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Finland Opprør blant arbeidere i 'verdens lykkeligste land' [Fri fagbevegelse] 01-10-2024
Finland / Uruguay En Helsinki: Sindicatos de Uruguay y Finlandia coordinan acciones por la igualdad laboral en multinacionales [PIT-CNT] 22-06-2024
Finland Esther Lynch Address to SAK Delegate Council [ETUC] 06-06-2024
Finland El gobierno finlandés restringe el derecho de huelga [IndustriALL] 01-06-2024
Finland Government restricts right to strike [Industriall Europe] 30-05-2024
Finland Finnish government restricts right to strike [IndustriALL] 30-05-2024
Finland Le gouvernement finlandais restreint le droit de grève [IndustriALL] 29-05-2024
Finland Heli Puura, SAK: Limiting the right to strike clears the way for further assaults on working conditions by the Orpo-Purra Government [SAK] 21-05-2024
Finland Ny lov strammer inn på mulighet til å streike [Utdanningsnytt] 14-05-2024
Finland / Global Trade unions around the world support SAK and criticise the conduct of the Finnish government [SAK] 04-05-2024
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