LabourStart - Germany

Postal workers threaten further strikes in wage dispute

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Germany Postal workers threaten further strikes in wage dispute [DPA] 05-02-2025

Germany Unions denounce extremist political party presence in education trade fair [Education International] 04-02-2025

Germany Solidarity with EVG in Their Fight for Fair Wages, Respect, and a Strong Future for Rail [ETF] 04-02-2025

Germany Verdi union calls DHL strike [DW] 28-01-2025

Germany Berlin Public Transport Paralyzed By BVG Worker Strike [The Pinnacle Gazette] 27-01-2025

Germany / Global Human rights due diligence: a new tool for trade unions takes shape [UNI Global Union] 24-01-2025

Germany Ver.di anuncia huelga del transporte público en Berlín [Noticias del Mundo] 23-01-2025

Germany NGG Nationwide Action today || Fast-Food Workers Deserve Decent Pay! [EFFAT] 13-01-2025

Germany Trabalhadores de fast-food na Alemanha em greve por piso salarial [Mundo Sindical] 10-01-2025

Germany Personal de comida rápida y servicio de comidas en huelga por 15 euros la hora [Rel UITA] 03-01-2025

Other news

Postal workers threaten further strikes in wage dispute 2025-02-05 [DPA]

Solidarity with EVG in Their Fight for Fair Wages, Respect, and a Strong Future for Rail 2025-02-04 [ETF]

Unions denounce extremist political party presence in education trade fair 2025-02-04 [Education International]

Bus Strikes Disrupt Public Transport Across Karlsruhe Region 2025-01-28 [The Pinnacle Gazette]

Deutsche Post Employees Launch Nationwide Warning Strike 2025-01-28 [The Pinnacle Gazette]

Deutsche Post AG Workers Strike For Fair Wages 2025-01-28 [The Pinnacle Gazette]

Verdi union calls DHL strike 2025-01-28 [DW]

Germany International Holocaust Remembrance Day: 'We must take a stand, when the warning bell of history tolls so insistently” 2025-01-28 [Education International]

Berlín sin transporte público urbano por una huelga para exigir mejoras salariales 2025-01-27 [Investing]

Major Strike Disrupts Berlin Public Transport System 2025-01-27 [The Pinnacle Gazette]

BVG Workers Stage 24-Hour Strike For Higher Wages 2025-01-27 [The Pinnacle Gazette]

Berlin Public Transport Paralyzed By BVG Worker Strike 2025-01-27 [The Pinnacle Gazette]

Global Human rights due diligence: a new tool for trade unions takes shape 2025-01-24 [UNI Global Union]

Ver.di anuncia huelga del transporte público en Berlín 2025-01-23 [Noticias del Mundo]

¡Esto es una locura! El presidente del sindicato de jugadores de la Bundesliga advierte sobre la amenaza de huelga 2025-01-23 [Footboom]

NGG Nationwide Action today || Fast-Food Workers Deserve Decent Pay! 2025-01-13 [EFFAT]

Trabalhadores de fast-food na Alemanha em greve por piso salarial 2025-01-10 [Mundo Sindical]

Personal de comida rápida y servicio de comidas en huelga por 15 euros la hora 2025-01-03 [Rel UITA]

Germany Volkswagen reached deal withIG Metallagreed to cut 35,000 jobs 2024-12-22 [BBC]

Volkswagen enig med fagforeningene: Ingen fabrikker skal stenges 2024-12-20 [Investornytt/NTB]

Ingen løsning på bitter kuttrunde hos Volkswagen 2024-12-20 [Radio Haugalandet/NTB]

Germany Inclusive education for new Belarus 2024-12-20 []

Germany Strikes to sweep Germany and U.S. as Amazon workers unite to Make Amazon Pay 2024-12-20 [UNI Global Union]

Gulf over VW German plant closures remains in marathon talks with union 2024-12-20 [Reuters]

Germany Internationale gewerkschaftliche Solidarität gegen die Repressionen in Belarus 2024-12-19 []

Mer bråk på Tesla-fabrikken i Berlin 2024-12-19 [Motor]

Fortsatt ikke enighet mellom Volkswagen og fagforeninger 2024-12-19 [NRK]

Raseri mot Volkswagen, hat mot De grønne 2024-12-17 [Energi og Klima]

VW, unions hold 'constructive' talks, but no solution in sight 2024-12-10 [Reuters]

Germany Solidarity Message from the Independent Workers Union Ireland to the Workers of Volkswagen in Germany 2024-12-09 [IWU]

Trabajadores de Volkswagen intensifican las huelgas contra el cierre de plantas en Alemania 2024-12-06 [El Economista]

VW workers step up strikes to fight German plant closures 2024-12-06 [Reuters]

VW workers announce second strike as cuts loom 2024-12-06 [Deutsche Welle]

Nueve plantas de Volkswagen se van a huelga ante la reducción de costos 2024-12-05 [autocosmos]

Huelga de maestros de escuela en Berlín para exigir medidas de protección de la salud 2024-12-05 [infobae]

Volkswagen in sciopero. Sindacati: “Sarà dura battaglia” 2024-12-05 [Collettiva]

Volkswagen: lo sciopero dei 100.000 2024-12-05 [Collettiva]

Germany International trade union solidarity against repressions in Belarus 2024-12-05 []

Más de 100.000 trabajadores secundan la huelga de Volkswagen en Alemania 2024-12-04 [El Debate]

Union says nearly 100,000 workers joined Volkswagen strikes across Germany 2024-12-03 [Reuters]

Union says nearly 100,000 workers joined Volkswagen strikes across Germany 2024-12-03 [Reuters]

Trabajadores de Volkswagen van a huelga en toda Alemania 2024-12-03 [Deutsche Welle]

Germany Germany - Volkswagen workers worry about future as they stage warning strikes 2024-12-03 [Euro News]

Streiker mot nedleggelser og lønnsnedslag ved Volkswagen 2024-12-02 [Børsen]

Volkswagen workers strike at factories across Germany 2024-12-02 [Deutsche Welle]

Volkswagen Unions Begin Short Strikes and Threaten More 2024-12-02 [NYTimes]

Germany Tackling automotive supply chain challenges in Türkiye 2024-12-02 [IndustriALL]

Varsler streik på VW-fabrikker 2024-12-01 [Radio Haugaland/NTB]

Volkswagen workers in Germany ready to strike in early December 2024-12-01 [Euro News]

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