
Thousands more signup to support our Indonesia campaign

Indonesia campaign: This is turning into one of our very largest, with 14,307 supporters this morning (u from 12,000 a week ago). Yesterday we went live with a Korean version, the 17th language into which this campaign has been translated, with more to come. Because we now have a very large Indonesian language mailing list (6,809 subscribers), I’ve written to the comrade who used to diligently translate all our campaigns and mailings into Indonesian to see if he can be persuaded to come back and help again with translations.

Facebook: Our new UK page picked up hundreds of new likes this week and was at 1,168 this morning. (It was 741 a week ago.) This is largely due to a low-cost advertising campaigning targeting UK residents. Warren is doing an outstanding job updating it throughout the day, every day.

LabourStart.tv: I’ve taken steps to revive this, including looking into seeing if we can get the “.tv” domain name back, which we lost some years ago. One of the first things I’ve done is clearly tag video stories on our home page — they appear with the word “video” in bold and red. I have some more tasks to complete to get this ready for prime time, before we tell our supporters about it

Mailing lists: In spite of everything, an update to 21 of our lists this week added a net of just 47 subscribers (the Indonesians having been added last week). People continue to sign up to support our campaigns without inviting others to join them — despite repeated requests to do this. We need to find ways to encourage people to get their fellow workers to join them.

Arthur Svennson Prize: A video I prepared for last Friday’s ceremony in Oslo was shown, and we were thanked for it.

Written by admin in: Campaigns,LabourStart.tv,Mailing list |

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