LabourStart - Bangladesh

Garment workers in Bangladesh continue to suffer

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Bangladesh Garment workers in Bangladesh continue to suffer [IndustriALL] 24-07-2024

Bangladesh La souffrance continue pour les travailleurs de l'habillement au Bangladesh [IndustriALL] 24-07-2024

Bangladesh Los trabajadores de la confección de Bangladesh siguen sufriendo [IndustriALL] 24-07-2024

Bangladesh Journalist killed as protests rage [IFJ] 23-07-2024

Bangladesh Violence breaks out at Bangladesh anti-quota protests, government orders probe into killings [Reuters] 19-07-2024

Bangladesh Klesarbeidere om prisene i Vesten: Dere må betale mer for klær! [Fri fagbevegelse] 17-07-2024

Bangladesh NSEF Bangladesh’s advocacy efforts bring in six new unions [UNI] 16-06-2024

Bangladesh Les efforts de plaidoyer du NSEF Bangladesh ont permis de créer six nouveaux syndicats [UNI] 16-06-2024

Bangladesh Los esfuerzos de promoción de NSEF Bangladesh atraen a seis nuevos sindicatos [UNI] 16-06-2024

Bangladesh Two journalists attacked on duty [IFJ] 03-06-2024

Other news

Los trabajadores de la confección de Bangladesh siguen sufriendo 2024-07-24 [IndustriALL]

La souffrance continue pour les travailleurs de l'habillement au Bangladesh 2024-07-24 [IndustriALL]

Garment workers in Bangladesh continue to suffer 2024-07-24 [IndustriALL]

Journalist killed as protests rage 2024-07-23 [IFJ]

Bangladesh army enforces curfew as student-led protests spiral 2024-07-22 [Radio New Zealand International]

Violence breaks out at Bangladesh anti-quota protests, government orders probe into killings 2024-07-19 [Reuters]

Klesarbeidere om prisene i Vesten: Dere må betale mer for klær! 2024-07-17 [Fri fagbevegelse]

Cargo piles up at HSIA as C & F agents observe strike for three days 2024-07-17 [The Daily Star]

Palli Bidyut employees continue strike 2024-07-11 [The Daily Star]

Los esfuerzos de promoción de NSEF Bangladesh atraen a seis nuevos sindicatos 2024-06-16 [UNI]

Les efforts de plaidoyer du NSEF Bangladesh ont permis de créer six nouveaux syndicats 2024-06-16 [UNI]

NSEF Bangladesh’s advocacy efforts bring in six new unions 2024-06-16 [UNI]

Two journalists attacked on duty 2024-06-03 [IFJ]

El sistema de indemnización de Bangladesh incluirá los accidentes ocurridos en los trayectos al trabajo 2024-06-01 [IndustriALL]

Le système d’indemnisation au Bangladesh inclut désormais les accidents sur le chemin du travail 2024-05-27 [IndustriALL]

Bangladesh’s Employment Injury Scheme to include commuting accidents 2024-05-27 [IndustriALL]

International labour standards a vital toolbox for Bangladesh’s sustainable development prospects 2024-05-07 [ILO]

Workers demand minimum wage for all, workplace safety 2024-05-03 [The New Age]

No progress without workers’ inclusion 2024-05-03 [The Daily Star]

Remembering dead and injured workers on April 28, food and agricultural unions in Bangladesh demand protection of workers' safety & health as a fundamental right 2024-04-29 [IUF Asia/Pacific]

Europe Aniversario del Rana Plaza: ¡los eurodiputados deben apoyar la diligencia debida! 2024-04-26 [IndustriALL]

No more Rana Plaza'a-No more blood for profit 2024-04-26 [WFTU]

২৮ এপ্রিল: অজানা শ্রমিকদের স্মরণ 2024-04-26 [IUF Asia/Pacific]

২৮ এপ্রিল: অজানা শ্রমিকদের স্মরণ 2024-04-26 [IUF Asia/Pacific]

Europe Rana Plaza anniversary: MEPs must support due diligence today! 2024-04-25 [UNI Global Union]

Bangladesh 11 ans après l’effondrement de l’usine du Rana Plaza, les syndicats du Canada rendent hommage aux victimes et continuent de revendiquer l’amélioration des conditions de travail 2024-04-25 [AFPC]

Bangladesh 11 years after the Rana Plaza factory collapse, Canada’s unions honour victims and continue demands to improve conditions for workers 2024-04-25 [PSAC]

Rana Plaza plus jamais Se souvenir, ensemble 2024-04-25 [NGWF]

Rana Plaza: Never Again, Together, We Remember 2024-04-25 [NGWF]

Europe Rana Plaza anniversary: MEPs must support due diligence today! 2024-04-24 [Industriall Europe]

Bangladesh 11 ans après l’effondrement de l’usine du Rana Plaza, les syndicats du Canada rendent hommage aux victimes et continuent de revendiquer l’amélioration des conditions de travail 2024-04-24 [CTC]

Bangladesh 11 years after the Rana Plaza factory collapse, Canada’s unions honour victims and continue demands to improve conditions for workers 2024-04-24 [CLC]

Reopening of Rajshahi Jute Mills demanded 2024-04-08 [The New Age]

UNI Global Unionen fördömer våldsam attack mot facklig ledare i Bangladesh och fredliga demonstranter 2024-04-03 [UNI]

UNI Global Gewerkschaft verurteilt gewaltsamen Angriff auf bangladeschischen Gewerkschaftsführer und friedliche Demonstranten 2024-04-03 [UNI]

UNI Global El sindicato condena el violento ataque contra un dirigente sindical bangladeshí y manifestantes pacíficos 2024-04-03 [UNI]

UNI Global Le syndicat condamne la violente attaque contre un dirigeant syndical bangladais et des manifestants pacifiques 2024-04-03 [UNI]

UNI Global Union Condemns Violent Attack on Bangladeshi Union Leader and Peaceful Protesters 2024-04-02 [UNI Global Union]

Tea gardeners’ daily minimum wage proposed at Tk 117 2024-03-31 [The Financial Express]

Bangladesh shop workers demand Eid bonuses and overtime allowances 2024-03-27 [Unionaid]

Tea workers exploitation continues unabated 2024-03-24 [Bangi News]

92pc of garment workers in BD lack formal contracts 2024-03-20 [The Financial Express]

El NSEF quiere ayudar a 6 millones de empleados de tiendas durante el Ramadán en Bangladesh 2024-03-20 [UNI]

La NSEF cherche à améliorer la situation de 6 millions d'employés de magasins pendant le Ramadan au Bangladesh 2024-03-20 [UNI]

OECD নির্দেশিকার ২০২৩ আপডেটটি হস্তক্ষেপ ছাড়াই শ্রমিকদের ট্রেড ইউনিয়ন গঠন বা যোগদানের অধিকারকে পুনর্ব্যাক্ত করেছে। 2024-03-20 [IUF Asia/Pacific]

NSEF seeks uplifting of 6 million shop employees during Ramadan in Bangladesh 2024-03-19 [UNI Global Union]

Government faces questions at ILO over labour conditions 2024-03-14 [Prothom Alo]

National Women Domestic Workers’ Union demanding the arrest and trial of the people, involved in the killing of domestic workers Preeti Urang and Anwara 2024-03-09 [The New Age]

Los sindicatos del sector de desguace de buques de Bangladesh son clave para ayudar a los trabajadores 2024-03-07 [IndustriALL]

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