LabourStart - Zambia

Zambia launches “Go Public! Fund Education” campaign to address critical challenges in education

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Zambia Zambia launches “Go Public! Fund Education” campaign to address critical challenges in education [Education International] 04-02-2025

Zambia Government ratifies Convention 190 to end violence and harassment at work [IndustriALL] 03-02-2025

Zambia Zambia ratifica el Convenio 190 para poner fin a la violencia y el acoso en el trabajo [IndustriALL] 03-02-2025

Zambia La Zambie ratifie la convention 190 pour mettre fin à la violence et au harcèlement au travail [IndustriALL] 30-01-2025

Zambia / Malawi Committing to Organising CHWs in Zambia and Malawi [PSI] 26-09-2024

Zambia Unions reject unjust laws stifling workers' rights [IndustriALL] 28-07-2024

Zambia Sindicatos de Zambia rechazan leyes injustas que reprimen los derechos laborales [IndustriALL] 28-07-2024

Zambia FFTUZ Welcomes Mopani takeover [ZNBC] 25-03-2024

Zambia Lusaka: Mobilizing for tangible trade unions’ collective action [Blueprint] 20-03-2024

Zambia Unions campaign for revived production at Konkola Copper Mine [IndustriALL] 11-02-2024

Other news

Zambia launches “Go Public! Fund Education” campaign to address critical challenges in education 2025-02-04 [Education International]

Zambia ratifica el Convenio 190 para poner fin a la violencia y el acoso en el trabajo 2025-02-03 [IndustriALL]

Government ratifies Convention 190 to end violence and harassment at work 2025-02-03 [IndustriALL]

La Zambie ratifie la convention 190 pour mettre fin à la violence et au harcèlement au travail 2025-01-30 [IndustriALL]

Reduce PAYE burden on formal workers, ZCTU urges govt 2024-12-25 [Diggers News]

China ZCTU partners with Chinese trade union 2024-11-08 [ZNBC]

ILO Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Africa visits Zambia 2024-10-23 [ILO]

Zambia Compromiso con la organización de lxs trabajadores comunitarios de la salud en Zambia y Malawi 2024-10-01 [ISP]

Zambia S'engager à organiser les agents de santé communautaire en Zambie et au Malawi 2024-10-01 [ISP]

Malawi Committing to Organising CHWs in Zambia and Malawi 2024-09-26 [PSI]

Socialist Party of Zambia leader Dr. Fred M’membe released after arbitrary detention 2024-08-13 [Peoples Dispatch]

South Africa NUMSA demands the immediate and unconditional release of Dr. Fred M’membe by police 2024-08-13 [Politicsweb/NUMSA]

Sindicatos de Zambia rechazan leyes injustas que reprimen los derechos laborales 2024-07-28 [IndustriALL]

Unions reject unjust laws stifling workers' rights 2024-07-28 [IndustriALL]

Les syndicats zambiens rejettent les lois injustes qui étouffent les droits des travailleurs 2024-07-25 [IndustriALL]

Zambia Sindicatos marchan por la cancelación de la deuda en África 2024-04-01 [IndustriALL]

Zambia Trade unions march for debt cancellation in Africa 2024-04-01 [IndustriALL]

Zambia ITUC-Africa’s Lusaka outing: A rising hope of collaboration, unity in protection of workers’ interest among African trade unions 2024-03-26 [The Tribune]

FFTUZ Welcomes Mopani takeover 2024-03-25 [ZNBC]

Lusaka: Mobilizing for tangible trade unions’ collective action 2024-03-20 [Blueprint]

Tambatamba urges unions to promote interests of members 2024-03-20 [ZNBC]

Unions campaign for revived production at Konkola Copper Mine 2024-02-11 [IndustriALL]

ITUC-Africa Calls for the Urgent Restructuring of Africa’s Debt to Safeguard Social Economic Rights and Ensure Economic Stability: A focus on Zambia. 2024-01-31 [ITUC Africa]

FIFPRO, Copper Queens sign $100,000 image rights deal 2024-01-11 [Diggers]

ZCTU Commits to Combat Corruption in 2024 2024-01-01 [BNN Breaking]

ZCTU housing initiative estimable 2023-09-03 [Daily Mail]

Trade Unions reject calls to take NHIMA back to MoH 2023-08-23 [Diggers News]

Zambia NUMSA condemns Zambian government 2023-08-10 [Politicsweb]

South Africa Opposition leader Dr. Fred M’membe arrested, NUMSA livid 2023-08-10 [The Bulrushes]

Women's Soccer Team Makes Historic World Cup Debut Amidst Allegations of Sexual Abuse 2023-07-22 [Okay Africa]

Women's Football Team Makes World Cup Debut With Equal Pay 2023-07-21 [VoA]

Brazil CUT Brasil e lideranças da Zâmbia estreitam diálogo e solidariedade internacional 2023-07-11 [CUT]

South Africa Numsa condemns actions of government in issuing a warrant of arrest against Dr Fred M’membe 2023-06-19 [The Star]

Civil servants shouldn’t use policy for reuniting couples to flee rural areas – ZCTU 2023-06-15 [Diggers News]

Reduce tax rates on Pay As You Earn, ZCTU urges govt 2023-05-03 [Diggers News]

Don’t use NAPSA benefits for kitchen parties, ZCTU cautions workers 2023-04-21 [Diggers News]

Zambia African Union Leaders Join Forces in Historic Summit for Democracy For more info 2023-04-11 [Solidarity Center]

Victoire syndicale à l'hôtel Marriott Ciela et poursuite de la campagne en faveur des droits des travailleurs-euses dans le secteur du financement du développement 2023-04-02 [UITA]

Victoria sindical en el hotel Marriott Ciela en la campaña por los derechos laborales en la financiación del desarrollo 2023-04-02 [UITA]

Union win at Marriott Ciela hotel as campaign for labor rights in development finance continues 2023-03-30 [IUF]

Unions hold field education on workplace health and safety 2023-03-07 [BWI]

Zambia Пакт о производстве аккумуляторов стимулирует создание достойных рабочих мест в Африке 2023-01-26 [IndustriALL]

Zambia Un pacto sobre la fabricación de baterías estimula el empleo decente en África 2023-01-26 [IndustriALL]

Zambia Un pacte pour la fabrication des batteries qui stimule l'emploi décent en Afrique 2023-01-26 [IndustriALL]

Cost of living still rising despite favourable economic indicators, laments ZCTU 2023-01-19 [Diggers News]

Public service unions are happy with 10.5% pay rise – ZCTU 2022-11-17 [Diggers News]

Economy is now stable, govt must increase PAYE threshold to K8,000 – ZCTU 2022-09-29 [Diggers News]

Zambia Sindicatos hacen campaña por un trabajo decente en la minería artesanal y de pequeña escala 2022-09-01 [IndustriALL]

Zambia Les syndicats font campagne pour un travail décent au niveau de l’exploitation minière artisanale et à petite échelle 2022-09-01 [IndustriALL]

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