LabourStart - Hungary

care workers unite to form new union, demand fair wages and respect

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Top stories

Hungary care workers unite to form new union, demand fair wages and respect [UNI Global Union] 16-05-2024

Hungary National bus trade union announces strike for Jan 28-29 [The Times] 26-01-2024

Hungary Official: Hungarian state bus company announces strike [The Daily News] 08-12-2023

Hungary CESI Presidium condemns envisaged changes to national legislation on trade unions [CESI] 02-09-2023

Hungary Court rejects claims against referendum on new controversial education law in Hungary [ETUCE] 29-07-2023

Hungary Masiva renuncia de docentes [La Vanguardia] 22-07-2023

Hungary VIDEO Thousands of teachers set to quit [Deutsche Welle] 29-06-2023

Hungary VR styður verkfallsaðgerðir BSRB [VR] 20-05-2023

Hungary Civil society movement demands change in the education system [EI] 05-11-2022

Hungary Estudiantes apoyan las exigencias salariales de los docentes húngaros [SwissInfo] 03-09-2022

Other news

Europe EFJ to hold its General Meeting in Budapest, Hungary, on 2-3 June 2025 2024-11-21 [EFJ]

Hungary Safe staffing and improved working conditions priority at UNI Care World Conference 2024 2024-10-22 [Unifor]

Arbeidsvilkårene til lærerne endret drastisk 2024-09-26 [Utdanningsnytt]

care workers unite to form new union, demand fair wages and respect 2024-05-16 [UNI Global Union]

Player union celebrates new standard player contract that complies with minimum requirements 2024-02-10 [FIFPRO]

National bus trade union announces strike for Jan 28-29 2024-01-26 [The Times]

Hungary La Secretaría de Relaciones Internacionales de CGT se solidariza con la presa antifascista Ilaria Salis 2024-01-17 [CGT]

Official: Hungarian state bus company announces strike 2023-12-08 [The Daily News]

El transporte por autobús en Hungría puede colapsar debido a la huelga antes de Navidad 2023-11-19 [News ES Euro]

Hungary Organizing is key in growing battery industry 2023-10-06 [IndustriALL]

CESI Presidium condemns envisaged changes to national legislation on trade unions 2023-09-02 [CESI]

Court rejects claims against referendum on new controversial education law in Hungary 2023-07-29 [ETUCE]

Masiva renuncia de docentes 2023-07-22 [La Vanguardia]

VIDEO  Thousands of teachers set to quit 2023-06-29 [Deutsche Welle]

VR styður verkfallsaðgerðir BSRB 2023-05-20 [VR]

Europe WeEP24 in Budapest- Bringing workers at the heart of #EUelections24 2023-04-15 [CESI]

Students rally in Budapest protesting against teachers' dismissals 2022-12-10 [Head Topics]

Strikes, sackings and surging prices: Teacher anger rages in Hungary 2022-12-10 [Yahoo]

Court Rejects Appeal for Review of Rules Governing Teacher Strikes in Hungary 2022-12-10 [XpatLoop]

Hungary Éxito en la colaboración entre sindicatos de Alemania y Hungría 2022-11-05 [IE]

Hungary Coopération syndicale fructueuse entre l’Allemagne et la Hongrie 2022-11-05 [IE]

Civil society movement demands change in the education system 2022-11-05 [EI]

Hungary Successful trade union cooperation between German and Hungarian unions 2022-10-29 [EI]

Estudiantes apoyan las exigencias salariales de los docentes húngaros 2022-09-03 [SwissInfo]

Teachers’ unions win court case on strike 2022-08-04 [EI]

Alea iacta est – Revision of Hungarian KATA tax law may bring adverse effects for young entrepreneurs in the country 2022-07-25 [CESI]

We welcome EU court referral over Klubrádió frequency 2022-07-20 [EFJ]

En Hongrie, le droit de grève sacrifié par Viktor Orbán 2022-06-27 [Equal Times]

In Hungary, the right to strike has been curtailed by Viktor Orbán 2022-06-27 [Equal Times]

Viktor Orbán sacrifica el derecho de huelga en Hungría 2022-06-27 [Equal Times]

Budapest Airport workers may go on strike?! 2022-06-16 [The Daily News]

Ukraine Hungría: Un sindicato defiende los derechos de sus miembros al tiempo que acoge a refugiados y refugiadas ucranianos/as 2022-05-04 [IE]

Ukraine Union defending the rights of members while welcoming Ukrainian refugees 2022-05-02 [EI]

Teachers strike for pay 2022-04-05 [Workers' Liberty]

C'è un voto in cui Orbàn ha perso: senza quorum il referendum sulla legge anti-Lgbt 2022-04-04 [Il fatto quotidiano]

Elezioni Ungheria, Orban trionfa ancora e sfida la Ue: “Vittoria contro i media mainstream europei e il presidente ucraino” 2022-04-04 [Il fatto quotidiano]

Una renovación sindical de calidad gracias a la solidaridad internacional 2022-03-26 [IE]

Quality trade union renewal with international solidarity 2022-03-26 [EI]

Huelga indefinida de profesores en Hungría 2022-03-21 [Euronews]

Miles de profesores en Hungría se unen a la huelga en plena campaña de reelección de Orbán 2022-01-31 [Europa Press]

Stop denying air traffic workers their right to strike  ActNOW!  2021-08-06 [ETF]

Health care workers protest for higher wages 2021-08-01 [ThinkPol]

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Hungary La legislación homófoba aprobada en Hungría es un atentado a los Derechos Humanos 2021-06-21 [CCOO]

Deterioration of press freedom under the pretext of COVID-19 2021-06-18 [IFJ]

В Венгрии профсоюз борется за повышение зарплат 2021-03-22 [IndustriALL]

La riforma schiavista del Codice del lavoro 2021-02-05 [Collettiva]

Ungheria, il nemico del Recovery e i suoi guai 2020-11-26 [Collettiva]

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