LabourStart - Swaziland

Trade Unions Boycott King Mswati's Businesses After Bar On Strike

Top stories

Swaziland Brutal repression of trade union demonstrations [Svenssonstiftelsen] 09-10-2019

Swaziland eSwatini public servants clash with police in salary protests [Journal de Cameroun] 25-09-2019

Swaziland Trade Unions Boycott King Mswati's Businesses After Bar On Strike [Newsclick] 29-01-2019

Swaziland eSwatini: Police Brutally Attack Defenseless Members of TUCOSWA Ahead of Sham Elections [ITUC] 21-09-2018

Swaziland Nationwide strike shuts down eSwatini [Le Journal] 18-09-2018

Swaziland Quatre syndicalistes grièvement blessés par la police au cours d'une manifestation pacifique [CSI] 06-07-2018

Swaziland Four Trade Unionists Severely Injured by Police during Peaceful Demonstration [ITUC] 05-07-2018

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Brutal repression of trade union demonstrations 2019-10-09 [Svenssonstiftelsen]

Eswatini: ITUC reacts to brutal repression of trade union demonstration 2019-10-08 [ITUC]

Swaziland Cosatu wants to shut eSwatini border gates over Swazi workers' pay strike 2019-09-26 [TimesLIVE]

'We have a greedy king,' say protesters as anti-monarchy protests in eSwatini turn violent 2019-09-26 [News24]

eSwatini public servants clash with police in salary protests 2019-09-25 [Journal de Cameroun]

South Africa Cosatu to block border posts in support of eSwatini public servants' strike 2019-09-24 [Africans Live]

South Africa Cosatu to block border posts in support of eSwatini public servants' strike 2019-09-24 [ANA/IOL]

Swaziland COSATU to push back against the exploitative and discredited Tinkhundla regime 2019-07-26 [Polity]

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Swaziland Migrant Mine Worker in South Africa: ‘We Have Nothing' For more info 2019-05-14 [Solidarity Center]

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Swaziland SA unions 'must support struggling comrades in eSwatini', says SAFTU 2018-09-22 [News24]

eSwatini: Police Brutally Attack Defenseless Members of TUCOSWA Ahead of Sham Elections 2018-09-21 [ITUC]

Эсватини: Профсоюз осуждает применение силы против бастующих рабочих 2018-09-20 [IndustriALL]

Nationwide strike shuts down eSwatini 2018-09-18 [Le Journal]

Acting eSwatini PM calls for suspension of strike 2018-09-18 [Le Journal]

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Quatre syndicalistes grièvement blessés par la police au cours d'une manifestation pacifique 2018-07-06 [CSI]

Four Trade Unionists Severely Injured by Police during Peaceful Demonstration 2018-07-05 [ITUC]

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Свазиленд: профсоюз осуждает швейную компанию за нарушение прав рабочих 2018-02-20 [IndustriALL]

Décision anticonstitutionnelle de supprimer l'enseignement primaire gratuit 2017-09-26 [IE]

Свазиленд: Профсоюзы призывают вернуть стране статус бенефициара AGOA 2017-09-06 [IndustriALL]

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