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Finland Industrial Union declares extensive political strike for early February – – “We urge all workers to take part in the mass demonstration organised by SAK and STTK” 2024-01-24 [Teollisuusliitto]

Finland Frequently asked questions on walkouts 6 February 2024-01-24 [Akava]

Finland PAM decided on strikes on February 1, 2024 – Tens of thousands of workers will be on strike 2024-01-24 [PAM]

Finland STOP now! demonstration on 1 February in Helsinki – come along! 2024-01-24 [PAM]

Finland Finland’s air traffic will cease on 1–2 February, JHL is intensely involved in the strike 2024-01-24 [JHL]

Finland Strike will shut down day care centres in Helsinki Metropolitan Region for two days on 31 January–1 February 2024-01-24 [JHL]

Finland Flights set to be grounded across Finland as airport workers join February strike 2024-01-20 [YLE]

Finland Three candidates for JHL president, one person withdrew himself 2024-01-14 [JHL]

Finland Industrial Union adopts new political industrial action measures against impairments to working life – Overtime ban enters into force in several industrial sectors 2024-01-09 [Teollisuusliitto]

Finland The Government’s harsh measures hit immigrants:”This isn’t democracy, this is dictatorship” 2024-01-05 [JHL]

Finland Statement by Sami Ryynänen, Chief Shop Steward at Neste, 28 December 2023 – Shutting down the oil refinery’s production 2024-01-03 [Teollisuusliitto]

Finland JHL’s immigrants now have a network in Lapland: ”You don’t have to take care of everything by yourself” 2023-12-27 [JHL]

Finland Harsh plans aimed at immigrants 2023-12-20 [Tekijä]

Finland Strange three-months rule 2023-12-20 [Tekijä]

Finland The Industrial Union launches new political industrial action – one-day strikes at 457 workplaces 2023-12-08 [Teollisuusliitto]

Finland The AKT executive committee decided on sympathy actions for Tesla 2023-12-07 [AKT]

Finland UJF Council: Union priorities 2024 – negotiations on working conditions for self-employed workers, survey of members’ perceptions of the union 2023-12-06 [UJF]

Finland PAM and Wolt started negotiations on the rules of work for couriers 2023-12-04 [PAM]

Finland “Let’s behave” campaign combatting inappropriate behaviour together 2023-12-03 [PAM]

Finland PAM Council members want to improve employment conditions and the union’s activities 2023-11-28 [PAM]

Finland PAM Council resolution: The union is there to support you, you can support your union 2023-11-28 [PAM]

Finland JHL President Päivi Niemi-Laine resigns from her post, becomes director of public affairs 2023-11-25 [JHL]

Finland JHL will start an investigation on possibly detaching itself from the Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions SAK 2023-11-24 [JHL]

Finland Trade Union JHL to continue political strikes 2023-11-22 [JHL]

Finland Trade Union JHL condemns all strikes targeting civilians 2023-11-16 [JHL]

Finland PAM immigrant survey: Those coming to work in service sectors have a high level of education, one in four has experienced discrimination 2023-11-10 [PAM]

Finland This is how working life is changing to the detriment of the employee 2023-11-07 [Trade Union Pro]

Finland Annika Rönni-Sällinen re-elected as PAM President 2023-10-25 [PAM]

Finland Annika Rönni-Sällinen at the PAM Union Congress opening: Government cuts aimed at same people who bore heavy burden during pandemic 2023-10-25 [PAM]

Finland Finland’s sectoral bargaining is an inspiration abroad while undermined at home 2023-10-19 [PAM]

Finland STTK and its member unions to organise a demonstration for reasonable policies on 18 November 2023-10-17 [STTK]

Finland Akava and its affiliates proposed solutions to the Prime Minister — labour market crisis can be avoided 2023-10-13 [Akava]

Finland Christmas came early for employers 2023-10-11 [Tekijä]

Finland The Orpo-Purra government’s social security cuts would disproportionately affect service sector workers 2023-10-09 [PAM]

Finland Industrial Union stages industrial action to oppose Government policies – walkouts in Helsinki 2023-10-09 [Teollisuusliitto]

Finland JHL’s walkout will interrupt security checks at Helsinki Airport on Thursday 5 October, the demonstration will last half an hour 2023-10-05 [JHL]

Finland If dismissal is made easier, an employee could be fired on lighter grounds 2023-10-03 [PAM]

Finland Industrial Union stages industrial action to oppose Government policies – walkouts in Uusimaa 2023-10-01 [Teollisuusliitto]

Finland Helsinki Airport security staff to walk off the job on Thursday 2023-10-01 [YLE]

Finland PAM’s election result confirmed – delegates to the union congress have been elected 2023-09-30 [PAM]

Finland Impact of the Government Programme on employees’ rights and livelihood 2023-09-20 [STTK]

Finland We have the right to strike 2023-09-14 [Tekijä]

Finland Decent work for everyone 2023-09-14 [Tekijä]

Finland Akava: Non-discriminatory working life calls for concrete legislative actions 2023-09-11 [Akava]

Finland A catalogue of Orpo-Purra Government cuts 2023-09-06 [SAK]

Finland Now we have #SeriousGrounds to act: the first cuts affecting employees will take effect at the start of next year 2023-09-06 [SAK]

Finland Trade unions against racism: Our Finland is open 2023-09-03 [Trade Union Pro]

Finland What do the Government Programme entries mean in practice? 2023-08-31 [JHL]

Finland Priority Action Programme sets the course for PAM 2023-08-18 [PAM]

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