences sanitaires amènent l'UNI-PLC à une audition au Congrès [UNI] 22-01-2025

Philippines El retraso en los pagos de emergencias sanitarias lleva a UNI-PLC a una audiencia en el Congreso [UNI] 22-01-2025

Philippines Delayed Health Emergency Payments Brings UNI-PLC to Congressional Hearing [UNI Global Union] 21-01-2025

Philippines Community Health Workers & Policymakers Unite in Groundbreaking Forum to Tackle Sectoral Challenges [UNI Global Union] 19-12-2024

Philippines Nexperia Philippines dismisses four union leaders [IndustriALL] 18-12-2024

Philippines Nexperia Philippines licencie quatre responsables syndicaux [IndustriALL] 18-12-2024

Philippines Nexperia Philippines despide a cuatro dirigentes sindicales [IndustriALL] 18-12-2024

Other news

Journalist charged for ‘terrorist financing’ 2025-02-06 [IFJ]

Kilusang Mayo Uno reiterates call for P1,200 family living wage 2025-02-05 [Kilusang Mayo Uno]

Global PSLINK Statement at Asia-Pacific Review of Global Compact on Migration 2025-02-04 [PSI]

Thailand Public Launch of the National Food Delivery Riders Union, Bulacan Chapter, Philippines: Thai Riders Association Presidents Join in Solidarity 2025-02-04 [IUF Asia/Pacific]

Importante victoria para los trabajadores de plataformas en Filipinas 2025-01-23 [Rel UITA]

El retraso en los pagos de emergencias sanitarias lleva a UNI-PLC a una audiencia en el Congreso 2025-01-22 [UNI]

Les retards de paiement des urgences sanitaires amènent l'UNI-PLC à une audition au Congrès 2025-01-22 [UNI]

Labor Union: Layoffs loom for Coca-Cola Cebu Workers 2025-01-22 [The Sun-Star]

Delayed Health Emergency Payments Brings UNI-PLC to Congressional Hearing 2025-01-21 [UNI Global Union]

Riders in Cebu Win Again, FoodPanda's Appeal Denied For more info 2025-01-10 [Solidarity Center]

Community Health Workers & Policymakers Unite in Groundbreaking Forum to Tackle Sectoral Challenges 2024-12-19 [UNI Global Union]

Nexperia Philippines despide a cuatro dirigentes sindicales 2024-12-18 [IndustriALL]

Nexperia Philippines licencie quatre responsables syndicaux 2024-12-18 [IndustriALL]

Nexperia Philippines dismisses four union leaders 2024-12-18 [IndustriALL]

Fagbevegelsen har en lang vei å gå 2024-12-17 [Fagbladet]

Unions’ joint commitment to go public, fund education and counter teacher shortage 2024-12-10 [Education International]

Philippines Union looks into claims of trafficking 2024-12-05 [Radio New Zealand]

Discrimination, unpaid care work: The unique challenges of women workers 2024-11-27 [rappler]

J&T Express workers to hold strike 2024-11-24 [Business World]

Free Mary Jane Veloso! Justice to all human trafficking victims 2024-11-21 [Kilusang Mayo Uno]

Le Sénat philippin passe à la deuxième lecture de la Magna Carta des travailleurs de la santé des barangay 2024-11-16 [UNI]

Senate Moves Magna Carta of Barangay Health Workers to Second Reading 2024-11-16 [UNI Global Union]

Drivers in Philippines Stay Strong with Foodpanda Challenge For more info 2024-11-12 [Solidarity Center]

Jailed community journalist testifies 2024-11-11 [IFJ]

Endangering workers lives should be a crime-KMU 2024-11-08 [KMU]

Dismiss the trumped up charges of Anne Kreuger and Danny Tabura 2024-11-08 [KMU]

‘Endo’ could scare away socially responsible investors, unions say 2024-11-01 [BusinessWorld]

Solidarity with Franklin Baker workers 2024-10-30 [KMU]

Free Gavino Panganiban! Free Maritess David! 2024-10-29 [KMU]

Los cuidadores filipinos forman un nuevo sindicato para exigir mejores condiciones 2024-10-27 [UNI]

Aux Philippines, le personnel soignant forme un nouveau syndicat pour obtenir de meilleures conditions de travail 2024-10-27 [UNI]

BWI-AP Statement on the devastation caused by Typhoon Kristine in the Philippines 2024-10-27 [BWI]

Female radio anchor killed in Mindanao shooting 2024-10-24 [IFJ]

KMU on inflation, unemployment data 2024-10-20 [KMU]

Victoria en Nexperia Philippines 2024-10-18 [IndustriALL]

Victoire chez Nexperia Philippines 2024-10-18 [IndustriALL]

Victory at Nexperia Philippines 2024-10-18 [IndustriALL]

Los cuidadores comunitarios regionales de Filipinas se unen para la planificación estratégica y la formación en cuestiones de género 2024-10-14 [UNI]

Les travailleurs communautaires régionaux des Philippines s'unissent pour une planification stratégique et une formation sur l'égalité des sexes 2024-10-14 [UNI]

Fair Wages at Last: Cebu Delivery Riders Win Fair Pay Case 2024-10-14 [Sugbo]

Cebu riders win case vs. food delivery firm 2024-10-13 [The Daily News]

Regional Community Care Workers Unite for Strategic Planning and Gender Training 2024-10-08 [UNI Global Union]

Palestine Kilusang Mayo Uno on the enduring resistance of Palestine 2024-10-08 [Kilusang Mayo Uno]

Opascor union members to avoid mass actions 2024-10-07 [Port Calls]

Dangerous ‘Red Tagging’ of Labour Leaders - Harassment Threatens Unions; Foreign Companies Risk Complicity in Abuses 2024-09-26 [Human Rights Watch]

AFW wins vote to unionise hospital 2024-09-24 [PSI]

Journalist assaulted and harassed at protest 2024-09-10 [IFJ]

Arbetare från University of Santo Tomas i Filippinerna samlas mot orättvis hälsoordning 2024-08-27 [UNI Global Union]

Arbeiter der Universität von Santo Tomas Philippinen demonstrieren gegen ungerechte Gesundheitsverordnung 2024-08-27 [UNI Global Union]

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