LabourStart - Europa

EU styrker vernet for arbeidere på nettplattformer

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Europa EU styrker vernet for arbeidere på nettplattformer [Fri fagbevegelse] 25-04-2024

Europa EU-direktiv gir nordiske plattform-arbeidere nytt håp [Arbeidsliv i Norden] 25-03-2024

Europa Nye EU-regler for alle som får arbeidsdagen styrt av digital plattform [Fri fagbevegelse] 11-03-2024

Europa Første kvinnelige leder av europeisk fagforening [Fri fagbevegelse] 27-02-2024

Europa Nordmenn ikke lenger på inntektstoppen [Dagsavisen/NTB] 21-02-2024

Europa Kamp om matbud skal være ansatte eller selvstendige oppdragstakere [Fri fagbevegelse] 17-01-2024

Europa Ansatte i Wolt og Uber må vente på nye EU-regler om rettigheter og arbeidsforhold [Fri fagbevegelse] 08-01-2024

Europa Fagbevegelsen i Europa mobiliserer mot Tesla [Dagsavisen] 28-11-2023

Europa Aksjeutbyttet økte nesten dobbelt så mye som lønna i EU [Fri fagbevegelse] 31-10-2023

Europa SAS vil tvinge kabintilsette til å ta over jobben til vaskepersonalet i flya sine [Møre/NTB/NPK] 18-07-2023

Other news

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Tracking commitment to Europe’s workers 2024-05-04 [Eurocadres]

Europe First of May – workers’ struggle in Istanbul 2024-05-03 [EPSU]

WPFD24: Journalism in the face of the Environmental Crisis 2024-05-03 [EFJ]

Mayday, mayday: democracy in peril 2024-05-03 [Social Europe]

Improving skills in the Audiovisual and Live Performance sectors in Southern Europe 2024-05-01 [UNI Global Union]

IFJ launches gender-responsive guidelines to cover EU elections 2024-05-01 [IFJ]

VIDEO  Winning a workers’ Europe 2024-05-01 [ETUC]

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Workers’ Day: Winning a Workers’ Europe 2024-05-01 [EFJ]

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Strong trade unions are the key to industrial success 2024-05-01 [Industriall Europe]

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Europe EPSU General Secretary will be in İstanbul for the May Day celebrations 2024-04-29 [EPSU]

Heat deaths at work up by 40% in the EU 2024-04-29 [ETUC]

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Nobody should die at work! 2024-04-29 [Industriall Europe]

Europe The President of the Georgian Trade Unions Confederation met with the Ambassador of the European Union together with the leaders of the member organizations 2024-04-29 [GTUC]

The time is now: Trade unions challenge platform companies right after landmark vote on EU law on Platform work 2024-04-26 [EFFAT]

Reducing reporting requirements means slashing workers’ protection, trade union chief warns 2024-04-26 [Euractiv]

Schibsted-ansatte fra fem land ut mot kutt 2024-04-25 [Kampanje]

EU styrker vernet for arbeidere på nettplattformer 2024-04-25 [Fri fagbevegelse]

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Europe Rana Plaza anniversary: MEPs must support due diligence today! 2024-04-25 [UNI Global Union]

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EU Parliament Approves Supply Chain Law 2024-04-24 [Human Rights Watch]

EFJ and union members kick off new project on capacity-building and social rights for journalists 2024-04-24 [EFJ]

Europe Rana Plaza anniversary: MEPs must support due diligence today! 2024-04-24 [Industriall Europe]

A return to austerity: European Parliament votes in favour of new fiscal rules 2024-04-24 [Industriall Europe]

A win for workers: EU Parliament backs up mandatory Due Diligence 2024-04-24 [Industriall Europe]

Austerity is back on the table 2024-04-24 [EPSU]

Tax the rich to meet new fiscal rules 2024-04-24 [ETUC]

The EU’s Migration and Asylum Pact is another lost opportunity 2024-04-24 [Equal Times]

Fight against poverty is election priority, poll shows 2024-04-23 [ETUC]

Letta report overshadowed by misplaced arguments on gold-plating 2024-04-23 [ETUC]

New fiscal rules unfit for future and leave workers and citizens behind 2024-04-23 [ETUC]

La Hulpe Declaration confirms that social progress remains at the heart of the EU project 2024-04-22 [Industriall Europe]

Ukraine EPC-CESI Roundtable on labour inclusion prospects for Ukrainian refugees 2024-04-21 [CESI]

La Hulpe Declaration on the Future of the European Pillar of Social Rights needs full political backing 2024-04-21 [CESI]

La Hulpe focuses on social progression 2024-04-21 [Eurocadres]

Finland Flex@Work project concludes in Helsinki 2024-04-21 [Eurocadres]

Unions strengthen network for good industrial jobs in the offshore wind value chain 2024-04-19 [Industriall Europe]

EPSU Newsletter: Trade union rights, Russian terror and the fight for Social Europe 2024-04-18 [EPSU]

EPSU and CEMR: funding and investment in Local Regional Governments must be protected 2024-04-17 [EPSU]

Semiconductor industry in Europe: between geopolitics and tech race 2024-04-17 [Industriall Europe]

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