LabourStart - Europa

Frykter arbeidsfolk og klima taper i EU-kaos

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Europa Frykter arbeidsfolk og klima taper i EU-kaos [Fri fagbevegelse] 02-07-2024

Europa EU styrker vernet for arbeidere på nettplattformer [Fri fagbevegelse] 25-04-2024

Europa EU-direktiv gir nordiske plattform-arbeidere nytt håp [Arbeidsliv i Norden] 25-03-2024

Europa Nye EU-regler for alle som får arbeidsdagen styrt av digital plattform [Fri fagbevegelse] 11-03-2024

Europa Første kvinnelige leder av europeisk fagforening [Fri fagbevegelse] 27-02-2024

Europa Nordmenn ikke lenger på inntektstoppen [Dagsavisen/NTB] 21-02-2024

Europa Kamp om matbud skal være ansatte eller selvstendige oppdragstakere [Fri fagbevegelse] 17-01-2024

Europa Ansatte i Wolt og Uber må vente på nye EU-regler om rettigheter og arbeidsforhold [Fri fagbevegelse] 08-01-2024

Europa Fagbevegelsen i Europa mobiliserer mot Tesla [Dagsavisen] 28-11-2023

Europa Aksjeutbyttet økte nesten dobbelt så mye som lønna i EU [Fri fagbevegelse] 31-10-2023

Other news

Europe Audi plant in Brussels: industriAll Europe's message of solidarity 2024-07-26 [IndustriAll Europe]

Freelance journalists are most vulnerable with press under pressure in Europe 2024-07-25 [EFJ]

2024 Rule of Law Report highlights the need to sanction those who violate press freedom in Europe 2024-07-25 [EFJ]

ETF Calls for Renewed Focus on Transport Workers’ Rights under New TRAN Committee Chair 2024-07-25 [ETF]

Social dialogue: defending democracy in practice 2024-07-24 [Social Europe]

New European Commission must deliver on industrial and social action at pace 2024-07-23 [IndustriAll Europe]

Legacy chips and strategic autonomy: which way forward for Europe? 2024-07-23 [IndustriAll Europe]

ETF Announces Action Day against FedEx’s 2000 planned layoffs 2024-07-23 [ETF]

The EFJ joins media coalition to urge the European Commission to ensure media freedom 2024-07-22 [EFJ]

EFFAT on the Action against Exploitation in Agriculture 2024-07-22 [EFFAT]

Ursula von der Leyen: must focus on solving real problems faced by working people 2024-07-22 [ETUC]

EU pushing low debt countries towards austerity 2024-07-22 [ETUC]

Social promises must be turned into directives 2024-07-22 [ETUC]

Frozen interest rates hurt working people and von der Leyen's investment plans 2024-07-22 [ETUC]

CESI calls for central role of teachers in the European Education Area 2024-07-20 [CESI]

Confirmation of von der Leyen as Commission President: Time to deliver for unions and workers too 2024-07-20 [CESI]

Europe IndustriAll Europe declaration on the eve of the Durham miners gala focused on defending the right to strike 2024-07-15 [Industriall Europe]

Europe’s Digital Decade target at stake! Urgent Call to Address Gaps in Skills and Infrastructure 2024-07-15 [Industriall Europe]

  JOB   European Director 2024-07-14 [ETUCE]

Dani Carvajal: 'It's an unfeasible calendar – we can’t keep up the level by playing every three days' 2024-07-13 [FIFPRO]

Towards a fair AI future for all workers 2024-07-13 [CESI]

Voices Awards 2025: Call for entries 2024-07-12 [EFJ]

Sustainable aviation: EU worker-led supply chain project takes off! 2024-07-12 [Industriall Europe]

Europe The EU must do more to protect media freedom and human rights 2024-07-10 [EFJ]

Europe The Georgian Trade Unions Confederation (GTUC) became a member of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) 2024-07-10 [GTUC]

Global Health worker brain drain to global north is fueled by erosion of workers’ rights and health systems 2024-07-09 [PSI]

Building trade union capacities for better collective bargaining and sustainable industrial recovery in Central and Eastern Europe - BTUC4Recovery 2024-07-09 [Industriall Europe]

Europe During the annual PERC Summer School, the Georgian Trade Unions Confederation (GTUC) hosted trade union leaders from 30 countries 2024-07-09 [GTUC]

Fundamental Rights Report 2024: Rising poverty and alarming racism 2024-07-09 [ETUCE]

Europe In Italy, a post-industrialised Neapolitan district struggles to reclaim a healthy sea 2024-07-08 [Equal Times]

Young unionists learn to use AI against the Far Right 2024-07-08 [Industriall Europe]

Hungary takes on EU Presidency 2024-07-07 [CESI]

CESI Summer Days 2024: Bridging gender gaps in the age of AI 2024-07-07 [CESI]

Europe Satnam Singh’s Death is a desperate plea to End Exploitation and Violence in European Agriculture 2024-07-05 [EFFAT]

EFBWW newsletter June 2024 2024-07-05 [EFBWW]

Europe Announcing the 2024 ETUCE Conference: Fighting for the Future of Public Education in a Social Europe 2024-07-05 [ETUCE]

EPSU Collective Bargaining Newsletter - 2024 July, No: 13 2024-07-04 [EPSU]

The new European Commission must ensure structural continuity for the media industry 2024-07-04 [EFJ]

Europe Inclusion of displaced children from Ukraine: challenges persist 2024-07-04 [ETUCE]

The far Right and the unions - interview with Judith Kirton-Darling 2024-07-03 [LabourStart Podcasts]

Frykter arbeidsfolk og klima taper i EU-kaos 2024-07-02 [Fri fagbevegelse]

TeamHub Project Concludes with Insights into Europe’s E-commerce and Logistics Challenges 2024-07-01 [ETF]

Europe Fellesforbundet vil skrote EØS-avtalen hvis staten taper sak om forbudet mot innleid arbeidskraft 2024-06-30 [E24]

CESI calls for right to disconnect for workers in Europe 2024-06-29 [CESI]

EUCO: Every job in Europe should be a top job 2024-06-28 [ETUC]

ETUC Youth elects new leadership 2024-06-28 [ETUC]

MPM2024 Study: States must take urgent action to guarantee media pluralism 2024-06-28 [EFJ]

Addressing Skills and Retraining Needs to Avoid Loss of Quality Jobs in Europe 2024-06-28 [Industriall Europe]

Liberty Steel crisis: emergency actions requested to stop industrial catastrophe 2024-06-28 [Industriall Europe]

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