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Where trade unionists start their day on the net.

Sell union books to union members - become a UCS affiliate today!

UCS.Union Communication Services (UCS) was founded in 1981 by David Prosten, a former publications and public relations director and staffer for several national unions. It publishes and distributes steward advice, labor news, graphics and books that help progressive union leaders rally their members and build their unions. Their bookstore offers the largest, most varied and helpful selection of hand-picked books ever created for union leaders, activists and rank-and-file members. Many of their 125-plus titles can't be found anywhere else. UCS is a 100 percent union shop.

By becoming an affiliate of UCS, your union can sell everything in the UCS catalog and earn a commission on every sale. You'll be promoting the sales of books and other materials specifically designed for trade unionists, helping to empower your fellow union members -- and you'll earn some money as well!

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