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Chile The Chilean Port Union announces new stoppages on October 29 and 30 2019-10-31 [Fresh Plaza]

Chile Chile protestors: 'We are subjugated by the rich. Its time for that to end'. 2019-10-31 [The Guardian]

Chile ‘If we don't fuck shit up, we don't exist to them' 2019-10-24 [New Frame]

Chile Chile orders new curfew as violent protests rage 2019-10-24 [SBS]

Chile Workers at Chile's Codelco to join general strike -union official 2019-10-23 [Yahoo]

Chile Protests in Chile against the cost of living-in pictures 2019-10-23 [The Guardian]

Chile General strike called in support of protests 2019-10-22 [Telesur]

Chile Education International condemns political and military repression of anti-austerity protests 2019-10-22 [Education International]

Chile Chile protests: State of Emergency declared in Santiago as violence escaltes 2019-10-19 [The Guardian]

Chile Chile-students mass fare-dodging expands into city-wide protest 2019-10-19 [The Guardian]

Chile Teck union to strike at Chile mine 2019-10-15 [Argus]

Chile International outrage at Chile's brutal breech of freedom of association 2019-09-10 [ITUC]

Chile Chileans take the streets to defend public health system 2019-07-06 [Telesur English]

Chile Chilean teachers continue national strike 2019-07-06 [Telesur English]

Chile Unions at Chuquicamata copper mine ask Codelco to resubmit offer 2019-06-27 [Reuters]

Chile Miners clash with police 2019-06-19 [Reuters]

Chile Unions to strike at Chile's Chuquicamata after labour deal falls through 2019-06-14 [Canadian Labour Reporter]

Chile More than 3,200 workers at Chile state-run miner Codelco to strike 2019-06-13 [France 24]

Chile Unions at Chuquicamata copper mine in Chile extend talks with Codelco 2019-06-07 [Reuters]

Chile Codelco submits final proposal in Chuquicamata union negotiations 2019-05-25 [Reuters]

Chile Codelco strikes labor deal with supervisors at Salvador mine 2019-05-16 [Reuters]

Chile Union joins the mobilization against privatization of pension funds 2019-04-03 [BWI]

Chile Sierra Gorda union agrees deal with KGHM to avert Chile copper mine strike 2019-04-01 [Reuters]

Chile Workers could strike at Chile's Sierra Gorda copper mine: union 2019-03-19 [Reuters]

Canada Unifor funds international Indigenous energy collaboration 2019-02-14 [UNIFOR]

Chile Port workers reach deal to end strike, fruit exports to resume 2018-12-22 [Reuters]

Chile Workers on Strike in Valparaiso 2018-12-19 [Prensa Latina]

Chile 'Strikes in Valparaíso affect Chile's foreign trade image' 2018-12-12 [Fresh Plaza]

Chile LATAM Airlines union workers plan strike set to begin midnight Friday 2018-12-07 [Reuters]

Chile State energy firm's workers threaten strike over pollution claims 2018-09-07 [CNBC]

Chile Codelco makes new offer to striking Andina workers 2018-08-28 [Reuters]

Chile Young people fight against new precarious work law 2018-08-20 [BWI]

Chile Escondida union to take new labor proposal to members 2018-08-15 [Reuters]

Chile Escondida mine, union will talk longer; hope to avert strike 2018-08-15 [Reuters]

Chile Escondida union and BHP agree to extend labor talks, avert strike-union 2018-08-14 [Reuters]

Chile Copper Vulnerable to Supply Shock as Giant Mine Faces Strike 2018-08-13 [Bloomberg]

Chile Union at Caserones mine in Chile says members vote to strike 2018-08-13 [Reuters]

Chile Union at Caserones mine in Chile says no deal in labor talks, strike imminent 2018-08-09 [Reuters]

Australia Labor Unrest Strikes Mining Giants 2018-08-09 [Wall Street Journal]

Chile Union calls on BHP to change strategy in Escondida mine talks 2018-08-08 [Reuters]

Chile Union at Chile's Escondida copper mine tells BHP to improve contract offer by Aug 6 2018-08-03 [Reuters]

Chile Escondida copper workers set to strike unless BHP improves offer: union 2018-08-03 [Platt's]

Chile Workers at Chile's Caserones copper mine vote to strike 2018-08-01 [Reuters]

Chile Union official at Chile's Escondida mine predicts 'overwhelming' vote against BHP offer 2018-07-31 [Reuters]

Chile Workers' union threatens strike at world's largest copper mine 2018-07-29 [The Business Standard]

Chile Escondida mine workers reject labor offer, to vote on strike 2018-07-28 [Reuters]

Chile Escondida copper mine makes final offer to union 2018-07-25 [Reuters]

Chile Escondida copper mine to present final contract offer to union Tuesday 2018-07-24 [NASDAQ]

Chile Union at Chile's Escondida mine sees little hope for contract deal 2018-07-22 [Reuters]

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