LabourStart - Palestine

News from Gaza: Young unionists' dedication to collective action and unity

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Palestine / Global News from Gaza: Young unionists' dedication to collective action and unity [BWI] 02-12-2024

Palestine La ONU denuncia el saqueo 'sistemático' de ayuda humanitaria en Gaza [PIT-CNT] 23-11-2024

Palestine IFJ awards 22 grants totalling $1 million to Palestinian media organisations [IFJ] 19-11-2024

Palestine La Palestina indietro di 70 anni [Collettiva] 16-11-2024

Palestine Consejo Ejecutivo de UNI Mundial: Israel debe dejar de bloquear los servicios de comunicación en Palestina [UNI] 16-11-2024

Palestine Grants totalling $1 million to rebuild Palestinian media [IFJ] 15-11-2024

Palestine Flai e Un Ponte Per, insieme per la Palestina [Collettiva] 10-11-2024

Palestine L’Oil riconosce la Palestina [Collettiva] 10-11-2024

Palestine La OIT reconoce a Palestina como Estado observador, en busca de un reconocimiento internacional [Latam Gremial] 10-11-2024

Palestine / Global ILO-Verwaltungsrat erkennt Palästina als Staat an [CSI] 05-11-2024

Other news

Palestine USO y más de 150 organizaciones claman por el alto el fuego en Palestina 2024-12-02 [USO]

Global News from Gaza: Young unionists' dedication to collective action and unity 2024-12-02 [BWI]

Global ITF reaffirms commitment to peace and justice on International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people 2024-12-02 [ITF]

Palestine WUCP on the occassion of the International Day of Solidaity with Palestine 2024-12-01 [WFTU]

Palestine SA must impose sanctions on apartheid Israel – NUMSA 2024-11-30 [Politicsweb/NUMSA]

Palestine NEHAWU statement on International Day of Solidarity with the people of Palestine 2024-11-29 [COSATU]

Palestine ICC arrest warrants for Israeli leaders, major step to end impunity 2024-11-28 [IFJ]

Palestine Oljefondet har nå 220 milliarder kroner i selskaper tilknyttet israelske bosettinger 2024-11-26 [Fri fagbevegelse]

La ONU denuncia el saqueo 'sistemático' de ayuda humanitaria en Gaza 2024-11-23 [PIT-CNT]

Palestine SAFTU welcomes warrant of arrest for genocidal Benjamin Netanyahu 2024-11-22 [SAFTU]

Palestine COSATU welcomes ICC’s arrest warrants and upholding justice for Palestine 2024-11-22 [COSATU]

Palestine Concentraciones el 30N por el alto el fuego inmediato en Palestina y Líbano 2024-11-19 [USO]

IFJ awards 22 grants totalling $1 million to Palestinian media organisations 2024-11-19 [IFJ]

Consejo Ejecutivo de UNI Mundial: Israel debe dejar de bloquear los servicios de comunicación en Palestina 2024-11-16 [UNI]

Conseil exécutif mondial d'UNI : Israël doit cesser de bloquer les services de communication en Palestine 2024-11-16 [UNI]

UNI World Executive Board: Israel should stop blocking communication services in Palestine 2024-11-16 [UNI]

La Palestina indietro di 70 anni 2024-11-16 [Collettiva]

Grants totalling $1 million to rebuild Palestinian media 2024-11-15 [IFJ]

La OIT reconoce a Palestina como Estado observador, en busca de un reconocimiento internacional 2024-11-10 [Latam Gremial]

L’Oil riconosce la Palestina 2024-11-10 [Collettiva]

Flai e Un Ponte Per, insieme per la Palestina 2024-11-10 [Collettiva]

Palestine NUPGE President meets with UN Special Rapporteur 2024-11-09 [NUPGE]

Palestine Le Canada doit agir pour mettre fin au génocide dans les territoires palestiniens occupés 2024-11-08 [SCFP]

Palestine Canada must act to stop genocide in occupied Palestinian territories 2024-11-08 [CUPE]

Palestine Israel teria que repartir US$ 524 bi em receita de combustíveis se Estado Palestino fosse criado, afirma agência da ONU 2024-11-06 [ANDES]

Global Le Conseil d’administration du BIT reconnaît la Palestine en tant qu’État 2024-11-05 [CSI]

Global El Consejo de Administración de la OIT reconoce a Palestina como Estado 2024-11-05 [CSI]

Global ILO-Verwaltungsrat erkennt Palästina als Staat an 2024-11-05 [CSI]

International Labour Organisation recognises Palestine as a state 2024-11-05 [The New Arab]

Global ILO Governing Body recognises Palestine as a state 2024-11-04 [ITUC]

ILO Governing Body recognises Palestine as a state 2024-11-04 [ITUC]

Palestine Help is urgently needed for the journalists of Gaza 2024-11-03 [MEAA]

Palestine Maurizio Landini incontra l’Ambasciatrice di Palestina 2024-10-27 [CGIL]

Palestine Harassed at work by a supervisor, fired illegally, threatened, but overcame her fears, and succeeded. 2024-10-27 [MAAN]

Trade unions & professional syndicates call for escalating BDS pressure to end complicity with Israel’s #GazaGenocide & apartheid 2024-10-27 [BDS]

Kvinner i fagbevegelsen: Vi gir oss aldri 2024-10-26 [Fri fagbevegelse]

Palestine IndustriALL pide la paz inmediata en Oriente Medio 2024-10-25 [IndustriALL]

Palestine IndustriALL calls for immediate peace in Middle East 2024-10-25 [IndustriALL]

Palestine IndustriALL demande la paix tout de suite au Moyen-Orient 2024-10-25 [IndustriALL]

Palestine Tertiary educators demand universities boycott Israel 2024-10-25 [Green Left Weekly]

Palestine IDF accuses six Al Jazeera journalists in Gaza of being terrorists 2024-10-25 [IFJ]

VIDEO  “Palestina-Israele: l’emergenza dello scolasticidio” 2024-10-24 [Collettiva]

Palestine Unions wage nationwide general strike for Palestine 2024-10-22 [TRNN]

Israel Verdens transportarbeiderne krever våpenhvile og egen palestinsk stat 2024-10-21 [Fri fagbevegelse]

Palestine Precedent: A Palestinian woman sued an Israeli company for Sexual Harassment and Won 2024-10-19 [MAAN]

A year of war: Unemployment surges to nearly 80 per cent and GDP contracts by almost 85 per cent in Gaza 2024-10-17 [ILO]

Palestine Manifestação 'Palestina Livre ! Paz no Médio Oriente !' 2024-10-16 [CGTP]

Uruguay Naciones Unidas: Israel está cometiendo un exterminio en Gaza, asegura una Comisión de Investigación Independiente de la ONU 2024-10-15 [PIT-CNT]

Palestinian workers hold general strike in solidarity with unemployed amid ongoing crisis 2024-10-15 [BWI]

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