Perspectives: Articles by Eric Lee on the Labour Movement and the Internet
Important: We are moving all these articles to Eric Lee's new website -- please visit [22 June 2003]
N.B. Links to some of the older articles (on external websites) have been reported to us as broken. Apologies in advance for any inconvenience.
- The end of free Published in the Scottish Socialist Voice, February 2002.
- Breaking labour news on your wristwatch?
- Beyond the website: Unions need to start thinking about software. This article appeared in the magazine of the Education International, a world-wide trade union organisation of education personnel, whose 24 million members represent all sectors of education from pre-school to university. The EI includes 304 national trade unions and associations in 155 countries and territories.
- How do you say 'globalise resistance' in Urdu? This article appeared in Action for Solidarity.
- The last of the webmasters. This article appeared in the magazine of the Education International.
- The software we use This article appeared in Action for Solidarity.
- The TUC's new website This article appeared in Action for Solidarity.
- Lies, Damn Lies, Statistics, and Website Hit Counts. This article appeared in the magazine of the Education International, a world-wide trade union organisation of education personnel, whose 24 million members represent all sectors of education from pre-school to university. The EI includes 304 national trade unions and associations in 155 countries and territories.
- Beyond the website: The experience of LabourStart's labour newswire This essay will be appearing with over 40 others in a forthcoming one-of-a-kind volume, The CyberUnion Handbook: Transforming Labor through Computer Technology, edited by Art Shostak (author: CyberUnion: Empowering Labor through Computer Technology) to be published in December, 2001, by M.E.Sharpe.
- The dark side of free Internet services. This article appeared in the Scottish Socialist Voice -- "the paper that's NOT owned by millionaires".
- Free music for the masses. This article appeared in the Scottish Socialist Voice.
- Workers of the world unite -- online. This article appeared in the Scottish Socialist Voice.
- After the terror: Net helps world's unions speak in a single voice. This article appeared in the Scottish Socialist Voice and Action for Solidarity.
- It's time to move beyond the silent era on websites. This article appeared in the Scottish Socialist Voice.
- A meeting with Dan Byung-ho. This article appeared in Action for Solidarity.
- Using PGP to keep your email private. This article appeared in the Scottish Socialist Voice.
- Anthrax, the unions and the web. This article appeared in the Scottish Socialist Voice.
- Browser wars. This article appeared in the Scottish Socialist Voice.
- Want to work for a union? Go online. This article appeared in Action for Solidarity.
- Shopping online this Christmas? Buy union!. This article appeared in the Scottish Socialist Voice.
- Social justice, the web and awesome milk chocolate. This article appeared in the Scottish Socialist Voice.
- Switched On: Unions have seen the light about new technology -- although not necessarily in the ways outsiders might expect. Report from a major conference on unions and the internet. This article appeared in the July 2001 edition of Unions Today -- a bimonthly magazine "aimed at full-time officers, lay officials, executive committee members and everyone else active in - or interested in - the trade union movement".
- How to stop the spread of computer viruses. This article appeared in the Scottish Socialist Voice.
- An email program socialists should love. This article appeared in the Scottish Socialist Voice.
- Labour's Year in Review - 2001. This article, an annual feature, appeared in Workers Online, published by the Labor Council of New South Wales, Australia.
- Why a website is not an online magazine. Appeared in the magazine of the Education International which represents 23 million teachers in 294 member organizations around the globe.
- Better searching on the Internet. My third "Net Tips" column in the weekly CWU Briefing, newletter of the Communication Workers Union (UK).
- 10 ways to promote your branch's website. My second "Net Tips" column in the weekly CWU Briefing, newletter of the Communication Workers Union (UK).
- Email privacy is a trade union issue. My first "Net Tips" column in the weekly CWU Briefing, newletter of the Communication Workers Union (UK).
- How the Internet is changing unions. My first article for Working USA.
- Chechnya, the Left and the Web. Published in Action for Solidarity (UK), 27 January 2000.
- Korean unions: Internet-based solidarity freed our leaders from jail. Published in Action for Solidarity (UK), 13 January 2000.
- Year in Review. This article, an annual feature, appeared in Workers Online, published by the Labor Council of New South Wales, Australia.
- Labour Worldwide In The Era Of Globalisation: Alternative Union Models in the New World Order, edited by Peter Waterman and Ronaldo Munck. I contributed the final chapter to this volume.
- "Wizard of the Wires". Interview with Eric Lee from the CWU Voice, magazine of Britain's Communication Workers Union, January 1999.
- Notes for speech to the Labor Online 99 conference, New York City, 16 January 1999.
- Workers and the Internet -- appeared in Workers' Liberty number 53, published in the UK.
