More news from Guyana

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Guyana GPSU says new union not certified to represent GGMC workers 2018-05-18 [The Stabroek News]

Guyana GGMC workers break away from GPSU representation 2018-05-13 [The Stabroek News]

Guyana ‘As a trade unionist I take seriously the responsibility to engage in activism that will bring about justice and fair play' 2018-03-29 [The Stabroek News]

Guyana 'Integrated Security Services' guards stage protest over unpaid wages' 2018-03-15 [Kaieteur News]

Guyana There should be a national strike of sugar workers to secure their severance benefits 2018-03-06 [The Stabroek News]

Guyana 'Hundreds more sugar workers to be laid off' 2018-01-23 [Starbroek News]

Guyana 'House approves $1.93B for GuySuCo workers' severance pay' 2018-01-20 [Kaieteur News]

Guyana 'Unions, Govt. agree to cooperate on finding solutions to sugar woes' 2018-01-20 [Kaieteur News]

Guyana AFC's statements on severance say a lot about the sincerity of their concern for sugar workers 2018-01-18 [The Stabroek News]

Guyana GAWU skeptical about gov't statements on severance pay for sugar workers 2017-12-25 [Stabroek News]

Guyana GAWU has mounted a strong, consistent struggle against estate closures 2017-12-09 [The Stabroek News]

Guyana BCGI's Russian management ignores union 2017-12-05 [The Stabroek News]

Guyana 'Unions appeal court's denial quash decision to close sugar estates' 2017-11-28 [Kaieteur News]

Guyana 'Rusal workers threaten strike action' 2017-11-28 [Kaieteur News]

Guyana Bauxite company continues to show contempt for the workers 2017-11-28 [The Stabroek News]

Guyana Minister Scott issues letter to RUSAL Guyana on workers pay 2017-11-18 [The Stabroek News]

Guyana Testing government's take-it-or-leave-it pay negotiating strategy 2017-10-31 [The Stabroek News]

Guyana Wage hikes for academic staff should be linked to performance 2017-10-30 [Stabroek News]

Guyana ‘Partnership' cannot be based on GuySuCo's dictated terms and conditions 2017-10-20 [The Stabroek News]

Guyana There is no guarantee all sugar workers would be retained in privatisation 2017-09-20 [The Stabroek News]

Guyana GGMC has shown disrespect to Barticians over Pork-knockers Day 2017-08-24 [The Stabroek News]

Guyana Union considers legal action against GTT over sacking of workers 2017-07-18 [The Stabroek News]

Guyana GuySuCo warns it may be forced to close Uitvlugt estate 2017-05-23 [The Stabroek News]