LabourStart - Egypt

Two journalists arrested and forcibly disappeared within a week

Top stories

Egypt Two journalists arrested and forcibly disappeared within a week [IFJ] 25-07-2024

Egypt Seafarer free after 12 years [ITF] 03-06-2024

Egypt Textile workers released from jail following LabourStart campaign [CTUWS] 29-05-2024

Egypt Streik in Mahalla [Jungle World]  ActNOW!  16-04-2024

Egypt The Mahalla textile strike - interview with Ahmad Badawy [LabourStart Podcasts] 03-04-2024

Egypt L’assegno in bianco [Collettiva] 26-03-2024

Egypt Textile workers strike [Solidarity - Eric Lee]  ActNOW!  20-03-2024

Egypt Strike by female textile workers followed by repression - support the online campaign [CTUWS]  ActNOW!  13-03-2024

Egypt Woman journalist detained and released on bail [IFJ] 12-03-2024

Egypt Thousands of workers strike for higher wages at Ghazl al-Mahalla factory [Mada ] 25-02-2024

Other news

Two journalists arrested and forcibly disappeared within a week 2024-07-25 [IFJ]

Seafarer free after 12 years 2024-06-03 [ITF]

Textile workers released from jail following LabourStart campaign 2024-05-29 [CTUWS]

Streik in Mahalla  ActNOW!  2024-04-16 [Jungle World]

The Mahalla textile strike - interview with Ahmad Badawy 2024-04-03 [LabourStart Podcasts]

L’assegno in bianco 2024-03-26 [Collettiva]

Textile workers strike  ActNOW!  2024-03-20 [Solidarity - Eric Lee]

Solidarity with arrested textile workers in Egypt  ActNOW!  2024-03-18 [MENA SN]

Strike by female textile workers followed by repression - support the online campaign  ActNOW!  2024-03-13 [CTUWS]

Woman journalist detained and released on bail 2024-03-12 [IFJ]

Egypt Centres d'appel : chronique d'un scandale téléphoné 2024-02-29 [Le Canard Libéré]

El negocio de exportar mano de obra para obtener divisas, la apuesta económica de Egipto 2024-02-29 [Equal Times]

Thousands of workers strike for higher wages at Ghazl al-Mahalla factory 2024-02-25 [Mada ]

Kenya Egyptian Maritime Workers Union Visit to Kenya 2024-02-25 [COTU]

Independent Egyptian Trade Unions Launches Solidarity of Trade Unions Federation 2023-12-12 []

النقابات المصرية المستقلة تدشن اتحاد تضامن النقابات العمالية 2023-12-12 []

Independent Egyptian Trade Unions Launches Solidarity of Trade Unions Federation 2023-12-12 []

Palestine Pour Gaza, le syndicat des journalistes ouvre une brèche dans la chape de plomb 2023-12-08 [Orient XXI]

Palestine رسالة النقابات المستقلة إلى منظمة العمل الدولية بشأن فلسطين 2023-11-14 [CTUWS]

Palestine في مقابلة مع مدير العمل الدولية بالقاهرة: النقابات المستقلة تحتج على بيان المنظمة بخصوص فلسطين 2023-11-14 [CTUWS]

Palestine Letter from Independent Trade Unions of Egypt to the Director General of the ILO 2023-11-14 [CTUWS]

Palestine In an interview with the Director of ILO in Cairo: Independent Unions protest the organization’s statement regarding Palestine 2023-11-14 [CTUWS]

أوقفوا الابادة في فلسطين .. نداء الى الحركة النقابية الدولية 2023-10-26 [CTUWS]

Stop the Genocide in Palestine .. an appeal to the international labor movement 2023-10-26 [CTUWS]

«Nel nome di Giulio» 2023-09-30 [Collettiva]

Report for the period from 1l4l2022 to 31l8l2023 On the FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION AND PROTECTION OF THE RIGHT TO ORGANISE CONVENTION, 1948 (No. 87) EGYPT 2023-09-11 [CTUWS]

UK London protesters support striking BBC Cairo journalists 2023-08-31 [IFJ]

IFJ stands in solidarity with BBC Cairo journalists 2023-08-27 [IFJ]

La storia di Patrick Zaki. Una ricostruzione 2023-07-22 [Collettiva]

Amnesty: «Adesso tocca ai diritti umani in Egitto» 2023-07-22 [Collettiva]

Chiediamo l'immediata scarcerazione di Patrick Zaki 2023-07-22 [CGIL]

Grazia a Zaki un'ottima notizia 2023-07-22 [CGIL]

Patrick Zaki libero subito 2023-07-18 [Collettiva]

Journalist released after four years in pre-trial detention 2023-05-03 [IFJ]

The absent voice of workers: Report of violations against trade union freedoms in 2022 2023-03-15 [CTUWS]

Huelga indefinida de abogados egipcios por el encarcelamiento de compañeros 2023-01-20 [SwissInfo]

Egypt UGT muestra su solidaridad con el pueblo egipcio ante la represi�n continua de su gobierno 2022-12-27 [UGT]

Agresión a varias enfermeras en un hospital desata indignación 2022-12-03 [SwissInfo]

Klimatoppmøtet er i et av verdens verste land for arbeidere 2022-11-10 [LO]

Niente Cop27 in memoria di Regeni 2022-11-07 [Collettiva]

Las ONG y los activistas egipcios no son bienvenidos a la COP27 2022-10-31 [Equal Times]

Les ONG et les activistes égyptiens ne sont pas les bienvenus à la COP27 2022-10-31 [Equal Times]

Egypt Will frank talk in Kinshasa lead to success at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh? 2022-10-27 [Equal Times]

Egypt De la República Democrática del Congo a Egipto, ¿facilitarán las “conversaciones francas” mantenidas en la RDC el éxito de la COP27? 2022-10-27 [Equal Times]

Egypt CCOO y UGT no asistirán a la COP27, en protesta por las políticas del Gobierno de Egipto 2022-09-24 [CCOO]

The WFTU participates and addressed the 48th Arab Labor Conference 2022-09-20 [WFTU]

IFJ supports call from human rights organisations to release all imprisoned journalists 2022-08-03 [IFJ]

Home delivery workers: Toward integration in the formal economy? 2022-07-31 [Ahram]

Cop27 in Egitto, Cgil non ci sarà 2022-07-29 [Collettiva]

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