BWI to Heidelberg Materials-France: Stop endangering workers' safety
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France BWI to Heidelberg Materials-France: Stop endangering workers' safety [BWI] 02-12-2024
France Rail Unions Threaten to Strike Over Holiday Travel Disruptions and Freight Policies [Railway Supply] 10-11-2024
France Worrying state of play for French professionals [Eurocadres] 03-11-2024
France Striking Ubisoft workers say “game over” to company’s refusal to negotiate [UNI Global Union] 21-10-2024
France / Italy Ubisoft French Workers Strike Over Return To Office Order Spreads To Italy [Deadline] 18-10-2024
France ‘A real blow is being prepared’ for public services in France says trade union federation Force Ouvrière [The News Line] 18-10-2024
France Unions denounce the intimidation of several journalists at the Mazan high-profile rape trial [EFJ] 17-10-2024
France 'Austerity and the impoverishment of public services in the territories are the fuel of the far right' [PSI] 17-10-2024
France Sanofi workers to strike in bid to block consumer health unit deal, union official says [Reuters] 16-10-2024
France Plan to tackle deficit sparks outcry from left-wing lawmakers, unions [France 24] 15-10-2024
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This month in labour history
1-12-1997 Committees of the unemployed occupy Assedic branches and ANPEs in the provinces and in Paris demanding a reassessment of social minima. The movement will continue until June 1998. [more]
7-12-1994 1.75 million workers protest during a series of general strikes against gov cuts & exploitation, shutting down country. [more]
12-12-1964 9 million workers participate in a public sector strike against the de Gaulle government. [more]
12-12-1995 2 million people in the street shouting "All together!" against the Juppé plan to reform pensions and social security. [more]
15-12-1995 The government withdraws its pension reform plan but maintains its reform of Social Security. The "defence of social gains" won. [more]
16-12-1912 The CGT launches a one day general strike against war, with protests involving 600,000 workers. [more]
19-12-1947 Creation of the CGT-Force Ouvrière whose leaders wish to preserve their neutrality vis-à-vis the government, employers and especially the Communist Party. [more]
22-12-1972 Law on gender pay equity takes effect. [more]
24-12-1912 The CGT holds its extraordinary congress in Paris with a view to organizing a general strike against a possible war. There are 750 delegates representing 1,452 unions. [more]
26-12-1916 In the midst of the war, Renault's bricklayers began a strike that lasts until January 20, 1917. [more]
27-12-1892 The law on conciliation and optional arbitration in disputes between employers and workers comes into force. [more]
27-12-1974 An explosion in the coal seam in Saint-Amé pit #3 kills 42 miners in Liévin. The disaster marks the closure of the site. [more]
28-12-1917 Banks in Paris are shut as financial services workers strike. [more]