LabourStart - Palestine

IFJ and PJS launch first media solidarity center in Khan Younes

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Palestine IFJ and PJS launch first media solidarity center in Khan Younes [IFJ] 23-07-2024

Palestine At least 117 journalists and media workers killed in Gaza [IFJ] 17-07-2024

Palestine Palestinians observe strike in West Bank against killings by Israel in Gaza [Al-Jazeerah] 15-07-2024

Palestine / Israel EFJ joins media organisations to urge Israel to open access to Gaza [EFJ] 12-07-2024

Palestine Guerre et traumatismes : prendre en charge la santé mentale en Palestine [IE] 10-07-2024

Palestine War and trauma: Addressing mental health in Palestine [Education International] 04-07-2024

Palestine / Israel EFJ joins ETUC in calling the EU to consider a military embargo [EFJ] 01-07-2024

Palestine Le Comité exécutif de la FIJ a adopté une motion sur la Palestine [FIJ] 22-06-2024

Palestine Global unions’ mission pledges support for Palestinian statehood [IndustriALL] 16-06-2024

Palestine A Gaza è allarme carestia [Collettiva] 16-06-2024

Other news

Palestine Unions urge Biden to halt military aid to Israel ahead of Netanyahu visit 2024-07-24 [Politico]

Palestine Unions Representing Six Million Workers Demand an End to All U.S. Military Aid to Israel 2024-07-24 [Labour Notes]

Palestine Seven major US labor unions call on Biden to ‘shut off military aid to Israel’ 2024-07-24 [The Guardian]

IFJ and PJS launch first media solidarity center in Khan Younes 2024-07-23 [IFJ]

Palestine Partito il carico di aiuti per Gaza: la solidarietà della CGIL per una popolazione in crisi 2024-07-20 [CGIL]

At least 117 journalists and media workers killed in Gaza 2024-07-17 [IFJ]

Palestine elected as a member of the ILO governing body 2024-07-15 [PGFTU]

Palestinians observe strike in West Bank against killings by Israel in Gaza 2024-07-15 [Al-Jazeerah]

Israel EFJ joins media organisations to urge Israel to open access to Gaza 2024-07-12 [EFJ]

Guerre et traumatismes : prendre en charge la santé mentale en Palestine 2024-07-10 [IE]

Palestine Shireen Abu Akleh Prize launched – €5,000 award to recognise the courage and commitment of women journalists 2024-07-04 [IFJ]

War and trauma: Addressing mental health in Palestine 2024-07-04 [Education International]

Israel EFJ joins ETUC in calling the EU to consider a military embargo 2024-07-01 [EFJ]

Palestine COSATU hoping SA govt won’t neglect fight for Palestinian people’s rights 2024-06-25 [Eyewitness News]

Le Comité exécutif de la FIJ a adopté une motion sur la Palestine 2024-06-22 [FIJ]

Palestine UNISON passes motion to recognise Palestine as a state 2024-06-21 [UNISON]

A Gaza è allarme carestia 2024-06-16 [Collettiva]

Global unions’ mission pledges support for Palestinian statehood 2024-06-16 [IndustriALL]

Palestine UGT participa en un acto de denuncia y sensibilización sobre la situación de millones de personas en Gaza 2024-06-13 [UGT]

Global Gaza et les territoires occupés au cœur des discussions de l’OIT 2024-06-13 [CFDT]

Global ITF demonstrates solidarity with Palestinian workers and unions after mission 2024-06-13 [ITF]

Palestine California Académicos de universidades públicas de California ponen fin a la huelga pro-palestina bajo orden judicial de Reuters. 2024-06-11 [La Cronica]

Palestine Significant Achievements of MAAN – Workers Association in Protecting Workers’ Rights Since the Start of the War 2024-06-08 [MAAN]

Israel Israeli mob attacks journalists covering nationalist flag march in occupied East Jerusalem 2024-06-07 [IFJ]

ITUC declares solidarity with Palestinian workers 2024-06-06 [Nigerian Tribune]

Palestine NUPGE condemns Israeli’s military attacks on civilians in Rafah 2024-06-02 [NUPGE]

Palestine Les infirmières et infirmiers du Canada réaffirment leur appui aux travailleurs de la santé à Gaza 2024-06-02 [FCSII]

Palestine Nurses reaffirm support for health care workers in Gaza 2024-06-02 [CFNU]

Palestine Quebec Injonction à l’UQAM contre le camp en solidarité avec la Palestine: la CSN déplore la judiciarisation de la situation 2024-06-02 [CSN]

Los líderes sindicales mundiales afirman su apoyo a los sindicatos palestinos y al pueblo palestino 2024-06-01 [UNI]

La histórica visita de UNI y la Agrupación Global Unions refuerza la solidaridad con los trabajadores palestinos, pide un alto el fuego y un Estado palestino 2024-06-01 [UNI]

Les dirigeants syndicaux internationaux affirment leur soutien aux syndicats palestiniens et au peuple palestinien 2024-06-01 [UNI]

La visite historique d'UNI et de Global Unions renforce la solidarité avec les travailleurs palestiniens et appelle à un cessez-le-feu et à un État palestinien 2024-06-01 [UNI]

Historic visit by UNI and Global Unions reinforces solidarity with Palestinian Workers, Calls for a ceasefire and a Palestinian State 2024-06-01 [UNI]

La ISP se reúne con sus afiliadas palestinas en Ramala 2024-06-01 [ISP]

Führungskräfte von Global Unions bekräftigen Unterstützung für palästinensische Gewerkschaften und das palästinensische Volk 2024-06-01 [IUL]

Los líderes de la Agrupación Global Unions afirman su apoyo a los sindicatos palestinos y al pueblo palestino 2024-06-01 [UITA]

Les dirigeant-e-s de Global Union affirment leur soutien aux syndicats palestiniens et au peuple palestinien 2024-06-01 [UITA]

Solidarité avec les travailleurs palestiniens 2024-06-01 [CSI]

Solidaridad con los trabajadores y trabajadoras de Palestina 2024-06-01 [CSI]

Solidarität mit palästinensischen Beschäftigten 2024-06-01 [IGB]

Palestinian Journalists Syndicate commemorated its centenary 2024-06-01 [IFJ]

Dirigentes de federaciones sindicales internacionales reafirman su apoyo al pueblo y los sindicatos palestinos 2024-06-01 [IndustriALL]

BWI leaders join Global Unions & Palestine's unions to call for justice for Palestinian workers 2024-06-01 [BWI]

Palestine Ceasefire now! Proteste an den Hochschulen 2024-05-31 [VPOD-SSP]

Palestine Non à la répression dans les hautes écoles! 2024-05-31 [SSP Geneve]

Global Global Union leaders affirm support for Palestinian trade unions and the Palestinian people 2024-05-31 [IUF]

PSI meets with Palestinian affiliates in Ramallah 2024-05-31 [PSI]

Les dirigeants des Syndicats mondiaux affirment leur soutien aux syndicats palestiniens et au peuple palestinien 2024-05-30 [IndustriALL]

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