LabourStart - Kyrgyzstan

Journalists sentenced to years in prison

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Kyrgyzstan Journalists sentenced to years in prison [IFJ] 17-10-2024

Kyrgyzstan Long live, Kanatbek Osmonov! [BWI] 24-08-2024

Kyrgyzstan Breaking the silence on sexual harassment in Kyrgyzstan’s medical institutions [UNSDG] 24-07-2024

Kyrgyzstan Union leader Eldar Tadjibaev must be released! [IndustriALL] 20-01-2024

Kyrgyzstan Exigimos la liberación del dirigente sindical kirguís Eldar Tadjibaev [IndustriALL] 20-01-2024

Kyrgyzstan Кыргызский профсоюзный лидер Эльдар Таджибаев должен быть освобожден! [IndustriALL] 18-01-2024

Kyrgyzstan Libérez le leader syndical kirghize Eldar Tadjibaev ! [IndustriALL] 18-01-2024

Kyrgyzstan BWI stands with unions amidst state repression [BWI] 16-01-2024

Kyrgyzstan Union leaders in Kyrgyzstan must be released immediately [IndustriALL] 11-12-2023

Kyrgyzstan Kirguistán: los dirigentes sindicales detenidos deben ser liberados de inmediato [IndustriALL] 11-12-2023

Other news

Journalists sentenced to years in prison 2024-10-17 [IFJ]

Safe, Fair Migration One Step Closer for Workers For more info 2024-09-19 [Solidarity Center]

Long live, Kanatbek Osmonov! 2024-08-24 [BWI]

Global Central Asia: High-Level Event to Combat Forced Labor For more info 2024-08-16 [Solidarity Center]

Breaking the silence on sexual harassment in Kyrgyzstan’s medical institutions 2024-07-24 [UNSDG]

Kyrgyzstan Moving Disability Rights Forward For more info 2024-03-18 [Solidarity Center]

IFJ demands the release of eleven arrested journalists 2024-01-20 [IFJ]

Exigimos la liberación del dirigente sindical kirguís Eldar Tadjibaev 2024-01-20 [IndustriALL]

Union leader Eldar Tadjibaev must be released! 2024-01-20 [IndustriALL]

Libérez le leader syndical kirghize Eldar Tadjibaev ! 2024-01-18 [IndustriALL]

Кыргызский профсоюзный лидер Эльдар Таджибаев должен быть освобожден! 2024-01-18 [IndustriALL]

BWI stands with unions amidst state repression 2024-01-16 [BWI]

Les dirigeants doivent être libérés immédiatement au Kirghizistan 2023-12-11 [IndustriALL]

Профсоюзные лидеры в Кыргызстане должны быть немедленно освобождены 2023-12-11 [IndustriALL]

Kirguistán: los dirigentes sindicales detenidos deben ser liberados de inmediato 2023-12-11 [IndustriALL]

Union leaders in Kyrgyzstan must be released immediately 2023-12-11 [IndustriALL]

Violation des droits syndicaux au Kirghizstan 2023-10-25 [IndustriALL]

Violación de los derechos sindicales en Kirguistán 2023-10-25 [IndustriALL]

В Кыргызстане продолжают нарушать права профсоюзов 2023-10-25 [IndustriALL]

Violation of trade union rights in Kyrgyzstan 2023-10-25 [IndustriALL]

Kyrgyz App-Based Drivers Win First Contract with Employer For more info 2023-10-03 [Solidarity Center]

La lucha incansable de Kirguistán por los derechos laborales fundamentales 2023-09-06 [IndustriALL]

В Кыргызстане продолжается борьба за основные права трудящихся 2023-09-06 [IndustriALL]

La lutte incessante du Kirghizstan pour les droits fondamentaux des travailleurs 2023-09-06 [IndustriALL]

Ongoing struggle for fundamental workers' rights 2023-09-06 [IndustriALL]

Kyrgyzstan Organizing School Builds Collective Power For more info 2023-06-20 [Solidarity Center]

Youth forum in Kyrgyzstan discuss organizing and communication 2023-06-09 [IndustriALL]

На молодежном форуме в Кыргызстане обсуждали органайзинг и коммуникацию 2023-06-09 [IndustriALL]

Unconstitutional provisions of the law on NGOs should be abolished 2023-05-13 [CALRMM]

Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Yields Safety Successes for Workers For more info 2023-05-12 [Solidarity Center]

Работники Хайдарканского комбината вышли на забастовку 2023-04-03 [24KG]

Unions in Kyrgyzstan push to ratify ILO C190 2023-03-12 [IndustriALL]

New bill targeting NGOs could undermine the freedom of association 2022-11-12 [CALRMM]

Забастовка сотрудников «Тазалыка». Антимонополия вынесла предписание в адрес МП 2022-04-22 [24KG]

Kyrgyzstan Month under sanctions: How the lives of migrants from Kyrgyzstan changed 2022-04-02 [CALRMM]

Spate of Criminal Cases Against Journalists. Stop Harassing Independent Media 2022-04-02 [CALRMM]

Kyrgyzstan 'We Are Invisible People': Kyrgyz Migrant Domestic Worker 2022-02-24 [Solidarity Center]

Профсоюз пищевиков Кыргызстана ставит в повестку дня борьбу против насилия и домогательств в сфере труда 2021-12-21 [IUF]

Кыргызские профсоюзы борются за соблюдение основных стандартов в сфере труда 2021-11-26 [IndustriALL]

Los sindicatos de Kirguistán luchan por el cumplimiento de las normas fundamentales del trabajo 2021-11-26 [IndustriALL]

Unions struggle for compliance with core labour standards 2021-11-26 [IndustriALL]

Les syndicats kirghiz en lutte pour le respect des normes fondamentales du travail 2021-11-26 [IndustriALL]

La CSI se congratula del veto a ley contraria a los trabajadores 2021-09-01 [CSI]

ITUC welcomes veto of anti-worker bill 2021-09-01 [ITUC]

Президент Кыргызстана во второй раз отклонил антипрофсоюзный законопроект 2021-08-24 []

Кыргызстан: Новый закон о профсоюзах должен соответствовать международным трудовым нормам 2021-07-07 [IndustriALL]

President vetoes anti-trade union law, workers claim victory 2021-06-07 [BWI]

President vetoes anti-trade union law, workers claim victory 2021-06-02 [BWI]

Кыргызстан: Наложено вето на противоречивый закон о профсоюзах 2021-05-28 [IndustriALL]

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