LabourStart - / Ukraina

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LO-lederen måtte skaffe seg maskingevær da Russland angrep Ukraina


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Bluesfestivalen samlet inn penger til mineryddingsarbeid i Ukraina [Fri fagbevegelse] 2023-08-10

Konfliktniv�et �ker i ILO med krigen i Ukraina [Fri fagbevegelse] 2023-06-04

LO-lederen måtte skaffe seg maskingevær da Russland angrep Ukraina [Fri fagbevegelse] 2023-05-30

Arbeiderne angripes fra to hold [Klassekampen] 2023-04-29

Zelenskyjs regjering svekker arbeidsrettighetene [Klassekampen] 2023-03-10

Lærerorganisasjon formidler ny støtteerklæring til krigen [Utdanningsnytt] 2023-02-24

Fagbevegelsen kritisk til egen regjering [Fri fagbevegelse] 2023-02-24

Sivile ukrainere få hjelp til å takle krigen. Støtte fra norsk fagbevegelse [Fri fagbevegelse] 2023-01-14

Russisk journalistforbund åpner lokalavdelinger i annekterte områder [Journalisten] 2022-10-31

«Russisk fagbevegelse er splittet om Ukraina» - Å kalle FNPR «uavhengig» er totalt misvisende [Frifagbevegelse] 2022-03-10


Arkiverte nyheter

How the war in Ukraine has devastated the country’s trade union movement – and the lives of workers 2024-05-07 [Equal Times]

European unions discuss future of Ukraine – democratic and socially just 2024-04-25 [EPSU]

Report: Reconstructing Ukraine, Rebuilding people’s lives 2024-04-23 [BWI]

EPC-CESI Roundtable on labour inclusion prospects for Ukrainian refugees 2024-04-21 [CESI] 2024-04-18 [Solidarity Centre]

BWI conference highlights urgent need to prepare for Ukraine’s reconstruction 2024-04-16 [BWI]

Ukrainian unionists receive Asbestos training 2024-04-16 [BWI]

Four journalists injured in drone strikes in Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia 2024-04-12 [IFJ]

Unwavering solidarity with teachers and students in Ukraine 2024-03-25 [Education International]

Ukrainsk fagforeningsleder møtte leder for Utenriks- og forsvarskomiteen 2024-03-22 [Fri fagbevegelse]

Persistent obstruction of Ukrainian journalists’ work 2024-03-15 [EFJ]

#WomenHoldTheLine: Ukrainian women workers fight for peace 2024-03-07 [BWI]

#WomenHoldTheLine: Ukrainian women workers fight for peace 2024-03-06 [BWI]

Two years of fighting for peace, democracy, and freedom in Ukraine 2024-03-02 [BWI]

'In times of war, journalists become targets of information attacks' 2024-03-01 [EFJ]

The trade unions of Georgia, the trade unions of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people expressed their solidarity once again 2024-02-27 [GTUC]

Two years of war: EPSU in solidarity with Ukrainian workers 2024-02-26 [EPSU]

In times of war, journalists become targets of information attacks” 2024-02-26 [IFJ]

2 years on, Ukrainian journalists still pay a heavy price for the war 2024-02-26 [EFJ]

Thousands of Ukrainian journalists remain in the profession thanks to international journalistic solidarity 2024-02-26 [EFJ]

Two years of fighting for peace, democracy, and freedom in Ukraine 2024-02-26 [BWI]

Two years later, the struggle in Ukraine continues 2024-02-26 [IUF]

Lærarleiar hyllar krigen mot Ukraina 2024-02-23 [Utdanningsnytt]

Solidarity still strong with Ukraine 2024-02-22 [IndustriALL]

Cleaner sacked for eating leftover tuna sandwich takes legal action against City law firm 2024-02-20 [The Guardian]

Global Ukraine Railway Task Force funds aid for railway workers 2024-01-19 [IRJ]

Who tried to intimidate prominent journalist Yurii Nikolov? 2024-01-18 [EFJ]

Three journalists injured in Russian missiles strike 2024-01-13 [IFJ]

Three journalists injured in Russian missiles strike 2024-01-12 [EFJ]

More media targeted by Russian strikes around the New Year 2024-01-08 [EFJ]

Appeal of the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine 2024-01-04 [KVPU]

Accession: historic decision must deliver for workers 2023-12-20 [ETUC]

Domestic Worker Survey Documents Perils of Informal Status For more info 2023-12-01 [Solidarity Center]

Oleksandr Zinchenko: 'I will continue to use my voice for Ukraine' 2023-11-25 [FIFPRO]

How the Ukrainian union is helping players during wartime 2023-11-18 [FIFPRO]

Taras Stepanenko: 'Footballers must do their part to help Ukraine' 2023-11-11 [FIFPRO]

PCS delegation to Ukraine 2023-11-10 [PCS]

Urgent appeal to release workers missing from Ukrainian power plant 2023-11-02 [IndustriALL]

ITF & JNG: Concerns regarding Ukrainian seafarers entering Russian ports and territorial waters 2023-11-01 [ITF]

PSI World Congress in solidarity with Ukrainian workers and people 2023-10-21 [EPSU]

Call for solidarity in Brussels with the Ukrainian “soldiers of truth” 2023-10-19 [EFJ]

Writer’s war - the essential role of writers and culture in war-torn Ukraine 2023-10-19 [Society of Authors]

New lockout provisions in Ukraine violate workers’ rights 2023-10-12 [IndustriALL]

Photo exhibition: “Ukraine: Journalists in war zones”, 17 October 2023, Brussels 2023-10-06 [EFJ]

EU must assist Ukraine reach social standards 2023-10-06 [ETUC]

Ukraine and the world’s unions — the view from Kyiv - Eric Lee 2023-10-05 [Green Left Weekly]

“In Ukraine I understood that journalists never give up” 2023-09-28 [EFJ]

RadioLabour World Report - How unions in Ukraine are coping with the war 2023-09-23 [RadioLabour]

Trade unions are on the front line 2023-09-22 [Arthur Svensson Prize]

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