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Europe Transformation Symposium 2024: IndustriAll Europe international conference in Linz 2024-06-13 [Industriall Europe]

Europe EU tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles – IndustriAll Europe’s views 2024-06-13 [Industriall Europe]

Europe A European Approach to Foster the EU Waterborne Transport Sector 2024-06-12 [Industriall Europe]

Europe European player union representatives nominated for FIFPRO’s new global board 2024-06-08 [FIFPRO]

Europe From the European Media Freedom Act to the right to information: the challenges ahead 2024-06-07 [EFJ]

Europe EU Talent Pool Proposal gives green light to more Grafenhausen-like cases 2024-06-07 [ETF]

Europe Talent pool will embed exploitation 2024-06-07 [EFFAT]

Europe Major global brands implicated in blatant violation of drivers’ rights as wildcat strike continues 2024-06-07 [ETF]

Europe From impunity to accountability 2024-06-07 [IPS]

Europe Public banks should prioritise public services 2024-06-06 [EPSU]

Europe TCLF Social Partners’ Priorities for the next European Mandate (2024 – 2029) 2024-06-06 [Industriall Europe]

Europe ‘Young Social Dialogue Champions’ Academy’ kicks off 2024-06-06 [Industriall Europe]

Europe EFFAT Prepares for EU Elections and Paves the Way for Congress with New Leadership candidates 2024-06-06 [EFFAT]

Europe ETUCE Advocates for Academic Excellence at Bologna Process Conference 2024-06-01 [ETUCE]

Europe Victory for Unions and Climate - EU Withdraws from Energy Charter Treaty! 2024-06-01 [PSI]

Europe Organisation leaders: A lot is at stake in the EU elections – we must adhere to the climate goals 2024-05-31 [SAK]

Europe CESI holds cross-party EU elections rally 2024-05-31 [CESI]

Czech Republic EFJ organises conference on local journalism in Europe 2024-05-30 [EFJ]

Europe Promoting more diverse and inclusive workplaces in the audiovisual sector 2024-05-29 [UNI Global Union]

Europe President’s speech at the EFJ Annual Meeting 2024 in Prishtina 2024-05-29 [EFJ]

Europe Europe’s manufacturing workforce need a strong industrial plan urgently 2024-05-27 [Industriall Europe]

Europe Concerns Over EU Talent Pool Proposal: A Call for Protection of Migrant Workers’ Rights 2024-05-25 [ETUCE]

Europe ROGE25: Player panel ahead of UWCL final to analyse varying degrees of professionalisation in women’s football 2024-05-25 [FIFPRO]

Europe Bonmati, Bronze and Walsh among players with highest workload ahead of Women’s Champions League final 2024-05-25 [FIFPRO]

Europe eQualPRO Project: Towards more gender equality at work 2024-05-25 [CESI]

Europe Joint statement with EPSU on labour inspectorates 2024-05-25 [Eurocadres]

Europe Promoting Social Partners in the European textiles and clothing industry 2024-05-24 [Industriall Europe]

Europe Social Partners in the Sugar Sector Commit to a Sustainable Future through Just Transition 2024-05-24 [EFFAT]

Europe Dialogue and engagement for Nordic white-collar workers and engineers 2024-05-23 [Industriall Europe]

Europe Largest-ever survey finds low pay makes Europe’s domestic and home care sector “unsustainable.” 2024-05-23 [EFFAT]

Europe New report highlights growing risk for environmental journalism 2024-05-22 [EFJ]

Europe IndustriAll Europe calls for equal treatment of migrant workers 2024-05-22 [Industriall Europe]

Europe Event: Your Voice, Your Europe- The Time is Now 2024-05-21 [CESI]

Europe Vacancy at the ETF – Policy Officer for Road 2024-05-18 [ETF]

Belgium EPSU is looking for a Project and Administrative Assistant 2024-05-17 [EPSU]

Europe IndustriAll Europe and SEA Europe agree on joint priorities ahead of the 2024 EU elections 2024-05-17 [Industriall Europe]

Europe Opinion: Third country drivers in road transport: the new wave of social dumping 2024-05-16 [ETF]

Europe End stress directive needed to improve mental health 2024-05-16 [ETUC]

Europe Europe’s citizens want a more Social Europe – sectoral bargaining is key to helping us achieve it 2024-05-15 [Equal Times]

Europe New job: Vacancy at the ETF – Senior Digital Communications Officer 2024-05-14 [ETF]

Europe The stakes for Europe are higher than they seem in elections overshadowed by the far right 2024-05-14 [Equal Times]

Europe Disappointing results of the EU Foreign Affairs Council meeting 2024-05-13 [ETUC]

Europe Important steps towards a fairer Europe 2024-05-12 [CESI]

Europe EU elections: CESI launches social media mobilisation campaign 2024-05-12 [CESI]

Europe Event: Labour shortage in the healthcare sector 2024-05-12 [CESI]

Europe Europe day must be at the polls 2024-05-12 [Eurocadres]

Europe Joint EU Trade Union statement toward the Council negotiation on the revision of the European Works Council Directive 2024-05-10 [ETF]

Europe EU Land Transport Labour Market: A Critical Examination of Trends and Policy Implications 2024-05-10 [ETF]

Europe World Press Freedom Day 2024 2024-05-06 [ETUC]

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