LabourStart - Slovakia

Call for withdrawal of Slovakia’s repressive broadcast law

Top stories

Slovakia Call for withdrawal of Slovakia’s repressive broadcast law [EFJ] 19-03-2024

Slovakia UNI Europa denounces union-busting in Slovakian care home [UNI Global Union] 06-03-2024

Slovakia Lack of justice for Kuciak and Kušnírová’s assassination exacerbated by growing attacks on press freedom [EFJ] 22-02-2024

Slovakia Impunity for Jan Kuciak’s murder continues [IFJ] 22-02-2024

Slovakia Dell Slovakia sacks trade union officials, faces accusation of using 'brute force' [The Spectator] 14-02-2024

Slovakia Slovakian UniCredit workers strike and win higher wages [UNI Global Union] 22-12-2023

Slovakia Profound disappointment as suspected mastermind in Ján Kuciak murder acquitted again [EFJ] 22-05-2023

Slovakia Maja Sever: 'Slovak journalists do not allow Ján Kuciak or his work to be forgotten' [EFJ] 23-02-2023

Slovakia Press freedom groups to visit Bratislava for Ján Kuciak murder anniversary [EFJ] 14-02-2023

Slovakia Deputy PM’s attacks undermined government’s broader efforts to strengthen press freedom [EFJ] 10-10-2022

Other news

Call for withdrawal of Slovakia’s repressive broadcast law 2024-03-19 [EFJ]

UNI Europa denuncia la represión sindical en una residencia de ancianos eslovaca 2024-03-07 [UNI]

UNI Europa Dénonce le démantèlement syndical dans une maison de soins slovaque 2024-03-07 [UNI]

UNI Europa denounces union-busting in Slovakian care home 2024-03-06 [UNI Global Union]

Impunity for Jan Kuciak’s murder continues 2024-02-22 [IFJ]

Impunity for Jan Kuciak’s murder continues 2024-02-22 [EFJ]

Lack of justice for Kuciak and Kušnírová’s assassination exacerbated by growing attacks on press freedom 2024-02-22 [EFJ]

Dell Slovakia sacks trade union officials, faces accusation of using 'brute force' 2024-02-14 [The Spectator]

Slovakian UniCredit workers strike and win higher wages 2023-12-22 [UNI Global Union]

Profound disappointment as suspected mastermind in Ján Kuciak murder acquitted again 2023-05-22 [EFJ]

Maja Sever: 'Slovak journalists do not allow Ján Kuciak or his work to be forgotten' 2023-02-23 [EFJ]

Press freedom groups to visit Bratislava for Ján Kuciak murder anniversary 2023-02-14 [EFJ]

Deputy PM’s attacks undermined government’s broader efforts to strengthen press freedom 2022-10-10 [EFJ]

Czech Republic El reto de conseguir que todos en Eslovaquia y Chequia apuesten por los vehículos eléctricos 2022-04-15 [Equal Times]

Czech Republic Voiture électrique : une transition difficile en Slovaquie et en Tchéquie 2022-04-15 [Equal Times]

Slovakia The challenge of getting everyone on board for electric vehicles in Slovakia and Czechia 2022-04-15 [Equal Times]

VIDEO  Slovacchia, il confine dell'accoglienza 2022-04-03 [Collettiva]

Europe Solidarity with Slovakian public sector workers 2021-10-29 [ETUC]

Supreme Court overturned businessman's acquittal in Jan Kuciak's murder 2021-06-16 [IFJ]

Today Jan Kuciak was murdered again 2020-09-04 [IFJ]

NUSOJ organises training on reporting on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence 2020-07-21 [IFJ]

Rokovanie ekonomického krízového štátu aj za účasti zástupcu odborov 2020-05-04 [KOZ SR]

Komentár KOZ SR k Programovému vyhláseniu vlády SR na obdobie rokov 2020 – 2024 2020-04-22 [KOZ SR]

Prezident KOZ SR Marián Magdoško o podpore pre podniky a regióny 2020-04-18 [KOZ SR]

Predseda vlády SR: Odborárov považujeme za partnerov, sociálny dialóg je potrebný 2020-04-06 [KOZ SR]

Zmeny v dávkach ošetrovného a podmienky na priznanie dávky ošetrovné počas pandémie 2020-04-03 [KOZ SR]

Zmeny v nemocenských dávkach a v podmienkach na priznanie nemocenskej dávky počas pandémie 2020-04-03 [KOZ SR]

Zmeny v Zákonníku práce v neprospech zamestnancov nebudú 2020-04-02 [KOZ SR]

Príbeh „o nás bez nás“ pokračuje a prináša prvé trpké ovocie 2020-03-31 [KOZ SR]

Aké sú možné riešenia súčasnej situácie z pohľadu pracovnoprávnej legislatívy? 2020-03-23 [KOZ SR]

Veľké uznanie a poďakovanie všetkým zamestnancom, ktorí v tejto zložitej situácii pracujú! 2020-03-19 [KOZ SR]

Žiadame zvolanie rokovania tripartity v súvislosti s koronavírusom 2020-03-16 [KOZ SR]

First Collective Bargaining Agreement signed at IKEA Boards factory 2019-04-22 [BWI]

IFJ and EFJ support journalists' call for action in Ján Kuciak murder investigation 2019-04-16 [IFJ]

Slovacchia, Zuzana Caputova è la nuova presidente: chi è l'europeista liberal che rompe il fronte Visegrad 2019-03-31 [La Repubblica]

Slovakia England Family convicted of forced labour and modern slavery 2018-04-11 [Crown Prosecution Service]

En Eslovaquia, los trabajadores del automóvil se niegan a seguir siendo “esclavos de las empresas occidentales” 2017-11-28 [Equal Times]

Los trabajadores del automóvil se niegan a seguir siendo “esclavos de las empresas occidentales” 2017-11-28 [Equal Times]

En Slovaquie, les travailleurs de l'automobile ne veulent plus être « les esclaves des entreprises occidentales » 2017-11-28 [Equal Times]

Les travailleurs de l'automobile ne veulent plus être « les esclaves des entreprises occidentales » 2017-11-28 [Equal Times]

Europe Slovakia strike victory: “We won't be slaves to western companies” 2017-11-28 [Equal Times]

Strike victory : “We won't be slaves to western companies” 2017-11-28 [Equal Times]

Забастовка на «Volkswagen» завершилась увеличением зарплаты на 14% 2017-06-27 [Лiга Новости]

Volkswagen's Slovak union says close to wage deal to end strike 2017-06-25 [Reuters]

Europe VW's Strike in Slovakia Exposes a European Divide 2017-06-22 [Bloomberg]

VIDEO  Volkswagen Slovakia workers strike for wage hike 2017-06-22 [AFP]

VW's Slovak workers strike over pay, halt production lines 2017-06-21 [Reuters]

Volkswagen Workers Strike in Slovakia as Economic Model Buckles 2017-06-21 [Bloomberg ]

Europe Slovakia opens labour market to non-EU workers 2017-03-31 [neweurope]

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