USA Sexual harassment, union busting, and a spotty safety record: The dark side of working at Trader Joe’s [Fast Company] 2025-01-15
UK Supporting workers experiencing miscarriage and pregnancy loss [TUC] 2025-01-15
UK Cardiff NHS worker wins tribunal claim over space for expressing breast milk [The Guardian] 2025-01-15
UK Braverman tried to curtail Spycops inquiry [Freedom News] 2025-01-15
India / Tamil Nadu Calls for change: Gender wage gap in Tamil Nadu’s textile and retail industries [South First] 2025-01-15
Want to add news to this page? Sign up to become a volunteer LabourStart correspondent - click here. India / West Bengal Labour Rights for Sex Workers: Sonagachi-Based Union Cites Belgium Legislation, Demands Rights and Recognition of Sex Work As Valid Profession [LatestLY] 2025-01-15
China The truth behind your $12 dress: Inside the Chinese factories fuelling Shein's success [BBC] 2025-01-14
UK Poundland declare ‘enough is enough’ on retail crime [USDAW] 2025-01-14
Australia Reproductive health taboo costs economy $26 billion a year: New research [HSU] 2025-01-14
USA How “Stay-or-Pay” Contracts Are Used to Abuse Immigrant Workers [ACLU] 2025-01-14
USA / Illinois Building trades unions adding maternity benefits to retain, attract women to construction trades [The Labor Tribune] 2025-01-14
USA Long Live Nancy Wohlforth [Labour Notes] 2025-01-14
Pakistan Call to provide proper legal safeguards to female workers [The News] 2025-01-14
India / Uttar Pradesh Photo essay: Inside a plant nursery in Uttar Pradesh [IDR] 2025-01-14
South Africa / Limpopo Denosa condemns attack of nurses [Daily Sun] 2025-01-13
Israel Victim of Workplace Sexual Harassment Awarded Damages [Davar] 2025-01-13
Australia Reproductive leave could be a ‘gamechanger’ for Australian workers – how would it work? [The Guardian] 2025-01-13
Australia The $920m plan for extra paid leave that could save Australia billions a year [SBS] 2025-01-13
Bangladesh Rights orgs place reform proposals to safeguard women, labour rights [The New Age] 2025-01-13
Japan Firms urged to end 'maternity harassment' of foreign technical interns [The Mainichi] 2025-01-13
India Inspired by the Belgium model, union demands labour rights for sex workers in India [The Hindu] 2025-01-13
Canada Road to Equality [CUPW] 2025-01-12
Canada / Ontario Support the OFL’s Women Vote Campaign: Make Every Vote Count for Women [OFL] 2025-01-12
Chile Historic level-playing field agreement for Chilean internationals [FIFPRO] 2025-01-11
Africa Testimonials: 'ILO Convention is a tool to achieve equality' [PSI] 2025-01-11
Sri Lanka / Kuwait Domestic workers’ bondage exposes the brutal logic of global care chains [Global Labour Column] 2025-01-11
USA / California RN response network monitoring massive Los Angelos area fires, evacuations [National Nurses United] 2025-01-10
India / Maharashtra Over 400 Women Turn Up For AIKS’s First-Ever Women Farmers' State Convention [The Wire] 2025-01-10
India / Rajasthan Anganwadi workers launch indefinite strike [The Times] 2025-01-10
UK Undercover Policing Inquiry’s Tranche 2 (Phase 2) hearings recommence on Monday 13 January [Undercover Policing Inquiry] 2025-01-10
Nigeria Women in Transport Elect New ITF Executives at Quadrennial Conference [Ships & Ports] 2025-01-09
India / Karnataka Bantwal: Flossy Vittal, Sumati elected to lead ASHA workers’ union taluk committee [Daiji World] 2025-01-09
India ASHA workers’ union urges govt to hike salary, ensure job security [Daiji World] 2025-01-09
New Zealand Lack of covid19 leave a problem for health professionals, nurse says [Radio New Zealand] 2025-01-08
UK McDonald's: ‘leading the race to the bottom’ on workers' rights [Morning Star] 2025-01-08
UK McDonald's workers make fresh harassment claims [BBC] 2025-01-07
UK Give working parents help with childcare and commuting costs, UK thinktank says [The Guardian] 2025-01-06
India / Karnataka Accept lower wages or lose a job: The choice before Karnataka women labourers [South First] 2025-01-06
UK Bill proposes paid leave for people experiencing domestic abuse [Morning Star] 2025-01-06
New Zealand 'She bled for our people'-nurses pay tribute to Dame Tariana Turia [NZNO-Toputanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa] 2025-01-06
Sri Lanka Women workers endure the biggest blows from economic collapse [The Sunday Times] 2025-01-05
Singapore Red Cross goes the extra mile to take ill, injured foreign workers back to their families [The Straits Times] 2025-01-05
Denmark Women’s football takes huge step with new standard contract and minimum wage [FIFPRO] 2025-01-04
India Sewa, the union empowering informal women workers through co-ops [Co-op News] 2025-01-03
India / Kerala Equal pay myth: Kerala tops wage charts but women are paid far less than men [South First] 2025-01-03
USA / Illinois ‘A good, viable option’: More women are choosing to work in the trades for better pay and benefits [The Daily Herald] 2025-01-03
Taiwan China Airlines female crew debut trousers-based uniforms [Focus Taiwan] 2025-01-02
Barbados Union vows to champion workers’ rights, well-being in 2025 [Today] 2025-01-02
UK Women working at home could risk missing out, says Nationwide boss [BBC] 2024-12-31
UK What's ahead for our movement in 2025? [UWU] 2024-12-31