- Workers Online -- an article from the Sydney Morning Herald, Thursday 18 February 1999, based in part upon an interview with Eric Lee (quoted in the text).
- Notes for speech to the Unions 21 conference, London, 27 February 1999.
- From Internet to "International": The Role of the Global Computer Communications Network in the Revival of Working Class Internationalism. Paper presented to the "Marxism on the Eve of the Twenty-First Century" Conference, 18-21 March 1999, Elgersburg, Germany.
- Free Internet for CWU members CWU Voice (UK), May 1999.
- Free Internet access for trade unionists Action for Solidarity (UK), 8 July 1999.
- Coming soon to your branch: a website CWU Voice (UK), July 1999.
- Quebec nurses' website: Getting the truth across Action for Solidarity (UK), 22 July 1999.
- Internet changes rules of the game for unions: example of the Post Office White Paper CWU Voice (UK), August-September 1999.
- British unions lose cyberspace war Action for Solidarity (UK), August 1999.
- An end to "lost texts" Workers' Liberty (UK), September 1999.
- Union busters to go cyber Workers Online (Australia), 10 September 1999. Report on a speech I delivered in Sydney.
- Trade Unions and the Net Education International Magazine This article appeared, but I'm not sure about the exact date (probably July 1999) nor the headline given to it. It is not available on the EI website. The Education International represents 23 million teachers in 294 member organizations around the globe.
- A tale of two trade union movements Action for Solidarity (UK),
21 September 1999. The same article also appeared under a different headline in Workers Online (Australia) - 24 September 1999.
- Michael Dwyer interviews Eric Lee Radio National (Australia) This long interview transcript is part of the Future Exchange Project, a joint effort of ABC Online, Radio National and Online Australia. Published sometime in September 1999.
- Microsoft vs. US Department of Justice: Billionaire's Dogfight. Published in Action for Solidarity (UK), 2 December 1999.
- The Internet is changing politics. Published in Workers Liberty (UK), number 59.
- Eric Lee's Year in Review: the top labour news stories of 1999. Published in Workers Online (Australia), 17 December 1999.
- South Korea: the unions, the Net and the next general strike was written in the wake of the LaborMedia 97 event, and was published in Labour Left Briefing (in the UK).
- Labour Embraces Virtual Solidarity appeared in Microsoft Internet Magazine on 20 April 1998.
- Preface to the Korean language translation of my book, The Labour Movement and the Internet: The New Internationalism, which was published in June 1998 by Hanul Publishing Company in cooperation with PICIS.
- Labour Websites: The Second Generation -- From the Online Brochure to the Networked Union. A pamphlet published by Labour and Society International in November 1998.
- Interview with FNV Magazine - 17 December 1998. FNV is the Dutch national trade union center; this magazine reaches all 1.5 million labour homes in the Netherlands. (The article is in Dutch.)
- World solidarity online was the title given by Orbit editors for my contribution to their magazine (published in the UK), published in the spring of 1997. The original title was "The Labour Movement, the Internet and the Developing Countries". Includes a good list of links.
- New Tools for a New International was the title given to my talk to the Euro-FIET IT Forum held in the south of France in October 1997. It includes a long list of links to technical sites rather than labour websites.
- Using the Internet to promote international labour solidarity - Bridging the gap between vision and reality was the title of my paper presented to the LaborMedia 97 event held in November 1997 in Seoul, South Korea. (The Korean language version is not yet online.)
The last four "Online" columns appeared in Workers' Education: January 1996,
April 1996 -- including "Labour History on the Web",
July 1996 -- including "Live Multimedia on the Web: Possibilities for Workers' Education", and
October 1996.
In the late summer of 1996, Workers' Education and the World Wide Web was published as a pamphlet by the International Federation of Workers' Education Associations (now based on Norway).
In November 1996, The Labour Movement and the Internet: The New Internationalism was published by Pluto Press (UK).
Labour and the Internet was my first published article on this subject in a magazine I didn't edit myself -- the Internet Business Journal (published in Canada).
Workers unite! My first article in a "mainstream" publication -- Internet World's August 1995 issue. A snapshot of the early days of labour on the net.
The "Online" column continued appearing in issues of Workers' Education, including March 1995,
July 1995 -- which announced the launch of the IFWEA's website (the first by an international labour institution), and
October 1995.
In addition, several articles on the subject were published in Hebrew in the monthly magazine Internet and the daily labour newspaper, Davar.
The "Online" column began appearing in issues of Workers' Education, including June 1994,
September 1994, and
December 1994.
Should we go online? Computer Communications and the Labour Movement. The third issue of the newsletter Workers' Education, which I edited, was devoted entirely to this subject. A bit pre-Internet, but nevertheless worth a second look.