LabourStart - Indonesia

Workers – go politics!

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Indonesia Workers – go politics! [Inside Indonesia] 18-01-2025

Indonesia El viceministro de Trabajo, Noel, confirmó que la huelga de 10.000 trabajadores de Sritex en Yakarta ha sido cancelada debido a [Natura Hoy] 09-01-2025

Indonesia Labor Union Confirms Sritex Workers Will Stage Protest in Jakarta Next Week [Tempo] 03-01-2025

Indonesia Victory: Indonesian forest workers secure sectoral minimum wage hike [BWI] 12-12-2024

Indonesia Women in Indonesia's textile industry seek more rights [Deutsche Welle] 05-12-2024

Indonesia Domestic Workers’ Long Wait for Reform [HRW] 28-11-2024

Indonesia / Finland Start ‘em young: Indonesian and Finnish unions introduce labour rights to students [BWI] 26-11-2024

Indonesia Indonesia’s court rules in favour of workers, decision on energy sector pending [PSI] 19-11-2024

Indonesia Trade unions achieve milestone victory as Constitutional Court restricts controversial Omnibus Law [ITUC] 06-11-2024

Indonesia Unions expect higher wages after court ruling [Asia One] 02-11-2024

Other news

Workers – go politics! 2025-01-18 [Inside Indonesia]

El viceministro de Trabajo, Noel, confirmó que la huelga de 10.000 trabajadores de Sritex en Yakarta ha sido cancelada debido a 2025-01-09 [Natura Hoy]

Taiwan Workers waiting to die in Morowali 2025-01-08 [Sembada Bersama Indonesia]

Labor Union Confirms Sritex Workers Will Stage Protest in Jakarta Next Week 2025-01-03 [Tempo]

Indonesia Indonesia and ILO sign Grant Agreement to support Emergency Response Programme in the occupied Palestinian territory 2024-12-24 [ILO]

Indonesia Media mission takes key lessons from an innovative, vibrant Indonesian media 2024-12-20 [IFJ]

Mendorong Peningkatan Martabat Pekerja, FSPM Ikut Kampanye Menyerukan Ratifikasi KILO 190 2024-12-13 [IUF Asia/Pacific]

Sign the Joint Statement to Free Septia Dwi Pertiwi 2024-12-13 [Google Documents]

Victory: Indonesian forest workers secure sectoral minimum wage hike 2024-12-12 [BWI]

Promoting Workers’ Dignity, FSPM Joined Campaign to Call for ILO C190 Ratification 2024-12-10 [IUF Asia/Pacific]

Women in Indonesia's textile industry seek more rights 2024-12-05 [Deutsche Welle]

Domestic Workers’ Long Wait for Reform 2024-11-28 [HRW]

Finland Start ‘em young: Indonesian and Finnish unions introduce labour rights to students 2024-11-26 [BWI]

Indonesia’s court rules in favour of workers, decision on energy sector pending 2024-11-19 [PSI]

Trade unions achieve milestone victory as Constitutional Court restricts controversial Omnibus Law 2024-11-06 [ITUC]

Unions expect higher wages after court ruling 2024-11-02 [Asia One]

Court orders sectoral minimum wages 2024-11-02 [The NRI Nation]

Victoria sindical contra la ley ómnibus en Indonesia 2024-11-01 [IndustriALL]

Victoire des syndicats contre la loi Omnibus en Indonésie 2024-11-01 [IndustriALL]

Union win against Indonesia’s Omnibus law 2024-11-01 [IndustriALL]

Court orders changes to some labour rules 2024-10-31 [Reuters]

Indonesia Workers united in fight for decent jobs and just transition in the changing materials sector 2024-10-18 [IndustriALL]

Punished for Defending Job Security, Union Leaders Suspended at Ngurah Rai Airport in Bali 2024-10-18 [IUF Asia/Pacific]

Fire-bombing of news organization in Indonesia's Papuaregion condemned as assault on 'media freedom' 2024-10-17 [Radio New Zealand International]

Health Workers Threaten to Strike if 8 Percent Minimum Wage Increase is Not Realized 2024-10-13 [Tempo]

Malaysia Unbroken Spirit: A migrant worker’s fight for justice and dignity 2024-10-01 [BWI]

KSPI and Labor Party Demands Minimum Wage Increase of 8 to 10% for 2025 2024-09-28 [Tempo]

Tobacco Product Restrictions Potentially Cause Mass Layoffs, Indonesian Workers Union Claims 2024-09-12 [Tempo]

CNN Indonesia fires up to 11 journalists days after union formed 2024-09-03 [International Federation of Journalists]

11 journalists attacked in widespread protest 2024-08-31 [IFJ]

11 journalists attacked in widespread protest 2024-08-31 [IFJ]

VIDEO  During Olympics 2024, 'Nike owes us better.' Meet the powerful garment workers behind the swoosh 2024-08-31 [GLJ]

Journalist’s car vandalised by unknown assailants 2024-08-20 [IFJ]

Players in Indonesia educating fans who abused them online 2024-07-13 [FIFPRO]

Journalist murder allegedly linked to gambling and drug coverage 2024-07-02 [IFJ]

Indonesia Eni Lestari: the Making of A Migrant Labor Organizer (Part 2) 2024-07-01 [Asian Labour Review]

Indonesia Eni Lestari: the Making of A Migrant Labor Organizer (Part 1) 2024-07-01 [Asian Labour Review]

Peru Indonesia and Peru among countries that must strengthen and enforce workers’ rights 2024-07-01 [TUAC]

Trabajadores heridos tras otra explosión en planta de níquel de Indonesia 2024-06-26 [IndustriALL]

Des travailleurs blessés par une nouvelle explosion dans une raffinerie de nickel en Indonésie 2024-06-26 [IndustriALL]

Another explosion at Indonesian nickel plant injures workers 2024-06-26 [IndustriALL]

Trade Union Reports Nearly 50,000 Textile Industry Workers Hit By Layoffs This Year 2024-06-24 [VOI]

ILO and three trade union federations on garment sector launch grievance applications for Indonesian garment workers 2024-05-27 [ILO]

Le gouvernement indonésien supprime la liberté d'assemblée et d'expression - De l'eau pour le profit? ? 2024-05-25 [ISP]

El gobierno de Indonesia reprime la libertad de reunión y expresión - ¿Agua para obtener lucros? 2024-05-25 [ISP]

Government of Indonesia suppresses Freedom of Assembly and Expression - Water for Profit? 2024-05-25 [EPSU]

Government of Indonesia suppresses Freedom of Assembly and Expression - Water for Profit? 2024-05-24 [PSI]

New Broadcasting Bill threatens democracy and press freedom 2024-05-23 [IFJ]

New PROTECT project supports women migrant workers and children in Indonesia 2024-05-14 [ILO]

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