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EU-direktiv gir nordiske plattform-arbeidere nytt håp


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EU-direktiv gir nordiske plattform-arbeidere nytt håp [Arbeidsliv i Norden] 2024-03-25

Nye EU-regler for alle som får arbeidsdagen styrt av digital plattform [Fri fagbevegelse] 2024-03-11

Første kvinnelige leder av europeisk fagforening [Fri fagbevegelse] 2024-02-27

Nordmenn ikke lenger på inntektstoppen [Dagsavisen/NTB] 2024-02-21

SMB sender klage til Europarådet over organisasjonstvang i Norge [NTBinfo] 2024-02-13

Kamp om matbud skal være ansatte eller selvstendige oppdragstakere [Fri fagbevegelse] 2024-01-17

EU vil ha omkamp om helikoptersikkerheten på norsk sokkel [Industri Energi] 2024-01-15

Ansatte i Wolt og Uber må vente på nye EU-regler om rettigheter og arbeidsforhold [Fri fagbevegelse] 2024-01-08

Tesla-streiken samler støtte: Tyskland kan være neste [E24] 2023-12-07

Fagbevegelsen i Europa mobiliserer mot Tesla [Dagsavisen] 2023-11-28


Arkiverte nyheter

Meat Sector: European Trade Unions Rally Behind German Law 2024-04-24 [EFFAT]

Groundbreaking Deal on Due Diligence: EFFAT wins on Franchise 2024-04-24 [EFFAT]

EU Parliament Approves Supply Chain Law 2024-04-24 [Human Rights Watch]

EFJ and union members kick off new project on capacity-building and social rights for journalists 2024-04-24 [EFJ]

Rana Plaza anniversary: MEPs must support due diligence today! 2024-04-24 [Industriall Europe]

A return to austerity: European Parliament votes in favour of new fiscal rules 2024-04-24 [Industriall Europe]

A win for workers: EU Parliament backs up mandatory Due Diligence 2024-04-24 [Industriall Europe]

Austerity is back on the table 2024-04-24 [EPSU]

Tax the rich to meet new fiscal rules 2024-04-24 [ETUC]

The EU’s Migration and Asylum Pact is another lost opportunity 2024-04-24 [Equal Times]

European unions discuss future of Ukraine – democratic and socially just 2024-04-23 [EPSU]

Fight against poverty is election priority, poll shows 2024-04-23 [ETUC]

Letta report overshadowed by misplaced arguments on gold-plating 2024-04-23 [ETUC]

New fiscal rules unfit for future and leave workers and citizens behind 2024-04-23 [ETUC]

La Hulpe Declaration confirms that social progress remains at the heart of the EU project 2024-04-22 [Industriall Europe]

EPC-CESI Roundtable on labour inclusion prospects for Ukrainian refugees 2024-04-21 [CESI]

La Hulpe Declaration on the Future of the European Pillar of Social Rights needs full political backing 2024-04-21 [CESI]

La Hulpe focuses on social progression 2024-04-21 [Eurocadres]

Flex@Work project concludes in Helsinki 2024-04-21 [Eurocadres]

Unions strengthen network for good industrial jobs in the offshore wind value chain 2024-04-19 [Industriall Europe]

EPSU Newsletter: Trade union rights, Russian terror and the fight for Social Europe 2024-04-18 [EPSU]

EPSU and CEMR: funding and investment in Local Regional Governments must be protected 2024-04-17 [EPSU]

Semiconductor industry in Europe: between geopolitics and tech race 2024-04-17 [Industriall Europe]

La Hulpe : A project of hope - Intervention of Esther Lynch, ETUC General Secretary 2024-04-17 [ETUC]

La Hulpe supports social progress not deregulation 2024-04-17 [ETUC]

Nouveau système de contrôle aux frontières : La Commission met en place une usine à gaz ? 2024-04-16 [FO]

Solidarity message to the striking workers at Stellantis/Turin 2024-04-15 [Industriall Europe]

European Parliamentary breakfast on the protection of a work-free Sunday in Europe 2024-04-13 [CESI]

Invest in teachers to ensure quality education for all: European Union supports United Nations recommendations on the profession 2024-04-12 [Education International]

Solidarity with Logistics workers in France 2024-04-12 [ETF]

European Project TRIREME Kicks-Off to boost skills in the automotive sector with social partners' involvement 2024-04-12 [Industriall Europe]

ECB must accept there is no wage-price spiral 2024-04-12 [ETUC]

EU poll shows MEPs must reject austerity 2.0 2024-04-12 [ETUC]

Migration pact couldn’t be further from solidarity 2024-04-11 [ETUC]

The Impact of EU Fiscal Rules on Social and Green Investments 2024-04-10 [Industriall Europe]

Exploring Energy Transition and Industry 4.0 in the Western Balkans. 2024-04-10 [Industriall Europe]

EFBWW, EFFAT and ETF join forces to Combat Labour Exploitation in Subcontracting Chains and Labour intermediation 2024-04-10 [ETF]

Study: Fiscal rules stop new schools and hospitals  2024-04-10 [ETUC]

Exploring energy transition and Industry 4.0 in the Western Balkans 2024-04-10 [IndustriALL]

New job: Policy Officer for Aviation 2024-04-09 [ETF]

EPSU hosts ‘Health before profits!’ conference at European Parliament 2024-04-08 [EPSU]

World Health Day 2024:‘Health before profits!’ campaign mobilises for World Health Day 2024-04-07 [EPSU]

World Health Day 2024: from applause to action 2024-04-07 [EPSU]

About the new EU regulation on Artificial Intelligence 2024-04-07 [FIA]

EPSU supports Kenyan health workers 2024-04-07 [EPSU]

Player unions address growing workplace violence issues with football stakeholders 2024-04-06 [FIFPRO]

CoE’s Recommendation represents a significant milestone in the fight against SLAPPs 2024-04-05 [EFJ]

Vote in favour of improvement of the European Works Council Directive 2024-04-04 [Industriall Europe]

European mobilisation on 7 April 2024-04-04 [EPSU]

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