LabourStart - Iraq

Teachers should be respected and paid for a healthy society

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Iraq Pour une société saine, les enseignant·e·s doivent être respecté·e·s et rémunéré·e·s [IE] 01-10-2024

Iraq Para lograr una sociedad saludable el personal docente debe ser respetado y remunerado [IE] 01-10-2024

Iraq Teachers should be respected and paid for a healthy society [Education International] 25-09-2024

Iraq Kurdistan: Two women journalists killed and one other injured [IFJ] 28-08-2024

Iraq The struggle for a standardized school year in Iraqi Kurdistan [Education International] 21-08-2024

Iraq Empowerment in education: Kurdistan Teachers’ Union advocates for change [EI] 16-06-2024

Iraq Autonomisation dans l’enseignement : le Kurdistan Teachers’ Union plaide en faveur du changement [IE] 16-06-2024

Iraq Empoderamiento en la educación: el Kurdistan Teachers’ Union aboga por el cambio [IE] 16-06-2024

Iraq Advancing teacher education in Iraqi Kurdistan: Building a better pedagogy [Education International] 06-06-2024

Iraq Excessive violence against labour protestors in Iraq [IndustriALL] 05-06-2024

Other news

Kenya Enslaved and Desperate: Kenyan Domestic Help Seeks Escape from Iraq 2024-10-09 [Mwakilishi]

Para lograr una sociedad saludable el personal docente debe ser respetado y remunerado 2024-10-01 [IE]

Pour une société saine, les enseignant·e·s doivent être respecté·e·s et rémunéré·e·s 2024-10-01 [IE]

Teachers should be respected and paid for a healthy society 2024-09-25 [Education International]

Kurdistan: Two women journalists killed and one other injured 2024-08-28 [IFJ]

The struggle for a standardized school year in Iraqi Kurdistan 2024-08-21 [Education International]

Turkey Journalist killed in Sinjar after alleged drone attack by Türkiye 2024-07-15 [IFJ]

Empoderamiento en la educación: el Kurdistan Teachers’ Union aboga por el cambio 2024-06-16 [IE]

Autonomisation dans l’enseignement : le Kurdistan Teachers’ Union plaide en faveur du changement 2024-06-16 [IE]

Empowerment in education: Kurdistan Teachers’ Union advocates for change 2024-06-16 [EI]

Advancing teacher education in Iraqi Kurdistan: Building a better pedagogy 2024-06-06 [Education International]

Violencia excesiva contra trabajadores manifestantes en Irak 2024-06-05 [IndustriALL]

Violences excessives à l’encontre de manifestants syndicaux en Irak 2024-06-05 [IndustriALL]

Excessive violence against labour protestors in Iraq 2024-06-05 [IndustriALL]

Go Public! Strengthening Iraq’s public education system 2024-05-29 [Education International]

Workers Voice No. 9 2024-05-26 [Labour's Voice]

Middle East ILO Director-General Houngbo calls for collective action in the Arab states to address growing challenges in the world of work 2024-04-29 [ILO]

Crise de l’éducation en Irak : un appel à des réformes urgentes 2024-04-07 [IE]

Les syndicats appellent à des solutions urgentes alors que les enseignant·e·s n’ont pas été payé·e·s depuis des mois 2024-01-28 [IE]

Les syndicats appellent à des solutions urgentes alors que les enseignant·e·s n’ont pas été payé·e·s depuis des mois 2024-01-24 [IE]

Union call for urgent solutions as teachers haven't been paid in months 2024-01-23 [Education International]

Kurdistan teachers need your support 2023-12-13 [Dangi Krekar - Worker’s Voice]

La formation des enseignant·e·s est cruciale pour une éducation de qualité pour tou·te·s et le statut de la profession 2023-11-29 [IE]

Teacher training is critical for quality education for all and the status of the profession 2023-11-29 [EI]

En Irak, une nouvelle ère d’opportunités s’ouvre avec le développement du secteur privé et la création de start-ups 2023-10-13 [Equal Times]

El desarrollo del sector privado y la creación de empresas emergentes abren una nueva etapa de oportunidades en Irak 2023-10-13 [Equal Times]

A new era of opportunity is opening up in Iraq with the development of the private sector and the creation of start-ups 2023-10-13 [Equal Times]

Revendication syndicale en faveur du respect de l’autonomie professionnelle et du temps nécessaire aux enseignant·e·s pour assurer une éducation de qualité 2023-10-11 [IE]

Union demands respect for professional autonomy and the necessary time for teachers to provide quality education 2023-10-07 [EI]

¡Respeten al personal educativo y paguen pensiones decentes! 2023-07-22 [IE]

Respect educators and pay decent pensions! 2023-07-19 [Education International]

KJS reports 44 cases of media rights violations in first half of 2023 2023-07-05 [IFJ]

Iraq IFJ and NUJ call on UK government to halt deportation of Kurdish journalist 2023-07-01 [IFJ]

Las autoridades kurdas deben proceder rápidamente al pago de todos los salarios atrasados 2023-07-01 [IE]

Las autoridades kurdas deben proceder rápidamente al pago de todos los salarios atrasados 2023-06-28 [IE]

Les autorités de la région du Kurdistan doivent trouver une solution rapide pour payer les arriérés de salaires 2023-06-28 [IE]

Kurdish authorities must arrange for speedy payment of all salary arrears 2023-06-24 [EI]

Gobierno iraquí retira propuesta de aumento del precio del combustible tras manifestaciones 2023-06-15 [IndustriALL]

Протест рабочих заставил правительство Ирака отозвать предложение о повышении цен на топливо 2023-06-15 [IndustriALL]

Le gouvernement irakien retire sa proposition d’augmentation du prix des carburants face aux protestations des travailleurs 2023-06-15 [IndustriALL]

Iraqi government withdraws fuel increase proposal after workers protest 2023-06-15 [IndustriALL]

Government must revise national examination questions 2023-04-21 [Education International]

Sindicatos iraqu�es exigen participar en el proyecto de ley de seguridad social y jubilaci�n 2023-04-01 [IndustriALL]

Unions demand input on draft social security and retirement law 2023-04-01 [IndustriALL]

Ирак: Профсоюзы требуют внести свои предложения в законопроект о социальном и пенсионном обеспечении 2023-03-28 [IndustriALL]

Les syndicats irakiens veulent être associés à la rédaction du projet de loi sur la sécurité sociale et les pensions 2023-03-28 [IndustriALL]

Iraq ratifies two ILO Conventions 2023-03-24 [ILO]

Education union joins global campaign for increased public financing of education 2023-03-04 [EI]

Recognise the importance of teaching in the Kurdish mother tongue and teaching Kurdish history 2023-02-08 [Education International]

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