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Iraq Pour une société saine, les enseignant·e·s doivent être respecté·e·s et rémunéré·e·s [IE] 01-10-2024
Iraq Para lograr una sociedad saludable el personal docente debe ser respetado y remunerado [IE] 01-10-2024
Iraq Teachers should be respected and paid for a healthy society [Education International] 25-09-2024
Iraq Kurdistan: Two women journalists killed and one other injured [IFJ] 28-08-2024
Iraq The struggle for a standardized school year in Iraqi Kurdistan [Education International] 21-08-2024
Iraq Empowerment in education: Kurdistan Teachers’ Union advocates for change [EI] 16-06-2024
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Iraq Empoderamiento en la educación: el Kurdistan Teachers’ Union aboga por el cambio [IE] 16-06-2024
Iraq Advancing teacher education in Iraqi Kurdistan: Building a better pedagogy [Education International] 06-06-2024
Iraq Excessive violence against labour protestors in Iraq [IndustriALL] 05-06-2024
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