Top stories
Germany Postal workers threaten further strikes in wage dispute [DPA] 05-02-2025
Germany Unions denounce extremist political party presence in education trade fair [Education International] 04-02-2025
Germany Solidarity with EVG in Their Fight for Fair Wages, Respect, and a Strong Future for Rail [ETF] 04-02-2025
Germany Verdi union calls DHL strike [DW] 28-01-2025
Germany Berlin Public Transport Paralyzed By BVG Worker Strike [The Pinnacle Gazette] 27-01-2025
Germany / Global Human rights due diligence: a new tool for trade unions takes shape [UNI Global Union] 24-01-2025
Germany Ver.di anuncia huelga del transporte público en Berlín [Noticias del Mundo] 23-01-2025
Germany NGG Nationwide Action today || Fast-Food Workers Deserve Decent Pay! [EFFAT] 13-01-2025
Germany Trabalhadores de fast-food na Alemanha em greve por piso salarial [Mundo Sindical] 10-01-2025
Germany Personal de comida rápida y servicio de comidas en huelga por 15 euros la hora [Rel UITA] 03-01-2025
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