Track 7 – Digital communication

Workshops in this track:

Internet-based union busting strategies: where do we stand?

Since the HBGary revelation it has become known that anti-terror-cyberwar tools are also used as a union busting strategy. But how does this affect our union practice? In these two workshops (part 1 and 2) we want to explore, what technologies exist and how they are used. We also want to gather and discuss experiences -  whether you yourself were already exposed to such tactics and how you dealt with the situation. How can we handle such threats?

Online campaigning: Collaboration, competition, clicktivism
Trade unions have been campaigning online since the 1990s.  But in recent years, new organizations have sprung up that often take on the same targets and issues, such as Avaaz,, SumOfUs, and Campact.  How should unions respond to this?  What role should the new campaigning organizations play? Are they a threat — or an opportunity — for the labour movement?