LabourStart - Uzbekistan

Labor Rights Violations Persist

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Uzbekistan Labor Rights Violations Persist [The Diplomat] 27-03-2024

Uzbekistan Cotton harvest 2023: risk of forced labour remains high [CALRMM] 10-02-2024

Uzbekistan ‘Justice doesn’t exist here’: Uzbek farmers and cotton workers say abuse, exploitation continues despite reforms [PRI] 09-01-2024

Uzbekistan Farmers’ cooperative appeals closure [CALRMM] 31-12-2023

Uzbekistan An Economist vs. Uzbekistan’s Silk Industry: Whose Facts Matter? [CALRMM] 21-10-2023

Uzbekistan Complaint filed against EBRD: labor rights violations, land grabs and exploitation at cotton producer Indorama Agro [CALRMM] 08-09-2023

Uzbekistan Uzbek cotton harvest 2022: no systematic forced labor of pickers but government control of the cotton sector puts farmers and workers at risk [CALRMM] 08-04-2023

Uzbekistan No place for independent cotton cooperatives in new Uzbekistan [CALRMM] 19-02-2023

Uzbekistan Will Uzbekistan’s first democratically elected trade union survive? [CALRMM] 04-02-2023

Uzbekistan Cotton chronicle 2022: observations of Uzbekistan’s cotton harvest [CALRMM] 05-11-2022

Other news

VIDEO  Better working conditions for cotton growers and local businesses 2024-07-11 [ILO]

Labor Rights Violations Persist 2024-03-27 [The Diplomat]

Cotton harvest 2023: risk of forced labour remains high 2024-02-10 [CALRMM]

‘Justice doesn’t exist here’: Uzbek farmers and cotton workers say abuse, exploitation continues despite reforms 2024-01-09 [PRI]

Farmers’ cooperative appeals closure 2023-12-31 [CALRMM]

An Economist vs. Uzbekistan’s Silk Industry: Whose Facts Matter? 2023-10-21 [CALRMM]

Complaint filed against EBRD: labor rights violations, land grabs and exploitation at cotton producer Indorama Agro 2023-09-08 [CALRMM]

Сотрудницы фабрики в Ангрене перекрывали дорогу, выступая против «шестидневки» 2023-08-04 [ Газета.uz ]

Uzbekistan Camioneros de Georgia y Uzbekistán recuperan más de 300 000 euros y lanzan un aviso al sector europeo del transporte por carretera 2023-05-03 [itf]

Uzbekistan Les routiers géorgiens et ouzbeks récupèrent plus de 300 000 euros d’arriérés salariaux : un signal d’alarme pour les transporteurs routiers européens 2023-05-03 [ITF]

Uzbekistan Georgian and Uzbek drivers win back over €300,000 sounding alarm for European trucking industry 2023-04-26 [ITF]

Uzbekistan Major global brands implicated in blatant violation of drivers' rights as wildcat strike continues 2023-04-16 [ITF]

Uzbekistan Solidarity statement for cross-border drivers striking at Gräfenhausen in Germany 2023-04-15 [ITF]

Uzbek cotton harvest 2022: no systematic forced labor of pickers but government control of the cotton sector puts farmers and workers at risk 2023-04-08 [CALRMM]

No place for independent cotton cooperatives in new Uzbekistan 2023-02-19 [CALRMM]

Will Uzbekistan’s first democratically elected trade union survive? 2023-02-04 [CALRMM]

Cotton chronicle 2022: observations of Uzbekistan’s cotton harvest 2022-11-05 [CALRMM]

Cotton sector cannot thrive without autonomy for farmers 2022-10-15 [CALRMM]

New Regulations in Uzbekistan Effectively Impose Government Control on NGOs 2022-09-03 [CALRMM]

New civil society report on Uzbekistan calls for independent institutions as well as enhanced transparency and CSO participation in asset recovery processes 2022-09-03 [CALRMM]

Illegal land confiscations in Uzbekistan: farmers in Namangan fight for their rights and livelihoods 2022-07-25 [CALRMM]

Indorama agro project: unmitigated human rights violations persist 2022-07-09 [CALRMM]

Significant risks” remain in Uzbek cotton sector 2022-04-08 [CALRMM]

Ouzbékistan: L'OIT salue la levée du boycott de la coalition Cotton Campaign 2022-03-15 [OIT]

La OIT celebra el levantamiento del boicot de la Campaña del Algodón a Uzbekistán 2022-03-15 [OIT]

ILO welcomes lifting of Cotton Campaign boycott of Uzbekistan 2022-03-15 [ILO]

Uzbek cotton is free from systemic child labour and forced labour 2022-03-02 [ILO]

VIDEO  Работники Indorama Agro устроили «велоакцию» в знак протеста против сокращения зарплат 2021-05-21 [Радио Азаттык ]

Los recolectores de algodón forman el primer sindicato independiente de Uzbekistán 2021-03-24 [UITA]

Cotton pickers form the first independent trade union in Uzbekistan 2021-03-24 [IUF]

Народное единство - хлопкоробы создали первый независимый профсоюз 2021-03-22 [Миссия по трудовым правам]

Более 200 рабочих завода «Карасув Пахта Тозалаш» объявили забастовку 2021-02-19 [Ozodlik]

Descenso del trabajo forzoso y el trabajo infantil en las plantaciones de algodón de Uzbekistán 2020-02-11 [OIT]

Forced and child labour in Uzbek cotton fields continues to fall 2020-02-11 [ILO]

Baisse du travail forcé et du travail des enfants dans les champs de coton 2020-02-05 [OIT]

Uzbeks report cotton harvest forced labour 2019-09-30 [BBC]

В Сурхандарье сотни шахтеров «Шаргунькумира» бросили работу и вышли на акцию протеста 2019-08-26 [LabourCentralAsia]

Progresos en la erradicación del trabajo forzoso y el trabajo infantil 2019-04-11 [OIT]

Des progrès vers l'éradication du travail forcé et du travail des enfants 2019-04-11 [OIT]

Activists welcome progress towards eradication of forced labour, child labour 2019-04-11 [ILO]

Первая забастовка за много лет - работники «Асака дон махсулотлари» остановили работу в знак протеста против невыплаты зарплаты 2019-01-25 [Ozodlik]

VIDEO Uzbekistan California FedEx OSHA FAA Whistleblower Mechanic Brian Gruzalski, OSHA Investigator/Lawyer Darrell Whitman, The Crimes and The Trial For more info 2018-10-31 [LVP]

The democratic future of Uzbekistan doesn't depend on the politicians, but whether workers can mobilise 2018-10-13 [openDemocracy]

Fewer Workers Forced to Prepare Uzbek Cotton Fields For more info 2018-09-10 [Solidarity Center]

Uzbek Union Leader Released from Prison For more info 2018-05-15 [Solidarity Center]

One Miner Killed, Others Trapped In Abandoned Uzbek Gold Mine 2018-01-19 [RFE/Rl]

Hundreds Fired From Uzbek Finance Ministry After President's Criticism 2017-12-28 [RFE/RL]

Child Labor Returns to Uzbekistan's Cotton Fields For more info 2017-11-01 [Solidarity Center]

VIDEO  5 Cents Per Kilo: Why Uzbek Government Still Forces People To Pick Cotton 2017-10-12 [RFE/RL]

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