LabourStart - Georgia

Six Labor Unions Initiate Collective Action Against State Repression

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Georgia Six Labor Unions Initiate Collective Action Against State Repression [Civil Georgia] 08-02-2025

Georgia IFJ urges authorities to release journalist Mzia Amaglobeli [IFJ] 31-01-2025

Georgia Les travailleurs de l'évolution méritent un traitement équitable ! [UNI] 22-01-2025

Georgia ¡Las personas trabajadoras de Evolution merecen un trato justo! [UNI] 22-01-2025

Georgia / Global Evolution workers deserve a fair deal! [UNI Global Union] 21-01-2025

Georgia Unions divided as pro-democracy general strike takes place [OC Media] 17-01-2025

Georgia Tkibuli miners allege political dismissals amid company’s ‘reorganisation’ [OC Media] 26-12-2024

Georgia / Europe Media and entertainment unions stand with Georgia’s cultural workers [UNI Global Union] 20-12-2024

Georgia EFJ, IFJ and partner organisations call on the EU to react to press freedom crackdown [EFJ] 13-12-2024

Georgia EFJ calls on authorities to stop assault on journalists during demonstrations in Tbilisi [EFJ] 11-12-2024

Other news

Georgia Trade Unions for Social Justice in Sakartvelo. 2025-02-09 []

Six Labor Unions Initiate Collective Action Against State Repression 2025-02-08 [Civil Georgia]

IFJ urges authorities to release journalist Mzia Amaglobeli 2025-01-31 [IFJ]

¡Las personas trabajadoras de Evolution merecen un trato justo! 2025-01-22 [UNI]

Les travailleurs de l'évolution méritent un traitement équitable ! 2025-01-22 [UNI]

Global Evolution workers deserve a fair deal! 2025-01-21 [UNI Global Union]

Unions divided as pro-democracy general strike takes place 2025-01-17 [OC Media]

Georgian workers to hold countrywide strike demanding new elections 2025-01-06 [bne Intellinews]

Tkibuli miners allege political dismissals amid company’s ‘reorganisation’ 2024-12-26 [OC Media]

Europe Media and entertainment unions stand with Georgia’s cultural workers 2024-12-20 [UNI Global Union]

Union condemns draft changes to law 2024-12-13 [GTUC]

EFJ, IFJ and partner organisations call on the EU to react to press freedom crackdown 2024-12-13 [EFJ]

EFJ calls on authorities to stop assault on journalists during demonstrations in Tbilisi 2024-12-11 [EFJ]

Les droits démocratiques doivent être respectés en Géorgie 2024-12-10 [IndustriALL]

Georgia debe respetar los derechos democráticos 2024-12-10 [IndustriALL]

There must be respect for democratic rights in Georgia 2024-12-10 [IndustriALL]

Global Respect democracy and freedom and the will of the people 2024-12-06 [ITUC]

Statement by the GTUC 2024-12-05 [GTUC]

Europe We call on the government and its police to stop brutalising journalists 2024-12-02 [EFJ]

Union Accuses Government of Collusion with Evolution  ActNOW!  2024-11-28 [Gambling News]

Will International Solidarity Turn the Tables in Favor of Striking Gaming Workers in Georgia?  ActNOW!  2024-11-20 [Labour Notes]

La valentía de los trabajadores de Evolution Gaming gana el Premio Libertad del Miedo de UNI  ActNOW!  2024-11-16 [UNI]

Le courage des travailleurs d'Evolution Gaming récompensé par le prix Freedom from Fear d'UNI  ActNOW!  2024-11-16 [UNI]

Global Four months on strike at Evolution Gaming 2024-11-14 [LabourStart Podcasts]

Der Mut der Evolution Gaming-Mitarbeiter wird mit dem UNI-Preis für 'Freiheit von Angst' ausgezeichnet  ActNOW!  2024-11-13 [UNI Global Union]

Evolution Gaming workers’ bravery wins UNI’s Freedom from Fear Award  ActNOW!  2024-11-13 [UNI Global Union]

Georgian Manganese to stop work at Chiatura mines and ferroalloy plant 2024-11-04 [OC Media]

Press freedom organisations demand protection for journalists 2024-11-01 [EFJ]

En Géorgie, le secteur de la culture s’inquiète face au tournant autoritaire et anti-européen du gouvernement et se mobilise à travers l’action syndicale 2024-10-29 [Equal Times]

Solidaridad mundial con los trabajadores de Evolution en Georgia  ActNOW!  2024-10-27 [UNI]

Solidarité mondiale pour les travailleurs d'Evolution en Géorgie  ActNOW!  2024-10-27 [UNI]

Irakli Petriashvili thanked the Union of Trade Unions of the European Union for their unanimity in the process of joining the Union of Georgian Trade Unions. 2024-10-25 [GTUC]

Inquietud (y movilización) del sector cultural ante el viraje autoritario y antieuropeo del Gobierno georgiano 2024-10-24 [Equal Times]

Alarmed by the Georgian government’s authoritarian and anti-European shift, the cultural sector is mobilising through trade union action 2024-10-24 [Equal Times]

Global Global solidarity for Evolution workers in Georgia  ActNOW!  2024-10-24 [UNI Global Union]

Evolution Gaming: This strike matters  ActNOW!  2024-10-23 [Solidarity - Eric Lee]

Georgia İşyeri sanal, grev gerçek 2024-10-12 [IlkeTV]

Georgia İşyeri sanal, grev gerçek  ActNOW!  2024-10-12 [IlkeTV]

პრესის თავისუფლება და ჟურნალისტების უსაფრთხოება საფრთხეშია, იზრდება პოლარიზაცია და შიშის კლიმატი - პრესის თავისუფლების მისიის მთავარი მიგნებები 2024-10-04 [COE]

Press Freedom and the Safety of Journalists in Peril, Rising Polarization and a Climate of Fear – Findings of the Press Freedom Mission to Georgia 2024-10-04 [EFJ]

The dismissal of the doctor and the driver of the ambulance brigade was considered illegal by the court and reinstated. 2024-10-04 [GTUC]

Parliament approves a censorship bill 2024-10-02 [EFJ]

Family Values Bill imposes censorship on media 2024-10-01 [EFJ]

Global Luke Triangle, Secretary General of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) arrived in Georgia on an official visit 2024-09-25 [GTUC]

Online Casino Workers Went on Hunger Strike Over Working Conditions  ActNOW!  2024-09-24 [Wired]

Sweden Svenska fackförbund kritiserar Evolution Gaming för antifacklig hållning  ActNOW!  2024-09-24 [UNI Global Union]

Sweden Swedish unions call out Evolution Gaming for anti-union stance  ActNOW!  2024-09-24 [UNI Global Union]

Belarus Exiled Belarusian journalist and Armenian journalist denied entry without explanation 2024-09-24 [EFJ]

Denmark Danish-Georgian trade union training program holds final event 2024-09-24 [GTUC]

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