LabourStart - Czech Republic

Mass demonstration at Liberty Steel calls for urgent support amid crisis

Top stories

Czech Republic / Europe Mass demonstration at Liberty Steel calls for urgent support amid crisis [IndustriALL] 22-02-2024

Czech Republic Unions stage a day of action in protest at spending cuts and taxes [The National Post] 28-11-2023

Czech Republic Unions protest against government measures [IndustriALL] 15-11-2023

Czech Republic Unions Demand Up to 10% Wage Growth as Inflation Slows [BNN] 09-10-2023

Czech Republic The new school year starts with uncertainty [ETUCE] 13-09-2023

Czech Republic Trade Unions Warn of Strikes Over Austerity Budget [Brno Daily] 16-05-2023

Czech Republic Workers Go on Strike Against Spending Cuts [TeleSUR] 15-05-2023

Czech Republic Union wins collective agreement with country's largest private care home provider [UNI Global Union] 23-03-2023

Czech Republic How major changes to the Czech Labor Code could close the pay gap and improve remote work [Expats] 05-01-2023

Czech Republic Union organizes four more care homes [UNI] 22-10-2022

Other news

Russia Appeal to protect exiled Russian journalists 2024-03-24 [IFJ]

Manifestación masiva en Liberty Steel para pedir apoyo urgente en medio de la crisis 2024-02-22 [IndustriALL]

Участники митинга на заводе Liberty Steel требуют срочной поддержки в условиях кризиса 2024-02-22 [IndustriALL]

Europe Manifestation de masse à Liberty Steel pour demander une aide d’urgence dans un contexte de crise 2024-02-22 [IndustriALL]

Europe Mass demonstration at Liberty Steel calls for urgent support amid crisis 2024-02-22 [IndustriALL]

Unions stage a day of action in protest at spending cuts and taxes 2023-11-28 [The National Post]

Les syndicats tchèques protestent contre les mesures gouvernementales 2023-11-15 [IndustriALL]

Sindicatos checos protestan contra las medidas del Gobierno 2023-11-15 [IndustriALL]

Чешские профсоюзы протестуют против правительственных мер экономии 2023-11-15 [IndustriALL]

Unions protest against government measures 2023-11-15 [IndustriALL]

Union’s Shoes4Life project making a difference 2023-11-11 [FIFPRO]

Los sindicatos escolares amenazan con ir a la huelga por el presupuesto de 2024 2023-10-31 [RPI]

Unions Demand Up to 10% Wage Growth as Inflation Slows 2023-10-09 [BNN]

The new school year starts with uncertainty 2023-09-13 [ETUCE]

Ministro de Trabajo: “No hay posibilidad de aumentar el salario mínimo este año” 2023-05-17 [RPI]

Los sindicatos rechazan las medidas de austeridad del Gobierno y se declaran en “estado de alerta” 2023-05-17 [RPI]

Sindicatos: “Cada familia perderá hasta 7500 euros al año con los recortes” 2023-05-17 [RPI]

Trade Unions Warn of Strikes Over Austerity Budget 2023-05-16 [Brno Daily]

Workers Go on Strike Against Spending Cuts 2023-05-15 [TeleSUR]

Union wins collective agreement with country's largest private care home provider 2023-03-23 [UNI Global Union]

Jan Palach: una protesta che s'infiamma 2023-01-19 [Collettiva]

How major changes to the Czech Labor Code could close the pay gap and improve remote work 2023-01-05 [Expats]

Union organizes four more care homes 2022-10-22 [UNI]

EPSU supports Czech unions’ rally over the cost-of-living 2022-09-04 [EPSU]

Energy inflation: Open letter to the Czech Council Presidency 2022-09-03 [CESI]

Los sindicatos del sector público amenazan con ir a la huelga 2022-06-08 [RPI]

Czech Republic El reto de conseguir que todos en Eslovaquia y Chequia apuesten por los vehículos eléctricos 2022-04-15 [Equal Times]

Czech Republic Voiture électrique : une transition difficile en Slovaquie et en Tchéquie 2022-04-15 [Equal Times]

Slovakia The challenge of getting everyone on board for electric vehicles in Slovakia and Czechia 2022-04-15 [Equal Times]

Essential Workers win first agreement at Czech nursing home 2022-04-14 [UNI Global Union]

Забастовочную готовность объявили на крупнейшем сталелитейном заводе в Чехии 2021-04-16 []

«Чешские авиалинии» уволят всех своих сотрудников 2021-02-25 []

Jan Palach: una speranza nel cielo di Praga 2021-01-16 [Collettiva]

Addio Primavera 2020-08-28 [Collettiva]

Ryanair: Reinstate sacked union leaders at Prague base!  ActNOW!  2020-06-27 [ETF]

Připomínáme si oběti smrtelných pracovních úrazů a koronarovirové pandemie 2020-04-28 [CMKOS]

Jak se v práci chránit před koronavirem? 2020-04-24 [CMKOS]

“Vaříme nepostradatelným “ má aktivní podporu odborových svazů 2020-04-22 [CMKOS]

Pravda a mýty o právech zaměstnanců při epidemii 2020-04-19 [Esondy]

Jakými prostředky monetární politiky bojují s koronavirem 2020-04-04 [CMKOS]

Listina základních práv zaměstnance během epidemie koronaviru 2020-04-01 [Esondy]


Přehled ekonomických opatření jednotlivých vlád 2020-03-25 [CMKOS]

Není čas otálet - Mimořádná doba potřebuje mimořádná opatření 2020-03-23 [CMKOS]

Výzva k přijetí mimořádných makroekonomických opatření k řešení naléhavé situace spojené s Covid 19 2020-03-23 [Esondy]

Czech Republic Coronavirus, così la Repubblica Ceca ha sequestrato migliaia di mascherine inviate dalla Cina all'Italia 2020-03-21 [La Repubblica]

Co přinese doba pokoronarovirová? Bez mimořádných opatření prohrajeme všichni 2020-03-19 [Esondy]

Není čas otálet. Mimořádná doba potřebuje mimořádná opatření 2020-03-18 [Esondy]

A Prague, 250.000 Tchèques ont manifesté contre le Premier ministre 2019-11-16 [RTL]

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