LabourStart - Pacific

Underpaid at home, vulnerable abroad: How seasonal job schemes are draining Pacific nations of vital workers

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Pacific Underpaid at home, vulnerable abroad: How seasonal job schemes are draining Pacific nations of vital workers [Phys] 29-11-2022

Pacific / Australia Solidarity sparks union renewal programme in Asia-Pacific [EI] 11-06-2022

Pacific IFJ, UNESCO launch kit to defend media freedom in the Pacific [IFJ] 23-12-2021

Pacific Public education systems in Pacific plagued by commercial activity, new EI report finds [Education International] 18-10-2019

Pacific / New Zealand Pasefika union leaders call for urgent climate action [PSA-Te Pukenga Here Tikanga Mahi] 26-09-2019

Pacific Tuna Brands Failing to Tackle Modern Slavery [The Maritime Executive] 03-06-2019

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