UK Tackling sexual violence in trade unions - our initial findings [UWU] 2024-12-31
Europe Pay transparency project begins online [Eurocadres] 2024-12-31
Global Ilaria Pasqui on UEFA Women in Leadership Programme: 'We have a new generation of women determined to occupy leadership positions' [FIFPRO] 2024-12-31
Europe Exposed from All Sides: The Role of Policing in Sex Workers' Access to Justice [ESWA] 2024-12-31
Korea (South) KFIU rejects NHRCK recommendation for parental leave benefits [The Chosun Daily] 2024-12-31
Iran IFJ urges Iranian authorities to release Italian journalist Cecilia Sala [IFJ] 2024-12-30
Canada / Ontario Newsmaker 2024: Tradeswoman who encouraged women to join carpentry after Ontario’s $6M investment in Vaughan [] 2024-12-30
UK Harrods guards allegedly ‘break female union official's finger’ during retailer's biggest ever strike [The Morning Star] 2024-12-30
UK Safety checks ordered amid concern over thousands of postwar school buildings in England [The Guardian] 2024-12-29
UK Britain’s Sex Discrimination Act is turning 50, so how much longer until women have equal pay? [The Guardian] 2024-12-29
UK Labour must ‘stick to its guns’ on UK employment rights bill, says TUC chief [The Guardian] 2024-12-28
UK Labour told to make 2025 ‘the year of delivery’ for workers [Morning Star] 2024-12-28
UK Christmas leaves many retail workers exhausted [USDAW] 2024-12-24
UK Cultural change is needed to protect women from abuse [UNISON] 2024-12-22
New Zealand The hidden cost of periods could be more than $4 billion a year [Radio New Zealand] 2024-12-22
Global Educators condemn the weaponisation of sexual and gender-based violence in war [Education International] 2024-12-20
Europe Improving gender equality in European audiovisual production [UNI Global Union] 2024-12-20
Jordan ILO pledges to continue protecting private education workers' rights as Jordan raises minimum wage [ILO] 2024-12-19
UK Over 3,500 Barts Health NHS Trust staff took at least one mental health day since 2021 [Waltham Forest Echo] 2024-12-19
UK Conservative MPs Want to Scrap Workers’ Rights to Paid Holiday and Annual Leave [Byline Times] 2024-12-18
Global IUF and LIPTON Teas and Infusions agreement on preventing sexual harassment [IIF] 2024-12-17
UK / Ireland / Northern Ireland Woman settles case after Christmas party incident [RTÉ] 2024-12-15
Lebanon Migrant workers in Lebanon are trying to return home after alleged abuses and then war [The Union-Bulletin] 2024-12-12
USA / Nevada Workers claim home care agencies engaging in ‘toxic and immoral anti-union campaign’ [Current] 2024-12-12
Australia Former female employees detail alleged sexual harassment in class actions against Rio Tinto and BHP [ABC] 2024-12-12
Australia / Victoria Protest against the sacking of CFMEU OHS organiser Ether Van Arend [Green Left Weekly] 2024-12-11
Europe ETF Joins Debate on Transport Poverty and Gender Equality at the European Parliament [ETF] 2024-12-11
India / Asia Promoting Elaben’s values and actions: International Day for Wom [IUF Asia/Pacific] 2024-12-11
UK GMB hails 'historic first step' to settle Birmingham equal pay [GMB] 2024-12-10
UK UK’s first registry for intimacy coordinators now live [BECTU] 2024-12-10
UK / England Birmingham City Council and unions agree ‘historic outcome’ to equal pay claim [PA Media] 2024-12-10
UK / England Birmingham City Council agrees huge equal pay deal [BBC] 2024-12-10
India / Odisha BJP & BJD Trade Blame Over Unpaid Salaries Of Mission Shakti Workers [Ommcom News] 2024-12-10
Indonesia Promoting Workers’ Dignity, FSPM Joined Campaign to Call for ILO C190 Ratification [IUF Asia/Pacific] 2024-12-10
UK GMB union ‘riddled with misogyny and cronyism’, says former regional chief [The Guardian] 2024-12-09
Canada / New Brunswick Dec. 6: It’s time for New Brunswick to declare Intimate Partner Violence an Epidemic [NBFL] 2024-12-08
Canada / Alberta UNA remembers December 6 and presses for action to prevent violence against women and girls [UNA] 2024-12-08
Canada Marking 35 years of the L’École Polytechnique Massacre [PSAC] 2024-12-07
North America / South America UNI Americas women leaders unite in Argentina: driving change with hope and action [UNI] 2024-12-07
Global How social reproduction shapes women’s union militancy [GLC] 2024-12-07
Bangladesh Tea workers abstain from work over unpaid wages in Moulvibazar [The Daily Observer] 2024-12-07
Canada Data shows increase of violence in female-dominated workplaces [rabble] 2024-12-06
Canada PPWC and CCU observe National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women [PPWC] 2024-12-06
Australia IEU Speaks on gender and equity wins in 2024 [IEU] 2024-12-06
Canada A new book on migrant sex workers draws a definitive distinction between sex work and sex trafficking [rabble] 2024-12-06
UK Decent work is “fundamental to our future success” – says TUC leader [TUC] 2024-12-05
Indonesia Women in Indonesia's textile industry seek more rights [Deutsche Welle] 2024-12-05
Canada / Ontario She fought for a raise 26 years ago. 'Absurd' delays mean practical nurses at Niagara Health are still waiting [CBC] 2024-12-05
UK / England Plaque to honour city's first female mayor [BBC] 2024-12-05
Ghana TEWU Women march for peaceful elections [GBC] 2024-12-05