LabourStart - Thailand

Underwear King Robert Ng Stole $5.9 Million from Low-Wage Workers

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Thailand Underwear King Robert Ng Stole $5.9 Million from Low-Wage Workers [WRC] 23-03-2024

Thailand UNI Thai Affiliates Commit to Boosting Organizing and Union Growth, Prepare to Host 6th UNI APRO Regional Conference [UNI] 20-03-2024

Thailand Women workers call for protection from violence, discrimination [The Nation] 08-03-2024

Thailand Thai unions advance campaign towards ratification of ILO Conventions [IndustriALL] 06-03-2024

Thailand Les syndicats thaïlandais font avancer la campagne de ratification des conventions de l’OIT [IndustriALL] 06-03-2024

Thailand Sindicatos tailandeses avanzan en la campaña hacia la ratificación de los convenios de la OIT [IndustriALL] 06-03-2024

Thailand Профсоюзы Таиланда активизируют кампанию по ратификации конвенций МОТ [IndustriALL] 06-03-2024

Thailand Workers hope for better pay in 2024 [Benar News] 05-01-2024

Thailand After Pocketing Workers’ Wages, Nike Supplier Paid Shareholders a Bonus [WRC] 04-11-2023

Thailand Y-Tec violates workers' rights in Thailand [IndustriALL] 25-10-2023

Other news

Chiang Mai Barista Union in Thailand campaigns for better wages and conditions for food services workers 2024-06-30 [IUF Asia/Pacific]

Comments Concerning the Ranking of Thailand by the United States Department of State in the 2024 Trafficking in Persons Report 2024-06-15 [Global Labour Justice]

Thailand Confederation demands inclusion of ILO conventions in FTA negotiations 2024-06-08 [IndustriALL]

Thailand La confédération thaïlandaise demande l’inclusion des conventions de l’OIT dans les négociations de l’ALE 2024-06-07 [IndustriALL]

Confederación tailandesa exige la inclusión de los convenios de la OIT en las negociaciones del TLC 2024-06-07 [IndustriALL]

Asia 28 เมษา: จดจำแรงงานที่ถูกหลงลืม 2024-05-25 [IUF Asia/Pacific]

Europe Le respect des normes de l'OIT dans l'Accord de libre-échange UE-Thaïlande 2024-04-22 [IndustriALL]

Europe El Acuerdo de Libre Comercio entre la UE y Tailandia debe respetar las normas de la OIT 2024-04-22 [IndustriALL]

Underwear King Robert Ng Stole $5.9 Million from Low-Wage Workers 2024-03-23 [WRC]

UNI Thai Affiliates Commit to Boosting Organizing and Union Growth, Prepare to Host 6th UNI APRO Regional Conference 2024-03-20 [UNI]

อัพเดทแนวปฏิบัติ โออีซีดี ปี 2023: เน้นหนักเรื่องสิทธิของคนทำงานในการเข้าร่วมสหภาพแรงงานโดยไม่ถูกแทรกแซง 2024-03-20 [IUF Asia/Pacific]

Women workers call for protection from violence, discrimination 2024-03-08 [The Nation]

Профсоюзы Таиланда активизируют кампанию по ратификации конвенций МОТ 2024-03-06 [IndustriALL]

Sindicatos tailandeses avanzan en la campaña hacia la ratificación de los convenios de la OIT 2024-03-06 [IndustriALL]

Les syndicats thaïlandais font avancer la campagne de ratification des conventions de l’OIT 2024-03-06 [IndustriALL]

Thai unions advance campaign towards ratification of ILO Conventions 2024-03-06 [IndustriALL]

งานมั่นคง & ค่าจ้างดีขึ้น เพื่อคนทำงานหญิง – วันสตรีสากล 2567 2024-03-02 [IUF Asia/Pacific]

Workers hope for better pay in 2024 2024-01-05 [Benar News]

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ระบบอัตโนมัติและเทคโนโลยีใหม่ๆ ทำให้เกิด ความเครียด ในที่ทำงานได้ 2023-11-10 [IUF Asia/Pacific]

After Pocketing Workers’ Wages, Nike Supplier Paid Shareholders a Bonus 2023-11-04 [WRC]

Y-Tec viola los derechos de los trabajadores en Tailandia 2023-10-25 [IndustriALL]

Y-Tec viole les droits des travailleurs en Thaïlande 2023-10-25 [IndustriALL]

Y-Tec нарушает права рабочих в Таиланде 2023-10-25 [IndustriALL]

Y-Tec violates workers' rights in Thailand 2023-10-25 [IndustriALL]

Thailand Workers demand Ratification of ILO Conventions 87 and 98 2023-10-21 [IndustriALL]

Thailand How Thai workers became integral to Israel's economy 2023-10-18 [Nikkei Asia]

Thailand Les travailleurs thaïs réclament la ratification des conventions 87 et 98 de l'OIT 2023-10-16 [IndustriALL]

Thailand Los trabajadores tailandeses exigen la ratificación de los Convenios 87 y 98 de la OIT 2023-10-16 [IndustriALL]

Рабочие Таиланда требуют ратификации Конвенций МОТ № 87 и № 98 2023-10-16 [IndustriALL]

Thailand Повышение эффективности органайзинга в Юго-Восточной Азии 2023-09-19 [IndustriALL]

Thailand Desarrollo del poder sindical en el Sudeste Asiático 2023-09-19 [IndustriALL]

Thailand Building organizing power in South East Asia 2023-09-19 [IndustriALL]

Thailand วิกฤตสภาพภูมิอากาศ สภาวะฉุกเฉิก และการบ่อนเซาะประชาธิปไตย: ข่ายใยแห่งความฉิบหาย 2023-06-02 [IUF Asia/Pacific]

Greve: profissionais da educação de Tailândia reivindicam pagamento com defasagem de quase 50% 2023-05-23 [O Liberal]

A Labor Strategy Beyond Elections 2023-05-16 [Asian Labour Review]

Unions urge government to ratify ILO Conventions 87 and 98 2023-04-15 [IndustriALL]

Профсоюзы Таиланда призывают правительство ратифицировать конвенции МОТ № 87 и 98 2023-04-13 [IndustriALL]

Sindicatos tailandeses instan al Gobierno a ratificar los Convenios 87 y 98 de la OIT 2023-04-13 [IndustriALL]

Les syndicats thaïlandais exhortent le gouvernement à ratifier les Conventions 87 et 98 de l’OIT 2023-04-13 [IndustriALL]

Myanmar Considered neither refugees nor economic migrants, Burmese workers in Thailand eke out a living in the shadows 2023-03-24 [Equal Times]

Myanmar Ni ‘refugiados’ ni ‘migrantes económicos’, los trabajadores birmanos sobreviven a duras penas y a la sombra en Tailandia 2023-03-24 [Equal Times]

Winning workers’ rights to maternity protection in Thailand 2023-03-04 [IUF Asia/Pacific]

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1 กุมภา ประชาชนพม่า ประท้วงเงียบทั้งแผ่นดิน ถึงเวลาประชาคมโลกต้องขานรับและสนับสนุน 2023-02-03 [IUF Asia/Pacific]

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Workers in Thailand who made F&F jeans for Tesco ‘trapped in effective forced labour’ 2022-12-19 [The guardian]

UK Workers in Thailand who made F&F jeans for Tesco ‘trapped in effective forced labour’ 2022-12-19 [The Guardian]

Thailand Workers in Thailand who made F&F jeans for Tesco ‘trapped in effective forced labour’ 2022-12-18 [The Guardian]

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