LabourStart - Ukraina

Fagforeningsfolk må krige, pleie skadde og sørge for begravelser heller enn å kjempe for rettigheter

Top stories

Ukraina Fagforeningsfolk må krige, pleie skadde og sørge for begravelser heller enn å kjempe for rettigheter [Fri fagbevegelse] 15-05-2024

Ukraina / Norge LO-konvoi til Ukraina [LO] 14-05-2024

Ukraina / Norge LO-buss henter ukrainske barn som er blitt ført ut av landet til Russland [VG] 10-05-2024

Ukraina / Norge Ledelsen i LO måtte flykte i tilfluktsrom [VG] 08-05-2024

Ukraina LO-lederen måtte skaffe seg maskingevær da Russland angrep Ukraina [Fri fagbevegelse] 30-05-2023

Ukraina Arbeiderne angripes fra to hold [Klassekampen] 29-04-2023

Ukraina Zelenskyjs regjering svekker arbeidsrettighetene [Klassekampen] 10-03-2023

Ukraina Fagbevegelsen kritisk til egen regjering [Fri fagbevegelse] 24-02-2023

Ukraina / Norge Sivile ukrainere få hjelp til å takle krigen. Støtte fra norsk fagbevegelse [Fri fagbevegelse] 14-01-2023

Ukraina / Russland Russisk journalistforbund åpner lokalavdelinger i annekterte områder [Journalisten] 31-10-2022

Other news

Journalists in Russian captivity must be released 2024-07-22 [EFJ]

Russia Journalists in Russian captivity must be released 2024-07-20 [IFJ]

Seafarers: at the ready for safe navigation 2024-07-17 [ITF]

Russia IndustriALL Global Union and IndustriAll Europe condemn recent Russian attack on Ukraine 2024-07-16 [IndustriALL]

PSI/EPSU condemn abominable Russian strike on Children's Hospital, call for union solidarity 2024-07-10 [PSI]

EPSU and PSI call for global solidarity after strike on Kyiv children’s hospital 2024-07-10 [EPSU]

EPSU and PSI call for global solidarity after strike on Kyiv children’s hospital 2024-07-10 [EPSU]

Russia ITF condemns bombing of Ukrainian children's hospital 2024-07-10 [ITF]

Russia ITUC condemns Russian attack on children's hospital 2024-07-09 [ITUC]

Russia Barbaric and heart-wrenching: UNI condemns Russian strike on Kyiv children’s hospital 2024-07-09 [UNI Global Union]

Kazakhstan Prominent journalist killed in Ukraine 2024-07-04 [IFJ]

Europe Inclusion of displaced children from Ukraine: challenges persist 2024-07-04 [ETUCE]

Ukraine Show your support for Unions in Ukraine 2024-06-26 [TUC]

Ukraine Social standards must be upheld in accession talks 2024-06-26 [ETUC]

Russia ILO expresses 'concern at the continuing aggression by the Russian Federation, aided by the Belarusian Government, against Ukraine' 2024-06-21 [ILO]

UKRAINE: I witnessed resilience in the face of conflict 2024-06-20 [IndustriALL]

Russia Two Russian journalists killed within three days in occupied Donetsk region 2024-06-19 [IFJ]

Ukraine The President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine presented Irakli Petriashvili with a certificate of gratitude for his solidarity and support towards the Ukrainian people and trade unions 2024-06-13 [GTUC]

Upcoming Berlin conference to push for common labour safeguards in Ukraine recovery efforts 2024-06-08 [BWI]

Upcoming Berlin conference to push for common labour safeguards in Ukraine recovery efforts 2024-06-06 [BWI]

Solidarity with Ukrainian workers in publishing and retail in light of recent attacks 2024-06-01 [UNI]

Ukraine Detained Ukrainian journalist Viktoria Roshchyna must be released 2024-05-30 [EFJ]

Unionists: Oligarchs, not Europe’s poor, should pay for weapons and aid to Ukraine 2024-05-25 [Green Left Weekly]

Global unions in solidarity mission to Ukraine 2024-05-25 [UNI]

Domestic Workers Win As President Signs New Law 2024-05-25 [Solidarity Centre]

Global Ukraine: ITUC solidarity visit 2024-05-22 [ITUC]

Fagforeningsfolk må krige, pleie skadde og sørge for begravelser heller enn å kjempe for rettigheter 2024-05-15 [Fri fagbevegelse]

Norway LO-konvoi til Ukraina 2024-05-14 [LO]

MFRR partners highlight ongoing press freedom issues 2024-05-13 [EFJ]

Norway LO-buss henter ukrainske barn som er blitt ført ut av landet til Russland 2024-05-10 [VG]

Europe Standing Strong: industriAll Europe's Solidarity with Ukraine 2024-05-09 [Industriall Europe]

Norway Ledelsen i LO måtte flykte i tilfluktsrom 2024-05-08 [VG]

How the war in Ukraine has devastated the country’s trade union movement – and the lives of workers 2024-05-07 [Equal Times]

Europe European unions discuss future of Ukraine – democratic and socially just 2024-04-25 [EPSU]

Report: Reconstructing Ukraine, Rebuilding people’s lives 2024-04-23 [BWI]

Ukraine EPC-CESI Roundtable on labour inclusion prospects for Ukrainian refugees 2024-04-21 [CESI] 2024-04-18 [Solidarity Centre]

BWI conference highlights urgent need to prepare for Ukraine’s reconstruction 2024-04-16 [BWI]

Ukrainian unionists receive Asbestos training 2024-04-16 [BWI]

Four journalists injured in drone strikes in Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia 2024-04-12 [IFJ]

Unwavering solidarity with teachers and students in Ukraine 2024-03-25 [Education International]

Ukraine Ukrainsk fagforeningsleder møtte leder for Utenriks- og forsvarskomiteen 2024-03-22 [Fri fagbevegelse]

Ukraine Persistent obstruction of Ukrainian journalists’ work 2024-03-15 [EFJ]

#WomenHoldTheLine: Ukrainian women workers fight for peace 2024-03-07 [BWI]

#WomenHoldTheLine: Ukrainian women workers fight for peace 2024-03-06 [BWI]

Two years of fighting for peace, democracy, and freedom in Ukraine 2024-03-02 [BWI]

'In times of war, journalists become targets of information attacks' 2024-03-01 [EFJ]

Ukraine The trade unions of Georgia, the trade unions of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people expressed their solidarity once again 2024-02-27 [GTUC]

Global Two years of war: EPSU in solidarity with Ukrainian workers 2024-02-26 [EPSU]

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