Top stories
Uruguay 1,500 workers lose jobs as Yazaki shuts down in Uruguay [IndustriALL] 04-02-2025
Uruguay PIT-CNT union condemns illegal surveillance of their president [IndustriALL] 13-06-2024
Uruguay Uruguayan metal workers' union obtains shorter working week [IndustriALL] 23-11-2023
Uruguay Unions campaign for shorter working hours [IndustriALL] 16-08-2023
Uruguay Sindicatos proponen la reducci�n de la jornada laboral en Uruguay [IndustriALL] 11-08-2023
Uruguay Lack of public investment leaves Uruguay without drinking water [PSI] 11-07-2023
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Uruguay Uruguayan government officials illegally surveil union president [IndustriALL] 09-02-2023
Uruguay The importance of a global campaign to defend public education [EI] 25-01-2023
Uruguay Unionized construction workers to strike, protest nationwide Oct. 20 [Crisis 24] 18-10-2022
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