LabourStart - Morocco

Workers strike nationwide against tycoon PM Akhennouch 'anti-worker' bill

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Morocco Un sindicato marroquí asegura que la huelga general ha sido secundada por más del 80% de los trabajadores [La Razon] 06-02-2025

Morocco Workers strike nationwide against tycoon PM Akhennouch 'anti-worker' bill [The New Arab] 05-02-2025

Morocco Morocco braces for general strike on 5-6 February [IndustriALL] 04-02-2025

Morocco Le Maroc se prépare à la grève générale des 5 et 6 février [IndustriALL] 04-02-2025

Morocco Marruecos se prepara para la huelga general del 5 y 6 de febrero [IndustriALL] 04-02-2025

Morocco Marrakech Justice Sector Faces Tensions as Union Condemns Abuses by Court Administration [فاس نيوز ميديا] 30-01-2025

Morocco Unions protest against draft strike law [IndustriALL] 21-01-2025

Morocco Protests in Rabat Oppose Strike Law, Demand Holistic Labor Reforms [Morocco World News] 20-01-2025

Morocco Renewed tensions in Morocco’s public health sector: Nationwide strikes and escalating protests [Hespress] 16-01-2025

Morocco Parliament Approves Strike Law with Major Amendments - The law now grants domestic workers, such as cleaners, caregivers, and cooks, the right to strike. [Morocco World News] 26-12-2024

Other news

Union leader blasts Government over strike participation figures 2025-02-09 [Hespress]

Un sindicato marroquí asegura que la huelga general ha sido secundada por más del 80% de los trabajadores 2025-02-06 [La Razon]

Un sindicato marroquí asegura que la huelga general ha sido secundada por más del 80% de los trabajadores 2025-02-06 [La Razon]

Renault Tangier workers join general strike after union call 2025-02-05 [Hespress]

Strike Threatens Severe Disruptions During University Exam Period in Fes and Other Cities 2025-02-05 [Fes News]

Unions reject strike law 2025-02-05 [The Post]

Parliament Approves Strike Law in Second Reading Amid Ongoing Union Protests 2025-02-05 [Morocco World News]

Unions call first general strike since 2016 2025-02-05 [Atalayar]

Workers strike nationwide against tycoon PM Akhennouch 'anti-worker' bill 2025-02-05 [The New Arab]

Marruecos se prepara para la huelga general del 5 y 6 de febrero 2025-02-04 [IndustriALL]

Le Maroc se prépare à la grève générale des 5 et 6 février 2025-02-04 [IndustriALL]

Morocco UGT apoya la huelga general en Marruecos y muestra su solidaridad con las y los trabajadores marroquíes 2025-02-04 [UGT]

Morocco braces for general strike on 5-6 February 2025-02-04 [IndustriALL]

تنادي بإضراب عام 'UMT' نقابة 2025-02-03 [HESPRESS]

National Strike: Moroccan Labor Union Takes Action 2025-02-03 [Morocco24]

La grogne sociale s’intensifie avec l’appel de l’UMT à une grève nationale 2025-02-03 [MAROC DIPLOMATIQUE]

Marrakech Justice Sector Faces Tensions as Union Condemns Abuses by Court Administration 2025-01-30 [فاس نيوز ميديا]

Labor Unions Intensify Protests to Address Workers’ Conditions in Local Governance Sector 2025-01-25 [Fes News]

Spain Wafira Expands as 17,807 Moroccan Women Join Seasonal Work in Spain 2025-01-25 [Morocco World News]

Sindicatos marroquíes protestan contra el proyecto de ley de huelga 2025-01-21 [IndustriALL]

Les syndicats marocains protestent contre le projet de loi sur le droit de grève 2025-01-21 [IndustriALL]

Unions protest against draft strike law 2025-01-21 [IndustriALL]

Morocco CGT denuncia la situación en el Sáhara y la expulsión de dos activistas y un periodista de Dajla, ciudad ocupada por Marruecos 2025-01-20 [CGT]

Protests in Rabat Oppose Strike Law, Demand Holistic Labor Reforms 2025-01-20 [Morocco World News]

Loi organique sur le droit de grève : Pourquoi les syndicats sont contre… 2025-01-17 [Le Canard Libéré]

Renewed tensions in Morocco’s public health sector: Nationwide strikes and escalating protests 2025-01-16 [Hespress]

Projet de loi organique sur la grève : un consensus encore difficile à trouver 2025-01-10 [TELQUEL]

El Gobierno marroquí dispuesto a realizar modificaciones clave en el proyecto de ley sobre el derecho a huelga 2025-01-09 [MARRUECOS24.INFO]

Government Commits to Overhauling Strike Law Amid Workers’ Demands 2025-01-09 [MOROCCO WORLD NEWS]

بسبب قانون الإضراب.. نقابة عمالية مغربية تقاطع وزير الشغل وفريقها النيابي ينسحب من اجتماع لجنة برلمانية 2025-01-09 [AL QUDS AL ARABI]

الاتحـــــاد المغــربي للشغـــل يقرر مقاطعة “اللقاء” الذي دعا له، مساء هذا اليوم، السيد وزير الشغل 2025-01-08 [UMT]

الاتحاد المغربي للشغل يتشبث بموقفه الرافض لمشروع القانون التنظيمي التكبيلي للإضراب في صيغته المصادق عليها من طرف البرلمان 2024-12-31 [UMT]

Morocco CGT visitó el Campamento de Refugiadas Saharauis con motivo del 50 aniversario organizado por la UNMS 2024-12-31 [CGT]

Parliament Approves Strike Law with Major Amendments - The law now grants domestic workers, such as cleaners, caregivers, and cooks, the right to strike. 2024-12-26 [Morocco World News]

Global Centres d’appel : Le constat sans appel des syndicats 2024-12-08 [Le Canard Libéré]

Les syndicats marocains s'attaquent à la santé et la sécurité dans le secteur du textile 2024-12-07 [IndustriALL]

Unions tackle health and safety in the textile sector 2024-12-07 [IndustriALL]

Sindicatos marroquíes abordan los problemas de salud y seguridad en el sector textil 2024-12-05 [IndustriALL]

Morocco Textile Workers Achieve Dignity, Worker Rights For more info 2024-11-16 [Solidarity Center]

Education unionists celebrate progress and continue to mobilise for the Go Public! Fund Education campaign 2024-11-15 [Education International]

Workers, unions protest in against approved strike law 2024-11-04 [Hespress]

Annulation des accords commerciaux UE/Maroc : il est temps de respecter le droit international, insiste une organisation syndicale française 2024-10-29 [Al 24 News]

Malgré la «colère» des syndicats, l’examen du projet de loi sur la grève maintenu 2024-10-25 [Yabiladi ]

Morocco ITF Congress opens in Marrakech: Transport workers unite to Move the World Forward 2024-10-14 [ITF]

ONDA: Les employés revendiquent la création d’une fondation des œuvres sociales 2024-10-11 [Maroc Diplomatique ]

SRM Casablanca-Settat: les syndicats de l’ONEE renoncent à leur mouvement de grève 2024-10-11 [Le 360]

Droit de grève: des divergences retardent la reprise des discussions entre le gouvernement et les syndicats 2024-10-11 [Le 360]

Hausse imminente des prix du carburant ? Ce qui attend les Marocains à partir du 15 octobre 2024-10-10 [Media 7]

Hausse des prix du carburant : un syndicat alerte sur le risque de crise dans le transport de marchandises 2024-10-10 [TELQUEL]

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