The Internet belongs to everyone!

Website of Eric Lee,
independent labour candidate for a seat on the Board of the
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Just published - 9.9.00!

The Internet belongs to everyone, by Eric Lee.

This 173 page e-book is being offered free of charge and is now available in four different formats. Download now the Microsoft reader version (this is the most attractive and easiest to read, but works only with Microsoft Windows), the Adobe Acrobat version, the Palm version (PDB format), or view the HTML version. For Microsoft Reader and Acrobat, you may need to download the free software - click on the icons below.
Download Microsoft Reader now!       Download Acrobat Reader now!

Latest news - 27 July 2024


Help us get on the ballot

ICANN's rules make it nearly impossible for independent candidates to get on the ballot. We need over 400 registered ICANN members to express their support. If you are a registered ICANN member in North America, click here to endorse Eric Lee's candidacy.

Click here to track our progress A clever bit of programming on the icannot website allows you to see in real time how the endorsements are going. Right now, we're in 4th place out of 54 candidates, but only if there's a 50% voter turnout do we stand a chance of getting a labour candidate on the ballot for the October election.


For those of you who were viewing these pages with Netscape -- sorry! They're now fixed, we hope. Let us know if there are any more problems.

Other interesting sites

Read the book

The Internet belongs to everyone:
Radical thoughts on the governance of cyberspace

by Eric Lee
To be published late Summer 2000
To be informed when the book is available for ordering online, send in your email address using this form:

Who is Eric Lee?

Click here to visit our new page about the candidate including comments from trade unionists around the globe.


"As organized labour is one of the biggest non governmental organizations (NGOs) in the world, it would be only natural if it had its representatives on the ICANN Board."

"It needs to be emphasized that the internet use among trade unionists and their organzations is growing very fast. It is used for the defence of human and trade union rights, education, development of collective bargaining, promotion of occupational safety and health, protection of environment, advancement of women, abolition of child labour and many other causes and purposes. Therefore it is important that the trade union movement through its representative(s) has a say in how the Internet is run."

"The International Federation of Building and Wood Workers, IFBWW, representing 11 million members in 281 trade unions in 124 countries with HQ in Geneva, Switzerland, would like to endorse the candidature of Mr Eric Lee for the ICANN Board."

"He would represent the internationally and globally organized labour . . . a committed labour activist with a great knowledge of the Information Technology - one of the true pioneers of the IT solutions for the organized labour."

-- Piotr Zeydler, Information Officer

More endorsements - click here.

If your union (national or local) endorses Eric Lee, please let us know. Send us an email.

Send your feedback to Eric Lee.

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