LabourStart - Albania

Smear campaign against investigative journalist Ola Xama must stop

Top stories

Albania Smear campaign against investigative journalist Ola Xama must stop [EFJ] 11-03-2024

Albania SPAK must respect source protection in case of journalist Elton Qyno [EFJ] 11-01-2024

Albania La propaganda sulla pelle dei migranti [Collettiva] 11-11-2023

Albania Call for accountability to enable free press [EFJ] 24-07-2023

Albania Swift justice needed following deadly attack on Top Channel [EFJ] 29-03-2023

Albania MFRR and Safe Journalist Network condemn attack on journalist Elvis Hila and his wife [EFJ] 30-01-2023

Albania Bilisht, 150 clothes factory workers resume protest [ADN] 05-01-2023

Albania / Global Between yellow affiliates and new independent trade unions: The dilemma of international trade unions [GLU] 03-12-2022

Albania Media must not face criminal prosecution for public interest reporting [EFJ] 26-09-2022

Albania Press freedom groups call for a fair trial in defamation lawsuit by former top prosecutor against Isa Myzyraj [EFJ] 14-09-2022

Other news

Smear campaign against investigative journalist Ola Xama must stop 2024-03-11 [EFJ]

SPAK must respect source protection in case of journalist Elton Qyno 2024-01-11 [EFJ]

Italy Accordo Italia - Albania: no alla violazione dei diritti umani dei migranti 2023-12-03 [CGIL]

La propaganda sulla pelle dei migranti 2023-11-11 [Collettiva]

Call for accountability to enable free press 2023-07-24 [EFJ]

Swift justice needed following deadly attack on Top Channel 2023-03-29 [EFJ]

MFRR and Safe Journalist Network condemn attack on journalist Elvis Hila and his wife 2023-01-30 [EFJ]

Bilisht, 150 clothes factory workers resume protest 2023-01-05 [ADN]

Global Between yellow affiliates and new independent trade unions: The dilemma of international trade unions 2022-12-03 [GLU]

Albania Assessing media freedom and protection for journalists 2022-11-09 [EFJ]

Media must not face criminal prosecution for public interest reporting 2022-09-26 [EFJ]

Press freedom groups call for a fair trial in defamation lawsuit by former top prosecutor against Isa Myzyraj 2022-09-14 [EFJ]

North Macedonia Albania & North Macedonia accession must prioritise workers' & social rights 2022-07-20 [ETUC]

Exitos de los sindicatos de la educación en la lucha contra el trabajo infantil 2022-02-11 [IE]

Les succès des syndicats de l'éducation dans la lutte contre le travail des enfants 2022-02-11 [IE]

Education unions' success in combating child labour 2022-02-07 [Education International]

Албанские рабочие отмечают подписание колдоговора на заводе в Эльбасане 2021-07-29 [IndustriALL]

Рабочие гидроэлектростанций в Албании протестуют против несправедливых увольнений 2021-06-10 [IndustriALL]

YНа борьбу с протестующими авиадиспетчерами брошена армия 2021-04-09 [Новый День]

Workers stop Teleperformance's webcam spying 2021-01-19 [UNI Global Union]

Police attack and arrest journalists covering protests 2020-12-16 [IFJ]

Oil refinery workers of Ballsh on hunger strike, protest to block national road 2020-10-19 [Tirana Times]

Projet commun pour reconstruire et renforcer l'éducation après les catastrophes naturelles 2020-09-16 [Education International]

Joint project to rebuild and strengthen education after natural disasters 2020-09-13 [EI]

El sindicato de la educación utiliza la tecnología para atenuar el impacto del COVID-19 2020-03-27 [IE]

Трудное рождение независимого профсоюзного движения  ActNOW!  2020-02-24 [GLU]

Update on the struggle at AlbChrome  ActNOW!  2019-12-28 [LabourStart]

Албанія: Припинити утиски незалежної профспілки гірників!  ActNOW!  2019-12-23 [КВПУ]

Terremoto más fuerte en 40 años golpea al país 2019-12-12 [BWI]

Tremblement de terre le plus violent depuis 40 ans 2019-12-06 [IBB]

les mineurs de Bulqizë en lutte pour leurs droits 2019-12-05 [Courrier]

Les enseignants du primaire durcissent leur mouvement: Grève cyclique de trois jours à partir de demain 2019-11-17 [360]

Le syndicat de Sonelgaz appelle à observer trois jours de grève 2019-11-03 [Huffington Post]

After questionable court delays, Albanian National Union of Contact Centers (Solidarity) wins legal recognition 2019-07-26 [UNI Global Union]

After questionable court delays, Albanian National Union of Contact Centers (Solidarity) wins legal recognition 2019-07-25 [UNI]

Nuevo Eldorado de los centros de atención telefónica en Europa, los teleoperadores se implican en la lucha sindical 2019-07-09 [Equal Times]

En Albanie, nouvel eldorado des centres d'appels en Europe, les téléopérateurs engagent la bataille syndicale 2019-07-09 [Equal Times]

Nouvel eldorado des centres d'appels en Europe, les téléopérateurs engagent la bataille syndicale 2019-07-09 [Equal Times]

Call centre workers are organising for better working conditions 2019-07-09 [Equal Times]

Europe In Albania, call centre workers are organising for better working conditions 2019-07-09 [Equal Times]

Албания: От резолюции, принятой на съезде профсоюза, – к новому закону 2019-07-01 [IndustriALL]

Албания: Профсоюзы и наниматели хотят заключить коллективное соглашение 2019-04-02 [IndustriALL]

Contact centre workers launch the first new Albanian labour union in more than 80 years 2019-02-19 [UNI Global Union]

Government must retract proposed laws on online media 2019-01-21 [IFJ]

4 media organizations ask Albania to drop online media laws 2018-12-27 [News 1130]

Europe La construcción incontrolada de represas en los Balcanes amenaza a poblaciones y al patrimonio natural de la región 2018-07-25 [Equal Times]

Albania עיתונאי לא הורשה להיכנס למעון ראש הממשלה בירושלים בגלל מוצאו 2018-06-29 [המפלגה הקומוניסטית הישראלית]

Албанские нефтяники в результате забастовки добились погашения задолженности по зарплате 2018-01-04 [IndustriALL]

Oil Workers Rally for Unpaid Wages 2017-12-28 [Balkan Insight]

This month in labour history