LabourStart - Lebanon

'Their safety matters too': Migrant workers hired by Lebanese families left abandoned, homeless and without passports amid Israel's attacks

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Lebanon 'Their safety matters too': Migrant workers hired by Lebanese families left abandoned, homeless and without passports amid Israel's attacks [The New Arab] 09-10-2024

Lebanon Guerre au Proche-Orient: les travailleurs migrants dans l'œil du cyclone au Liban [yahoo! actualités] 08-10-2024

Lebanon Sans argent ni papiers, les domestiques étrangères piégées dans le chaos libanais [France24] 07-10-2024

Lebanon Le syndicat des infirmières et infirmiers du Liban appelle à épargner le secteur de la santé [L’Orient-Le Jour] 06-10-2024

Lebanon / Africa Au Liban, des travailleuses domestiques étrangères sont abandonnées sous les bombes, sans ressources [HuffPost Fr] 03-10-2024

Lebanon / Israel Israeli airstrike kills Al Mayadeen journalist in the south of the country [IFJ] 25-09-2024

Lebanon Empowering teachers for resilient public education [Education International] 06-06-2024

Lebanon BWI supports Lebanese trade union leader amidst legal harassment [BWI] 04-10-2023

Lebanon Education in Lebanon – a crisis with no end in sight [Education International] 15-02-2023

Lebanon Educación en el Líbano: una crisis sin final predecible [IE] 15-02-2023

Other news

Lebanon Fear, uncertainty grip Bangladeshi migrants in Lebanon 2024-10-09 [The Herald]

'Their safety matters too': Migrant workers hired by Lebanese families left abandoned, homeless and without passports amid Israel's attacks 2024-10-09 [The New Arab]

Guerre au Proche-Orient: les travailleurs migrants dans l'œil du cyclone au Liban 2024-10-08 [yahoo! actualités]

Sans argent ni papiers, les domestiques étrangères piégées dans le chaos libanais 2024-10-07 [France24]

Belgium Belgian TV crew assaulted by a group of men in Beirut 2024-10-07 [EFJ]

Le syndicat des infirmières et infirmiers du Liban appelle à épargner le secteur de la santé 2024-10-06 [L’Orient-Le Jour]

Africa Au Liban, des travailleuses domestiques étrangères sont abandonnées sous les bombes, sans ressources 2024-10-03 [HuffPost Fr]

Lebanon Le Fonds humanitaire des Métallos verse 20 000 $ en réponse à la crise humanitaire au Liban 2024-10-01 [Metallos]

Lebanon Steelworkers Humanity Fund contributes $20,000 in response to humanitarian crisis in Lebanon 2024-09-30 [USW]

Lebanon Ato: pelo fim dos ataques ao Líbano! Pelo fim do genocídio Palestino! 2024-09-29 [SINTUSP]

Israel Israeli airstrike kills Al Mayadeen journalist in the south of the country 2024-09-25 [IFJ]

The WFTU condemns the Israeli aggression and the recent attacks in Lebanon 2024-09-25 [WFTU]

Empowering teachers for resilient public education 2024-06-06 [Education International]

WFTU condemns the continuous Israeli aggression in Lebanon 2024-04-02 [WFTU]

Israel Israeli strike kills Al Mayadeen TV reporter and cameraman in Tayr Harfa 2023-11-21 [IFJ]

Israel Israeli strike kills Reuters journalist and injures six others 2023-10-18 [IFJ]

BWI supports Lebanese trade union leader amidst legal harassment 2023-10-04 [BWI]

Fanget i moderne slaveri 2023-04-07 [Panorama]

Lebanon on cusp of network blackout as dispute grows with telecom workers 2023-03-31 [Al-Monitor]

Au Liban, le sous-financement de la police favorise le développement des initiatives (inquiétantes) de sécurité privée 2023-03-30 [Equal Times]

Au Liban, le sous-financement de la police favorise le développement des initiatives (inquiétantes) de sécurité privée 2023-03-27 [Equal Times]

Un cuerpo de Policía mal pagado y abocado al multiempleo espolea (inquietantes) iniciativas privadas para recuperar la seguridad en Líbano 2023-03-27 [Equal Times]

Educación en el Líbano: una crisis sin final predecible 2023-02-15 [IE]

Education in Lebanon – a crisis with no end in sight 2023-02-15 [Education International]

Sindicatos convocan a los trabajadores a huelga general 2023-02-02 [Prensa Latina]

Sindicatos en Líbano alistan huelga general ante crisis 2023-01-30 [Prensa Latina]

Les Libanais se tournent vers le soleil 2022-12-24 [CFDT]

Continúa huelga de empleados en empresas de celular en Líbano 2022-12-07 [Prensa Latina]

Funcionários de empresa de telecomunicações no Líbano em greve 2022-09-07 [Prensa Latina]

Workshop with PSI Lebanese affiliates 2022-09-07 [PSI]

VIDEO  Trabajadores de telecomunicaciones de Líbano mantienen huelga 2022-09-03 [TeleSUR]

'Sin papel ni tinta', el fracaso de los servicios públicos 2022-09-02 [SwissInfo]

Fortalecimento das condições dos funcionários públicos 2022-09-02 [Prensa Latina]

Central Bank workers strike after judge raids HQ 2022-07-21 [BBC]

Ongoing civil strikes further cripple everyday life 2022-07-11 [Al Jazeera]

Lebanon: Healthcare workers strike over unpaid wages and overstretched workloads: Healthcare workers strike over unpaid wages and overstretched workloads 2022-06-18 [Business and Human Rights Resource Centre]

La misión de la Internacional de la Educación para solidarizarse con docentes, estudiantes y centros escolares 2022-05-04 [IE]

Education International mission in solidarity with teachers, students, and schools 2022-05-02 [EI]

Nouvelle déclaration sur la liberté de la presse en prévision des législatives 2022-04-20 [IFJ]

Teachers and students in Lebanon need global solidarity to save their education system and their hope for the future. The world must answer. 2022-03-29 [Education International]

Ethiopia Abused migrant worker in Lebanon dreams of justice in rare court case 2022-02-17 [N MENA]

Líbano se prepara para una manifestación sindical y una posible huelga del profesorado en los próximos días 2022-01-22 [Europa Press]

Gjestearbeidere som jobber for private husholdninger utnyttes og vil hjem 2022-01-21 [Bistandsaktuelt]

Explosion du port de Beyrouth : Les entreprises et les travailleurs en proie à de multiples crises 2021-11-09 [Equal Times]

Las empresas y trabajadores afectados por la explosión del puerto de Beirut, atrapados entre múltiples crisis 2021-11-09 [Equal Times]

Explosion du port de Beyrouth : Les entreprises et les travailleurs en proie à de multiples crises 2021-11-08 [Equal Times]

Las empresas y trabajadores afectados por la explosión del puerto de Beirut, atrapados entre múltiples crisis 2021-11-08 [Equal Times]

Businesses and workers affected by the explosion at the port of Beirut find themselves caught in multiple crises 2021-11-08 [Equal Times]

Porto de Beirute entra em greve; sindicato alerta para falta de alimentos 2021-09-09 [MEMO]

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