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Zimbabwe and Sri Lanka: Unions under attack

In this week's mailing:

* Zimbabwe and Sri Lanka: Unions under attack
* Unions take on private equity
* If you live in Europe ...
* Online campaigns work: Australia



We probably don't have to tell you that the regime of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe has launched a ferocious assault on the country's trade union movement. This morning we have launched a major online campaign to show our support for our brothers and sisters in the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions. Please send off your message today:

We've also received an urgent request for help from trade unionists in Sri Lanka, who are facing intimidation including threats of abduction. We name six trade union leaders who are being labelled as 'terrorists' and we are calling on the country's president to ensure their safety. (One of those brothers has a highly unusual name, by the way.) The campaign is here:

Please pass this email on to your lists -- let's flood the inboxes of the governments of Zimbabwe and Sri Lanka with our messages today.

Remember: it is not enough to send off your own message. The campaign will only take off if you get other people to do as you have done and to mobilize your own union.



The issue of private equity has become an important one for trade unionists in many countries. Long established companies are being snapped up at an alarming rate by corporate raiders who often seem intent on making a quick profit by sacking staff, worsening working conditions and busting existing unions. The IUF, the global union federation for food, farm and hotel workers, has just launched a major new website with daily updates on this issue, here:

In addition, the IUF is holding its 25th Congress in Geneva next week which we'll be helping to cover with a live blog featuring text, photos, audio and video. Coverage starts on Sunday, here:



There are two online petitions you should know about. First, the European Trade Union Confederation is aiming to get a million signatures on a petition in support of high quality public services. This petition had 70,500 signatories this morning. Please add your name here:

Second, we've been asked by postal unions in Europe to support the 'Hands off my postman!' online petition, opposing the liberalisation of postal markets in the EU. The petition had 38,500 signatures this morning. Please add your name here:



Finally, we've closed down our most recent Australian campaign, which was directed against Thales, a French-based multinational. According to the union, the two sides have agreed to "commence negotiations for a collective agreement on the basis that the new agreement will not exclude professionals and middle managers. This is a significant outcome for employees and provides a basis for moving forward with our collective bargaining rights respected. Previously management had insisted that professionals and middle management would be excluded from coverage under a new collective agreement."

The union thanks the thousands of you who participated in the campaign for helping bring about this result.

Online campaigns work! Please show your support for our brothers and sisters in Zimbabwe and Sri Lanka today:

Have a great weekend.

Eric Lee

Texts appearing here are often press releases sent to us by unions and other organizations which do not appear elsewhere on the web. LabourStart takes no responsibility for their content.

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