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PRESS RELEASE: 01-02-2006

GSEE President Christos Polyzogopoulos miraculously survived a murderous assault by a gang of thugs in downtown Athens, Tuesday, Jan 31st at 20:00 hrs.
Christos was dragged out of his car together with Prof. Robolis, Director GSEE’s research and training institute, by a group of about 20 “unidentified” perpetrators who with murderous intent for a length of time savagely beat him and fled.

He received more than 40 calculated vicious blows - most of them on his head – sustaining multiple injuries, but is not at risk. Prof Robolis sustained light injuries.

We condemn this cowardly assault which in the person of the GSEE President is directed against the Greek trade union movement. GSEE emphasizes that it occurs at a critical time of intensified trade union action against a multifaceted anti – labour policy that targets core labour rights in Greece while negotiations for the new National Collective agreement are under way.

We call on authorities to undertake take effective action to bring swiftly before justice the perpetrators who inconceivably vanished into thin air in the centre of Athens at a busy hour.

We call on the Government, to ensure the functioning of institutions and protect the safety of all citizens against such poisonous violence which ultimately undermines democracy and freedom.

The labour movement in this country has a proud history and will not in any way be intimidated or coerced into passive submission persisting in its struggle to defend workers’ rights and income.

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