LabourStart - Finland

Industrial Union President Riku Aalto announces ten per cent pay claim

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Finland Los sindicatos finlandeses inician seis días de huelga en el sector tecnológico [infobae] 04-12-2024

Finland El sindicato advierte de una huelga en el aeropuerto de Helsinki - Finnair advierte del impacto [The Market Screener] 03-12-2024

Finland Industrial Union President Riku Aalto announces ten per cent pay claim [SAK] 23-11-2024

Finland Opprør blant arbeidere i 'verdens lykkeligste land' [Fri fagbevegelse] 01-10-2024

Finland / Uruguay En Helsinki: Sindicatos de Uruguay y Finlandia coordinan acciones por la igualdad laboral en multinacionales [PIT-CNT] 22-06-2024

Finland Esther Lynch Address to SAK Delegate Council [ETUC] 06-06-2024

Finland El gobierno finlandés restringe el derecho de huelga [IndustriALL] 01-06-2024

Finland Government restricts right to strike [Industriall Europe] 30-05-2024

Finland Finnish government restricts right to strike [IndustriALL] 30-05-2024

Finland Le gouvernement finlandais restreint le droit de grève [IndustriALL] 29-05-2024

Other news

Tehy to end communications on X – Propaganda and hatemongering stifle freedom of speech and pose security threat 2025-01-15 [Tehy]

The Industrial Union has issued a warning about six-day strikes to the Technology Industries Employers’ of Finland and The Chemical Industry Federation of Finland 2025-01-12 [Teollisuusliitto]

PAM member won in court: Cook awarded over 60,000 euros in compensation and unpaid wages 2025-01-10 [PAM]

JHL involved in a European study: The value of healthcare assistants’ work needs to be recognised! 2025-01-03 [JHL]

PAM puts negotiations with Wolt on hold – the proposed compensation would not improve food couriers’ situation 2024-12-30 [PAM]

Commerce sector negotiators meet for the first time 2024-12-30 [PAM]

Tehy: Parliament saved equality and stopped the Government from widening the pay gap – the conciliator must clearly prioritise pay equality 2024-12-26 [Tehy]

Tehy approved the negotiation result achieved in the labour dispute in the private emergency medical services sector 2024-12-26 [Tehy]

Collective bargaining review: Industrial Union and Finnair pilots launch industrial action 2024-12-15 [SAK]

Annika Rönni-Sällinen was elected new President of EFFAT 2024-12-11 [PAM]

Tehy: Petteri Orpo’s Government tramples on workers’ right to industrial action — Finland slipping further away from other Western countries 2024-12-09 [Tehy]

Niko Simola chosen as the new President of Trade Union Pro 2024-12-05 [Pro]

Los sindicatos finlandeses inician seis días de huelga en el sector tecnológico 2024-12-04 [infobae]

El sindicato advierte de una huelga en el aeropuerto de Helsinki - Finnair advierte del impacto 2024-12-03 [The Market Screener]

The Industrial Union has issued a sixth strike warning to the Technology Industries Employers’ of Finland 2024-12-03 [Teollisuusliitto]

Finland Start ‘em young: Indonesian and Finnish unions introduce labour rights to students 2024-11-26 [BWI]

Industrial Union President Riku Aalto announces ten per cent pay claim 2024-11-23 [SAK]

Negotiations on Wolt couriers’ working conditions stalled – PAM demands genuine improvements to couriers’ livelihoods 2024-10-30 [PAM]

Strong collaboration against work-related crime 2024-10-22 [Nordic Labour Journal]

In the upcoming collective agreement negotiations Trade Union JHL pursues fair pay rises and better working conditions 2024-10-19 [JHL]

Finland Unions strengthen workers' rights in green hydrogen projects 2024-10-04 [BWI]

Opprør blant arbeidere i 'verdens lykkeligste land' 2024-10-01 [Fri fagbevegelse]

Rahim Alizada, PAM’s new network worker: “I want to promote immigrants’ inclusion in society” 2024-09-04 [PAM]

JHL comments the finance ministry’s budget proposal: municipalities are going to get a huge bill for employment services reform, thousands of government jobs may disappear 2024-09-02 [JHL]

The Finnish Government’s anti-racism campaign is a disgraceful cover-up attempt – Trade Union JHL cancels its participation 2024-08-24 [JHL]

Amendments to the Aliens Act increase risk of labour exploitation 2024-08-22 [Teollisuusliitto]

For foreign-language members, a euro is 83 cents – monthly salary 2,800 euros 2024-08-14 [Tekijä]

Palestine Reporters Without Borders and UJF: safeguard journalists and reporting in Gaza 2024-07-31 [UJF]

Hermes speaks nine languages 2024-07-04 [Teollisuusliitto]

Progress in negotiations between PAM and Wolt during Spring – talks to continue in August 2024-06-28 [PAM]

JHL: Wage theft should be made a punishable offence in Finland 2024-06-28 [JHL]

Uruguay En Helsinki: Sindicatos de Uruguay y Finlandia coordinan acciones por la igualdad laboral en multinacionales 2024-06-22 [PIT-CNT]

Esther Lynch Address to SAK Delegate Council 2024-06-06 [ETUC]

El gobierno finlandés restringe el derecho de huelga 2024-06-01 [IndustriALL]

Finland Organisation leaders: A lot is at stake in the EU elections – we must adhere to the climate goals 2024-05-31 [SAK]

Finnish government restricts right to strike 2024-05-30 [IndustriALL]

UPM Pulp, UPM Communication Papers and Paper Workers' Union reach agreement on new collective labour contracts 2024-05-30 [Lesprom]

Government restricts right to strike 2024-05-30 [Industriall Europe]

Le gouvernement finlandais restreint le droit de grève 2024-05-29 [IndustriALL]

SAK, STTK, SEL ja Pro: Leipomotyölain kumoaminen lisää alan terveysriskejä ja alentaa ansioita 2024-05-21 [SAK]

Heli Puura, SAK: Limiting the right to strike clears the way for further assaults on working conditions by the Orpo-Purra Government 2024-05-21 [SAK]

Ny lov strammer inn på mulighet til å streike 2024-05-14 [Utdanningsnytt]

Government persists in restricting right to strike despite ILO intervention 2024-05-04 [SAK]

Global Trade unions around the world support SAK and criticise the conduct of the Finnish government 2024-05-04 [SAK]

Free Summer Job Helpline helps summer employees throughout summer 2024-05-04 [SAK]

Global UNI Americas affiliates support Finland’s unions and confederations 2024-05-01 [UNI Global Union]

Organizaciones afiliadas a la UNI Global Union manifestaron su apoyo a las huelgas en Finlandia 2024-04-28 [Latam Gremial]

Finland Flex@Work project concludes in Helsinki 2024-04-21 [Eurocadres]

Cancelados 300 vuelos en Finlandia por la huelga de los trabajadores 2024-04-17 [TRT]

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